2013 BBC Proms Debut

"Moments I will long remember: blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii making something rich and luminous out of Rach Two ..." - Michael Church of the Independent (U.K., Sunday September 8 article

- Read  Nobuyuki Tsujii - his splendