2012-13 Japan Tour Part 9

On December 27, Avex announced 8 additional stops in the Northeastern Tohoku area, to take place from May 27 to June 14, 2013.

July 1

A belated discovery of a month-old blog, by a male retiree who went to the May 31 concert in Natori Hall in Miyagi 宮城 prefecture.



<<   作成日時 : 2013/06/01 09:26   >>








Nobuyuki Tsujii concert

<<   Created on: 2013/06/01 09:26   >>

Since retirement, I have gone to several concerts.  I stayed about from them while working for a company, because sometimes a ticket purchased has to be cancelled due to work hours and trips.  I was also enticed by a free concert for reconstruction assistance recently.

On 5/31, I went to a Nobuyuki Tsujii piano concert piano. As an additional performance of his Japan tour, it seems that in 2013 he was doing concerts around the disaster area. His would be playing Chopin and Debussy. Live performance sounds good. 

This concert I enjoyed and was surprised that it was an experience like no others before.

• When I went to buy a ticket, even though I arrived 30 minutes before launch time, there was a long line;  it took three hours until I made the purchase. The reason for the time was because of people choosing their seats at ticketing.

-Female customers accounted for 70-08% of the audience, uncommon in classical concerts.

And women fans were  enthusiastic,cheering loudly at the end of each song.  I have experienced men cheering and shouting "bravo", but this was a first experience.  

-Tsujii made ​​five encores in response to cheers. I had only expected two of Chopin and Debussy, but he returned for many encores, including a self-made piece. Cheers for good work.

June 17



辻井伸行 いわき公演 非日常












Nobuyuki Tsujii Iwaki performance Extraordinary 

Good evening.

A pipe organ from the Vatican, on which BANANA played the song "stepped on a cat". At about that time, I regretted not practicing the piano seriously.

On the 14th, I went to the recital of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.

It seems that he gave 8 performances seems in Miyagi, Iwate, Ibaraki, adding Fukushima as an additional performance of Japan tour.

Final performance of the tour was Iwaki.

It was brimming with strength but also tenderness; it was pleasant time.

I feel that he must have been brought up under a lot of love from his parents.

He did not turn away from the sound of applause, and gave encores  five times.

When the lights came back on, many red eyes could be seen in the audience.  Mine included, of course.

June 16



「辻井伸行コンサート」 操られる10の音 




















Nobuyuki Tsujii recital

The sound of ten fingers

I was listening to the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii. It is a concert at the prefectural Cultural Center.

The venue became dark, the piano on stage was illuminated by a spotlight; the pianist appeared.

At the sight of him, I recognized him again.  Oh, come to think of it, lighting is not required for this pianist. Even if the venue is suddenly wrapped in darkness due to a power failure, he - being blind - would be able to continue playing undisturbed.

He sat down, confirmed the position of the keyboard, and while we waited nervously he adjusted the position of bench.  Then, after a moment of silence, "Arabesque" started flowing out without warning. I was caught off guard, tears flowed instantly.

The sound of Debussy flew, one sound after one sound independent, slowly and securely.

Indeed, it is hardly noticeable that the sound was generated by 10 fingers.  Somehow he combine the sound of 10 independent fingers striking the piano keys and brought it to harmony.

I  closed my eyes, trying to shut off the light in the same way as him.

Pleasant feeling of floating and unstable space without border

The programmed performance ended with Chopin, "La Campanella" was an impressive encore.

In the encores, (forgive me for saying this)he played the reconstruction song "flowers bloom" and because it was after listening to Chopin and Debussy, I was surprised of the sparseness of sound in the popular music.  <By comparison>, the classical music is so well made, a perfection, a miracle.

I recalled the words of the conductor of my high school orchestra.  "When you pay a song that is of the rage now, you don't hear much song.  Classical music demands the students to play harder an with feelings."

Mr. Tsujii, of course, played the work "flowers bloom" without cutting corners.

While I sat completely still enjoying the senses, I felt the power of Mr. Tsujii. (Somehow, I feel like calling him Tsujii kun out of familiarity)

June 15/16

http://ameblo.jp/jkrmy/entry-11553004591.html <blog of "sandman", a male baseball fan >

2013-06-15 19:57:40 















Yesterday, I went to the ARIOS <concert hall> in local Iwaki.  For me, classical music is not exactly my favorite.  However, when I heard that Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii was coming, I took a ticket.  I had never heard the songs ... knew only two of them ,  but ... how should I say.  I was incredibly drawn; time flew; tears down the cheek;  I was very impressed. Applause never ceased ringing,  5 encore songs plus curtain calls.  He chose to end his nationwide tour in  the affected prefectures of Tohoku; the last stop was Iwaki.

My mind was cleansed and rejuvenated; the evening left me with sore palms. 

And instead of  saying so and so is classical piano , by all means everyone should go listen if you have a chance!

辻井伸行のコンサートいいな〜今回東北に多めに来てるから 行きたかったー(´・_・`) Concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii was as I hoped.   It was generous of him to come to Tohoku (the Northeast) this time. I want to go again.  -tweet


2013-06-15 18:53:43 | Weblog









Nobuyuki Tsujii piano, was good.

I went to Nobuyuki Tsujii piano concert

It was a good sound. He was nice.

It was a great performance.  I  feel the heart.

Tears came out.

Now I look forward to.

Also, I want to listen to him.

June 14  Friday 18:30  いわき芸術文化交流館アリオスIwaki Alios Performing Arts Center (1,705 seats) http://iwaki-alios.jp/cd/app/index.cgi?C=event&H=PAGE&D=01092 According to this blogger, the area was under a threat of typhoon.  Today's weather forecast is favorable. This is the last of 8 stops in the Tohoku region that was added to Nobu's 2012/13 Japan tour at his own request.  It will mark the end of that tour. 

Tweeters reported good weather and another moving performance, with five encores.

image via Internet link

辻井伸行の演奏わず!本当に素晴らしすぎだ!感動して涙が…アンコール5曲もやってくれたし。本当にまた聴きたい!ピアノ弾きたいよ〜  https://twitter.com/Yoshim0314/status/345535959326154753/photo/1 <photo of venue before performance> 辻井伸行さん!本当にいい演奏ありがとう!

Nobuyuki Tsujii's recital! Was really wonderful ! Moved to tears ...  then five encores  ... am impressed. I also really want to listen to!  I want to play the piano.   Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, thank you for a really good performance!  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのコンサート、もうすぐ始まります。今日はスカート、パンプス履い て来た(^-^)/冷え取りお休み!!Nobuyuki Tsujii 's concert will begin soon. Today I came wearing skirt and pumps  - cold weather has taken a break! !  -tweet

今から辻井伸行さんのコンサートいってきます♪! Right now,  I'm going to the concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii ♪ !  -tweet

チケットあっという間に売り切れた…RT @fishing_pippo: 辻井伸行さんの美しいピアノの音色を聞き、ぴぽは浄化され、澄んだ心を持つ白ぴぽにメタモルフォーゼを遂げました。今日からは清く美しく正しいぴぽになり ます。... And tickets were sold out in no time  (in response to a previous posting) Listening to the beautiful piano sound of Nobuyuki Tsujii, I am purified; it has transformed me, with a clear mind. I feel wonderfully clean today.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんの生の演奏聴けてよかった~。何か余韻で今日は安眠出来そう…(¦3_ヽ)ュ It was good to hear Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii perform live.   Somehow I seem to be able to sleep today in the afterglow.  -tweet

辻井伸行のラ・カンパネラに感銘を受けて寝るどころじゃなくなった  The La Campanella of Nobuyuki Tsujii was impressive.  I am no long er far from sleep. -tweet











ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m

Nobuyuki Tsujii's Piano concert @ ARIOS  starting soon

I've lost my front-row seat for some reason

In most previous concerts of his I was able to see his face.

Thank you.

http://minkara.carview.co.jp/en/userid/719028/blog/30324015/ <blog of an auto mechanic?>

2013/06/14 Music Vol.9 ~辻井伸行 












I went to the concert accompanying my daughter-in-law.

It seems to be the last stop on theJapan tour of Nobuyuki Tsujii.

He is a blind person, but extremely good.

Chopin and Debussy

It was 2 hours and 30 minutes.

In addition, fan service was great.

In response to the applause that did not stop ringing,

Encore time and time again.

NHK flowers song, and the collaboration song with Atsushi: Exile


In another blog post  titled "Stunning concert" by a grandmother who was at the concert, the blogger kindly gave us a photo of the list of the 5 encores - Debussy's "Dream", Chopin's "Revolution" etude, Nobu's "Still we live", NHK song "Flowers Bloom", and Chopin's Nocturne No. 8, after which Nobu probably waved at the audience before disappearing behind the curtains.  The blogger wrote that the sound was so comfortable that she dozed off :-)

昨夜はアリオスで辻井伸行さんのピアノを聴いた。ドビュッシーとショパンの有名どころぞろい。そして怒涛のアンコール五曲。いやはやいやはや。I was listening to the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii's in ARIOS last night. complete set of Chopin and Debussy popular works. And five torrid encore songs.   It ended too soon.  -tweet

http://blog.livedoor.jp/mosuke826/archives/66112586.html  <blog of Iwati music teacher>








おぉ! まさにそんな感じ(笑)










June 15, 2013

Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii

Mo <blogger's daughter ?> and I were at Arios last night!

In a word: Great!   It was a nice performance.

At night, e-mail came from fellow instructor

 <I felt like God had come down> ...

Oh! Exactly (laughs)

In response to our enthusiastic applause, he gave us 5 encores

The atmosphere was downright happy,

and I was immersed in the afterglow for a while.

The playing of Tsujii was very lovely

Adult, of course, but also a lot of  elementary school students who looked like little pianist came, I think because they were drawn to his charm.

Mo said, "I want to be an assistant to Mr. Tsujii!"

June 13

明日の辻井伸行さんの公演スタッフが昔からの友達だった。7年ぶりだよ、びっくりだよ Tomorrow going to performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii with staff and old friends. It's been seven years, I'm surprised.  -tweet


Husband stories today, and saw Nobuyuki Tsujii's pianist at the gym that we frequent,  I just missed him. The gym is now a new tourist destination. I look forward to tomorrow.  -tweet

June 12  Wednesday 18:30 相馬市民文化会館ゆめはっと Soma City Civic Culture Center Minamisoma Hall (1,109 seats) second recital in Fukushima

image via Internet link

辻井伸行さんのピアノ聴いてきた。なんかクラシックとかわかんないけどさ、心が清められたんだよね~。バイトでお給 料いただきつつ、素敵な演奏も聴けて満足満足(^ν^) I've heard  the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii. I do not know much about classical music, but my heart was sanctified ... a lovely performance satisfaction satisfaction.  -tweet

今夜は 辻井伸行のピアノ聞いてまいりました。やはり凄いでたヾ ^_^Tonight, we have heard the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  It was great.   -tweet

辻井伸行ピアノコンサートin南相馬 アンコール4曲中、ラスト2曲は「それでも、生きてゆく」「花は咲く」(そういえばNHK「おはよう日本」の取材が 入るとの張り紙があった)手を振りながら幕に入る辻井さんに手を振る観客がいたが、目が見えない事を感じさせない素晴らしい演奏でした  Nobuyuki Tsujii Piano Concert in Minamisoma   Four encores, last two "Still we live" and "Flowers bloom" ... He waved his hand at the crowd for a while before  he entered the curtain <for the final time> and someone in the audience waved back at him.  It was a great performance that did not feel like he could not see with his eyes. -tweet

辻井伸行日本ツアー2012/13 in 南相馬ゆめはっと 今休憩中。辻井さん、小柄なくまさんみたい。Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan  2012/13 tour in Minamisoma.  Intermission now. Mr. Tsujii, like a small bear.  -tweet

June 10 Monday 18:00  福島県文化センターLarge Hall Cultural Center  First of  3 concerts in Fuhushima

image via http://www.culture-center.fks.ed.jp/img/mainimg.jpg

http://www.fukushima-koutu.co.jp/upd/detail.php?update_id=474 <Fuhushima Public Transportation, Inc.>


(6月10日) いつも福島交通をご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。

辻井伸行 日本ツアー2012/13 《ドビュッシー&ショパン》開催に伴い、会場の福島県文化センターと福島駅を結ぶ臨時バスを運行いたします。ぜひご利用ください

We operate a special bus line with the "Nobuyuki Tsujii" piano concert.

Thank you for using the Fukushima traffic always (June 10).

For the Nobuyuki Tsujii 2012/13 Japan Tour "Debussy and Chopin" concert, we will operate a special bus that connects the  Fukushima station and the cultural center  venue. Please make use  of it."



2012-11-06 09:45:17 June 11










Yesterday, I went to listen to piano of Mr. Tsujii, for the first time.

Despite inflated expectations, I came away admiring the sound of the piano more.

Above all, I was surprised by the variety of  tone that he generated from his fingertips, even though his body hardly moves above the elbow.

 It was unquestionably a top-notch performance. Among the works played, the best were some songs in the encores, including "La Campanella" ...

I  worried about the dry air in the hall and the coughing in the audience, but the excellent performance drove away such a thing.  It was really good. 

During the 20 minute intermission I spoke to friends and colleagues , and we agree that he is a serious addition to piano.

I also want to listen to him again, by all means!

June 10

今晩は福島県文化センターに辻井伸行さんが演奏きてくれたらしい、母が純粋でじんと感動して涙でた、と電話でよろこんでた  バスがなければききたかった   つづく南相馬、いわき、、アシュケナージとやるんだ!http://www.nobupiano1988.com/schedule/  Fukushima Prefecture Cultural Center tonight Nobuyuki Tsujii Minamisoma that follows, Iwaki you wanted to hear if there is no bus that was happy on the phone's seems to have me come play, and was a tear impressed Jinto mother is a pure,, I do do the Ashkenazi! http://www. Nobupiano1988.Com/schedule /

Nobuyuki Tsujii seems to have me come to perform in the Fukushima Prefecture Cultural Center tonight  I was happy to hear on the phone that my mother was moved to tears by the pure music.  I wanted to go but there is no bus to get there.  I will go to the Ashkenazy concert in Iwaki!  -tweet

辻 井伸行ピアノコンサート終了!また素晴らしい音楽に出会った。鳥肌がたって涙が出た! Nobuyuki Tsujii piano concert just ended! Wonderful music. Tears came out; goose bumps!  -tweet

辻井伸行君のピアノコンサートに来た!I have come to the piano concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii!  -tweet

今 日は会社を早退させて頂いて、辻井伸行のコンサートに向かってます☆すっごい混んでるし...And I was allowed to leave early by the company hato go to the concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii ☆ It was really crowded today ...  -tweet

June 9/10

 辻井伸行が福島のまちなかを普通に歩いてた(笑) Nobuyuki Tsujii is walking all over town like ordinary people in Fukushima (laugh)  -tweet

今日は辻井伸行コンサートだ!盲目の彼がどんなピアノを奏でるのか楽しみ! Today is Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert! He is blind but his piano playing is great fun!   -tweet

June 5  18:30 茨城県立県民文化センター Ibaraki Prefectural Culture Center (1,514 seats) 

http://www.icf4717.or.jp/kouen.html#tsujii   SOLD OUT.  50th Anniversary Concert - sponsored by Ibaraki broadcasting . 

image via Internet link

image via Internet link

Tweets about the concert:

Tour 2012/13 June 5th, 2013 #辻井伸行 #avex classics http://instagram.com/p/aLWej5vRmp/  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのピアノリサイタル♡ (@ 県民文化センター) [pic]: http://4sq.com/15A6JlP  Nobuyuki Tsujii piano recital at Prefectural Cultural Center)   -tweet

Favorite tweet of the day:

今 日は辻井伸行さんのピアノリサイタル、とっても心の底からワクワクした♡ショパンはカツァリスが1番だって決め付けていたけど、色んな人の色んなショパン があるんだ‼2度目のアンコールで幻想即興曲を弾いてくれた時は、興奮して叫びそうになって、身体中が震えた。サイコー(≧∇≦)Piano recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii today,  I was thrilled from the bottom of my heart... He played a lot of Chopin ... when he started playing the Fantasy Impromptu as the 2nd encore, I was so excited I started to cry - my body was trembling throughout.  -tweet

And another tweeter wrote: Also , he played <Beethoven's> Symphony No.5 c-minor ( '' fate" ) !  If so, great news!  I am very glad that Nobu is trying out new encores - I want to hear them in fall when I am in Japan for his concerts with Ashkenazy!!!!

辻井伸行さんのピアノ。ドビュッシーの『版画』『喜びの島』に美しい色を聴いた。さまざまな色彩が目眩く。まさしく絵画的音の世界。和音が面と層で迫り、 旋律はまるい音の粒。どこまでも丸く、滑らかに、時に躍りながら。音という色彩の波にさらわれていく。 Piano of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  I heard the beautiful colors of Debussy's "prints" and "Island of joy".  Dizzying variety of colors, a world of pictorial sound.  Layers of chords, round grains of melody.  Smooth leaps.  I was swept away by the waves of sound and colors.  -tweet

And another good one:

辻井伸行さんのピアノ。ドビュッシーの『版画』『喜びの島』に美しい色を聴いた。さまざまな色彩が目眩く。まさしく絵画的音の世界。和音が面と層で迫り、 旋律はまるい音の粒。どこまでも丸く、滑らかに、時に躍りながら。音という色彩の波にさらわれていく。 Piano of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  I heard the beautiful colors of Debussy's "prints" and "Island of joy".  Dizzying variety of colors, a world of pictorial sound.  Layers of chords, round grains of melody.  Smooth leaps.  I was swept away by the waves of sound and colors.  -tweet

辻井伸行のコンサー トわず゚+。*(*´∀`*)*。+゚ めっちゃ凄くて感動しました聴けて本当によかった(´人・ω・。)✨ . concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii just over.   I was very impressed. Truly it was really good to hear.  -tweet

辻井伸行さん☆ショパンしか分からなかったケド、良かった!!オリジナル 曲感動した  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  I only knew the  Chopin, but it was good! The original compositions impressed me.  -tweet

おじいちゃんとおばあちゃんは今日は辻井伸行さんのコンサートへお出かけ。羨ましい Grandma and Grandpa today went to Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert. Enviable.  -tweet

こ れから 辻井伸行君のピアノリサイタル♪感動して聞く前から泣きそう(;_;) Now, just before listening to Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano recital ♪ I am already  crying (; _ ;)  -tweet

昨晩#辻井伸行さんの演奏@県民文化センターへ。大きな若い清流に心に滞りを流して貰った感じ…。目をつぶると、沢山のキラキラ輝くもの達が浮かんでく る。きっとそれは辻井さんのありようのようなもの。清らかな思いを持って謙虚に働かなければ…と思った。Last night, Nobuyuki Tsujii performed at the Prefectural Cultural Center . It felt as if a big young ... clear stream passed through the mind.   Closing our eyes, sparkling things come to mind.    I am sure that is how it is with Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  He works humbly with pure thoughts.  -tweet

Blog posts:


2013-06-06 12:55:14



































Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii

After work yesterday I rushed to the concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii! !

Tickets sold out immediately.  And really it was only made available through my mother at the last minute.  I think he has been performing in the Northeast since May 27th.  I love Debussy's "Clair de lune".  And ... Chopin

Although Debussy was stylish and sophisticated, his Chopin was strong and dramatic.

More than anything, I was impressed with the encores.  Four time he returned to stage.

And what lingers in mind is his bow of 90 degrees.  To the right, to the left, in the middle.  I was really impressed.  Looking around, I saw friendly faces, satisfied.

All alone only with piano, he was able to deliver something to so many ...

Thank you for a really nice performance really! !  I will also do my best.

May 29 A big thanks to Mr. Peter Rosen, who gave us "A surprise in Texas" and who is currently in Japan filming Nobu's Tohoku tour.  He very kindly sent in this delightful photo: "Nobuyuki with a chorus of students from the Tagajo Elementary School where he performed a recital and accompanied the student chorus. Tagajo was one of the most severely devastated areas after the Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011."

June 2  Nobu performed today  at 15:00 in 盛岡市都南文化会館(キャラホール)Morioka Tonan Cultural Center (1,042 seats).  The popularity of the concert is such that a web page on the organizer's site said: "All seats sold out.  Because there is limited parking, please use our public transportation."

Comments and news collected on this site at 2012-13 Japan Tour Part 9

image via Internet link

Tweet posted by a happy 岩手県盛岡市 (Morioka, Iwate)  customer at about 10PM Japan time

辻 井伸行さん。彼の指は鳥のよう。翼のようにも見えるし、美しい声を発する可愛い嘴のも見える。アンコール5曲もうれしい。とても良い時間だった。ありがと うございます♪ Nobuyuki Tsujii 's. His fingers flew like a bird. His hands looked like  wings, and beautiful sound emitted from a cute beak . Happily, 5 encore songs .  It was a very good time. Thank you.

Other tweets that came up after the concert:

駅で目が見えないピアニストの辻井伸行さん見た I saw  blind pianist Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii at the station  - tweet from Morioka City, Iwate about 11PM Japan time

音楽を聴いていると、絵が浮かぶことがある。風景だったり、光景だったり、色だけだったり。全て、何かで見たことがあって、記憶の片隅にある物だと思う。でも、生まれながらに全盲だったら……。辻井伸行さんの心には、どんな絵が浮かんでいるんだろう。彼の演奏を聴いてそんな事を思った。Listening to the music, I could see a landscape, a sight, colors - something stored in his mind... He is blind from birth; the picture must have come from his heart.  These are my thoughts as I listened to his playing.

「辻井伸行 日本ツアー」いやぁ~ クラシックは詳しい方ではないけど… なんか凄かった。 全体的な雰囲気もあるけど、優しい音だなぁって思った(*^^*) ちゃんと力強さもあるんだけどね(^^) とにかく良かったってこと(^-^) "Nobuyuki Tsujii  Japan Tour". I do not know classical music well. It was something amazing.  But there is also a general mood; I thought it sound friendly, and powerful.  It was good anyway. 

And thanks to a kind tweeter, we now know which 5 encores were played.  The tweet says: 昨日は辻井伸行くんのピアノソロコンサートへ。 アンコールに大感動(*^^*) <Was at piano solo concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii kun yesterday.  Greatly impressed with the encores>, with this photo.  <The encores listed are: Debussy's "Dream", Liszt's "La Campanella", "Still we live on", "Flowers Bloom", Chopin's "Farewell".

image via Internet link

http://fanblogs.jp/mimahiro/  <blog of a beer lover>









Nobuyuki Tsujii ・Japan Tour

In the afternoon, I went with two people and my wife to a concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii. Venue parking was full ...

How do we explain Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii being so famous?

At age 25, he is now one of the pianists representing Japan.

Encores also he did four times, five times, very satisfying! What a feeling. Indeed, when he performed the "Song of Farewell" I thought, "Oh, don't let it be the last."  But it was a great concert. ...

May 31  This evening Nobu will perform the last of 3 recitals in Miyagi precinct, at the 多賀城市民会館 great hall Tagajo civic center (1,120 seats)

image via Internet link

image via Internet link


June 1 blog post






























































Nobuyuki Tsujii concert

I got tickets with great difficulty.

since his winning at the 2009 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition , the availability has beome impossible.

They are so-called Platinum tickets.

Last year when he came to Sendai, I made calls desperately, but the voice announcement said "sold out" by the time I got through...

I did my homework to catch news about his performances this time.  As it turned out, we got words that he would be performing at three venues in the Miyagi Prefecture (anticlimactic ...).

However, the situation was no different: the venes sold out ; the popularity was fierce.

18:30 at theConcert Hall.  The air was hot and stuffy.  It seemed most in the audience are older than me and female.

19:00 Nobuyuki Tsujii appearance from on stage! Thunderous applause in the  venue

 Playing started.

Program first half Debussy, and after the break Chopin in the second half.


I am unfamiliar with the works of Debussy, but in his playing, precise and delicate., I did not feel the handicap of  his eyes .  I do not know the songs enough to report  appropriate impressions not think (I'm sorry).

By the way. I had a seat where I could see the keyboard well, thanks to advance ticket reservation.   So I was able to see the fingering while listening, paying attention to the movement of the hands while listening to music.  Just having a look at his piano touch and fingering convinces me that he deserves to be called a genius.

Perhaps because I am used to listening to Chopin, there was room to listen while the score slowly floating in the head, reachinga quiet climax of the songs.

How that little body put out power!

The sound struck the heart with great force, such as I never heard until now.

It is the music of love, compelling personally.

The "Heroic Poloanise" was played last; we honored Mr. Tsujii with a great applause, which did not stop ringing ...

Then , the long-awaited encore!

First song was an original song whose melody that seems to get used immediately (but I do not know Song Title)

The second song is! What! ! Chopin's "Revolution"  It is familiar on TV! I really love it!

I was listening while impressed tears came out much. It was really a great encore.

Then he spoke, saying that he appreciated the concentration of the audience today, and there is a personal message before he played the third song.

"Still, we live on " song was composed and I think, "I think I want to encourage the people in the affected areas through the power of music and I think ."

It is a simple song.  It is an attractive  original song.

"The flowers bloom" NHK Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction project song song third song similar disaster-related 4th track

It is a great song!

Feeling  my heart washed, and the mind refreshed ...

It was a song to remember .

However, I do wonder if it is necessary for all the going back and forth on stage during encores.

 I was able to watch the  delicate and accurate performance live, without sensing the handicap.

I Like the piano of Mr. Tsujii, my wife -- who was with me -- was also pleased and greatly impressed.

I would like to listen to him again if the opportunity arises.

http://ameblo.jp/piano-onpu/entry-11542463989.html Tomiko's blog -- a piano teacher











Thank You Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.

Yesterday, I went to the piano concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii's

I had seen him several times on TV, but it was the first time to see him live.

I wanted to see with my own eyes how he position his fingers at the beginning of each performance, and how he is able to hit notes of more than one octave.

His great technique is amazing, surely from a lot of practicing...

May 31






辻井伸行 日本ツアー2012/13 《ドビュッシー&ショパン》開催に伴い、会場の福島県文化センターと福島駅を結ぶ臨時バスを運行いたします。ぜひご利用ください。

Fukushima Transportation, Inc.

We operate a special bus line with the "Nobuyuki Tsujii" piano concert.  (June 10)

Thank you for always using the Fukushima transportation.

For the Nobuyuki Tsujii 2012/13 Japan Tour "Debussy and Chopin" concert, we will operate a special bus that connects the  Fukushima station and the cultural center  venue. Please make use  of it.

May 29 19:00 at Miyagi Prefecture 仙台・電力ホール  Sendai power Hall (1,000 seats)  http://bunka.natori.or.jp/event/1366/   完売御礼sold out

電力ホールなう。辻井伸行さんリサイタルへ^ ^ At Power Hall.  Nobuyuki Tsujii recital.  -tweet

今日は辻井伸行さんのコンサートに行ってきたよ‼うん、爆睡してもーた(^ω^)心地良いピアノの音色に包まれて最高だった あ‼ pic.twitter.com/MwihnibXWu Today I went to a concert of  Nobuyuki Tsujii san! Yeah, I wish I was wrapped in the best piano tone  -tweet

辻井伸行君のコンサートに行ってきました♪ 素晴らしい演奏に、感動してしまったよ(*^^*)I went to a concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  It was a great performance ♪  I was moved (* ^ ^ *)  -tweet


Today, the sound was poor, but it was good to be at a Nobuyuki Tsujii  piano concert  (* '▽' *) Encores,  La Campanella and also original song, were impressive.  -tweet

辻井伸行コンサートツアー2013に行ってきました。 大好きな英雄ポロネーズが聴けて感激 頭の中に楽譜が入ってるんですよね。凄い。笑顔のかわいい素敵な人でした。 I went to a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii 2013 Japan tour. Listening to my favourite heroic poloanise was inspiring. Amazing. It was a lovely person with great smile  -tweet

今日は家にひとりぼっちです(._.) お母さんは辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサートに行きました。Alone in the house today.  Mother went to the piano concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  -tweet

昨日の辻井伸行さんのコンサートで心洗われました。きらびやかでかつダイナミックで温かい音に魅了されました。ドビュッシーは頭の中に色彩豊か な絵が風景が浮かんでくるような表現豊かな音でした。奇跡の音。I was washed in the heart of concert Nobuyuki Tsujii's yesterday. I was fascinated by the sound, warm and dynamic and glittering. The Debussy brought to mind an expressive landscape, a picture rich colors. The sound of the miracle.  -tweet

http://pub.ne.jp/bluesky531/?entry_id=4910017 <bluesky531's blog http://www10.plala.or.jp/blueskyinmiyagi/>

image via Internet link



... 「震災から2年の月日を経てもなお、大変な思いをされている方々が沢山いらっしゃる地域の音楽ホールが、音楽を聴く場所として再開されはじめたことを知り、皆様に、ぜひ私の演奏を直接お届けしたいとの想いからスタートをした。」と日本ツアーの追加講演として実現したと言うリサイタルは特別なツアーでもありました。



Music of an Angel "Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan tour 2012/2013"

... It should be noted that even after two years from the "disaster, people in the area think about the music hall a lot, and it is beginning to resume as a place for people to gather to listen to music.  In an additional lecture before the recital, it was said that "We are beginning of a feeling that we want to deliver directly through  the performance."

Now, I write this blog whilelistening to the CD of movie theme "The feedback of the falcon" <composed by Nobu in 2011>.  I remain in the afterglow of yesterday's recital.

http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/bbfarm/diary/201305300000/?scid=we_blg_tw01 a great blog post with photos, including this one that shows Nobu played a new encore, "spring" by Debussy!  It is a work rarely heard.


2013/5/30 (Thu) AM 8:06

辻井 伸行さんのリサイタルに行ってきました(^^♪

辻井 伸行ピアノリサイタル








「華麗なる大円舞曲」(ワルツ第1番 ホ長調 作品18)

「スケルツォ第2番 変ロ短調 作品31」

「幻想ポロネーズ」(ポロネーズ第7番 変イ長調 作品61)

「英雄ポロネーズ」(ポロネーズ第6番 変イ長調 作品53)


音が明るく とても素敵でした

こういってはなんですが辻井さん コンクールに優勝しましたが

どれぐらい 弾けるのか



でが 彼はすごい!



かえって彼にそんな先入観をもったことがとても恥ずかしいくらい いい演奏でした


私としてはフジコ ヘミングと同じか超えたぐらい すごく良かったです

トリルがすごくきれいで 今まで聴いた演奏の中ではすごく速くてでも しっかり音が出ていてすごい!

もうアンコールは涙 涙でした

もう 私のまわりでは 泣いている方すごく多かった



すごく 辻井さんの気持ちがとてもこもったいい曲でした

(すみません 曲名忘れました)

また 演奏会に行きたいな~

I went to a recital of Mr. Tsujii Nobuyuki

... It was the first time that I heard the performance of the works of Claude Debussy

The Sound was bright and very nice

Although I knew Mr. Tsujii won a competiton, excuse me for saying this, I was not expecting too much of his plaing.

But he is great!

It is the feeling that the sound comes from the mind honestly

It was amazing to think that he really could not see

The performance is so good that I am very much ashamed to have prejudiced against him.

Liszt's La Campanella was really good, equal to or exceeding that of Fujiko Hemming.

The amazing sound is comes out firmly even if it is very fast; his trill was the most beautiful that I have heard in a performance that I have heard in a performance!

Encore brought on tears

There were many people who were crying around me.

I was really impressed with the song that he conceived after the earthquake two years ago

It was a good song that feeling of Tsujii was very very gentle(Sorry, I forgot the song title. )

I want to go to more <of his> concerts.


2013.05.30 Thursday 21:07


... 「それでも、生きてゆく」の演奏中から、会場内から鼻をすする音が響き始め、









Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan Tour in Sendai

... When he started playing "Still, we live on" in, sniffles began to sound in the venue,

I was also almost weeping.

I mean, I mean, it is a very favorite song from the time it was being used in the drama,

I have always been impressed, but when I heard that the sond was immediately composed after the earthquake, the true meaning of this song came through.

He came back to the stage several times, always smiling, and finally waved his hand.

Really generous with encores (laughs).

As always, I really admire his spirit of service.

I would like to hear his concerto next time.

http://ameblo.jp/mo2tona2noha2/entry-11539903420.html  <this blogger was at the May 27 concert in Natori City>


































Last night, it was a concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.

It was Debussy and Chopin that I went to hear.

Mr. Tsujii, very small

The way he walks and bows in greeting was rather awkward.

But the Heroic Polonaise was a very powerful performance.

He is blind from birth, and I wonder how it feels.

He could not possibly imagine what it is like to be sighted.

Many works of Debussy depict images of pictures, how does he feel playing them?

I guess he has his perception of them.

For encores,

Debussy's "dream"

Chopin's "Revolution"

And, "still, we live on."

and "Flowers bloom"

He impressed me with the four songs

It was a concert of the greatest satisfaction.

There is a picture "House of Hope", donated from Germany,  It is next to the hall.  It seems like the next city.

The hall of the venue was a temporary morgue.  These days people forget such a thing.  Please try not to forget


2013年06月03日 June 3, 2013














Nobuyuki Tsujii piano concert

Last week a ​​concertwas held in Sendai on Wednesday.  Sold out of course.

With good luck continued from last year, I managed to get tickets.

Northeast tour this time of Chopin and Debussy.

The Debussy brought a colorful landscape floating in the mind.

The Chopin was strong yet delicate.

Encores: Spring of Debussy, Campanella of Liszt, his own "Still, we live on".  The piano stained like prayer. There was here and there sobs. The thought of the reconstruction was transmitted. 

His talk was delightful and playful, and in good cheers.

I want to go to listen more.

May 27 Miyagi 宮城 prefecture 名取市文化会館 Natori Cultural Center Hall http://bunka.natori.or.jp/event/1366/

 Natori Cultural Center image via Internet link

Natori City Concert hall after earthquake, image via Internet link

email from Mr. Peter Rosen, who is in Japan continuing the filming of a documentary of Nobu:

Had a very great concert tonight. Nobu spoke to the audience at length at the end before the last two encore pieces,

and visited several shrines to pray for those who lost their lives.

Nobu fan 小林麻美-san (Ms. Asami Kobayashi ), a frequent visitor to my facebook page for Nobu fans,  was at the concert. I asked her what Nobu said to the audience, and she very graciously wrote back:






とても幸せな時間を過ごせました( ´ ▽ ` )

After playing two encores, Debussy's "dream" ad Chopin's "Revolution", Mr. Tsujii talked to the audience.

He said thank you and said that he could sense our concentration.  To thank us for our big applause, he asked to be allowed to play his original song "Still we live" composed in the aftermath of the earthquake.  He talked some more after that.  It was not easy to hear what he said because of the applause, but he mentioned the NHK project and the song writer of the song "Flowers bloom" before rewarded our big applause with playing that solo version of the song.

 After the last curtain call, he stepped off the stage with a beaming smile, waving his left hand. Great happy hours.

辻井伸行さんの演奏会。感動。充実した時をすごしました。 Nobuyuki Tsujii 's concert. Impressed. I spent the time with a sense of comfort.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサート行ってきました♪ 素晴らしすぎて、泣けたー! I went to concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii♪ Too wonderful  I cried!

今 宵は名取市文化会館での辻井伸行くんのコンサートへ。ダイナミックで伸び伸びした演奏がとても良かった。大好きなドビュッシーとショパンという組み合わせ もうれしかったな。 Tonight I am at the Natori City Cultural Center for the concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii. He was at ease in performance and the dynamic was very good. Also, I was happy to listen to the combination of Chopin and Debussy, my favorites.  -tweet

今日は、辻井伸行さんのコンサートに行ってきました。クラッシックのコンサートは初めてで緊張しましたが、席に座ると意外に大丈夫でした。(^^)海外の 取材の方が来ていたようです。宮城でのコンサートは、3か所で行われるのですが、入口のポスターには、「満員御礼」と書かれていました。 Today, I went to a concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  I was nervous about being at a classical concertat first, but it was all right, unexpectedly, once I took the seat. Someone from overseas seems to have come for the coverage. Concerts in Miyagi take place in three locations, but the poster atthe entrance says "sold out".  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのリサイタルに念願かなって!繊細でこんなに力強いダイナミックな演奏はいままで聞いた事がなかった。素晴らしい!被災地に元気を届けたい気 持が伝わる演奏でした。I am glad I went to the recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii san! I had never heard until now such powerful , dynamic, yet delicate playing. Amazing! It was a performance that transmits the feeling of he wanting to deliver energy to the disaster area .  -tweet

March 2

Tickets came on sale today for the June 14 concertいわき芸術文化交流館アリオスGreat Hall Arts and Cultural Exchange Center large hall (1700 seats)

http://iwaki-alios.jp/cd/app/index.cgi?C=event&H=PAGE&D=01092  Well , you can read below what happened ...

image via Internet link

Arts and Culture Exchange Center Arios Iwaki tweeted:

【チ ケット情報】本日(3/2土)10:00より受付開始しておりました6/14「辻井伸行 日本ツアー」ですが、いわきアリオス取扱分すべて受付終了いたしましたIs Today at 10:00 was the start of reception for tickets for "Japan Tour Nobuyuki Tsujii" on 6/14.  Handling all reception ended in minutes.

【チ ケット予約情報】6/14「辻井伸行 日本ツアー2012/13」ですが、受付初日で取扱がすべて終了しましたので、明日3/3(日)の窓口受付はございません。ご了承ください。   [Information] ticket booking for 6/14 "Nobuyuki Tsujii 2012/13  Japan tour  " handling of all reception finished on the first day, and there is no reception desk on Sunday, 3/3 tomorrow. Please note.

辻井伸行さんのチケ整理券取れたけど、 まさかの2時間待ち…。それにS席は整番的に完売とか Got tickets for concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii, two hours in the rain ... S seats <most expensive> were the first to sell out.

辻井伸行のコンサートチケットをゲットすべく、ローソンに並んでいる。こんなに混むローソン初めて見た。 Went to Lawson to pick up tickets for concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  I've never seen such a crowded Lawson.


I got Nobuyuki Tsujii's ticket! ! ー happy!  And the fourth row ♪

辻井伸行の南相馬市ゆめはっとリサイタルチケット発売後15分で完売した模様 Recital tickets of Nobuyuki Tsujii seem to have sold out in 15 minutes after launch

March 1 tweet by one who lives in  Iwaki city

あ す3月2日(土)は6月14日の辻井伸行くんいわき公演のチケット予約開始日になります。やたらお問い合わせが多いです。電話予約もスタッフ多めに出動し て頑張って受けますが、早く取りたい方はぜひWeb予約でお願いします。 Tomorrow March 2 (saturday) tickets reservation start for the June 14 performace of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii in Iwaki. There have been a great many inquiries.  We work hard and have dispatched extra staff to accept phone orders.   If you want to make an order, please book early via the Web.

Feb 26

辻井伸行のチケット一般発売日なので一時間前に県民文化センター来たのに、もう終わってた。(T_T) General ticket release for Nobuyuk Tsujii at the Prefectural Cultural Center; it was already finished in an hour. :-(  -tweet

チ ケット、本日発売で、もう、完売だそうです。 辻井伸行 日本ツアー2012/13のお知らせ 〜茨城放送 開局50周年記念 主催公演のお知らせ! *先行予約は終了致。 一般販売(2月26日〜)は下記、チケット取扱店にて行われます。 http://www.ibs-radio.com/?act=Topics&sel_no=678  … Tickets, whose general release started today, seem to have already sold out. Notice of 50th Ibaraki broadcasting  anniversary concert -  2012/13 Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan Tour  * Pre-sale is over. General sales (~ February 26) is carried out below, by dealer.  -tweet

Sendai Television Inc. posting http://ox-tv.jp/event/Tsujii2013_tagajo.asp

深い感動と喜びを巻き起こす辻井伸行の世界 待望の宮城3公演が決定!

鳴り止まぬ拍手、深い感動に包まれる満席の会場。世界各地で開催される辻井伸行の演奏会場の風景―。2009年6月、第13回ヴァン・クライバーン国際ピ アノ・コンクールで日本人として初の優勝を飾ったその名前は、瞬く間に世界を駆け巡り、今や超多忙のピアニストとなった辻井伸行。




The world of Tsujii Nobuyuki stirs up deep joy and excitement - a decision for the long-awaited three performances in Miyagi have been made!

Thunderous applause can be expected at the sold-out venues to cast a deep impression at the performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii, who has performed in various parts of the world.  Since 2009, when he won  the 13th Van Cliburn International Competition, the first Japanese to do so, Mr. Tsujii has been in demand all over the world.  When he performed in Sendai in 2012, tickets were sold out immediately, with many inquires.

In response to the clamor, this time concerts will take place in Natori, Sendai, Tagajo. This was made possible by the strong desire of Mr. Tsujii to bring music to as many people as possible.

Please enjoy the world of sound of Nobuyuki Tsujii, breathing in sound after sound.
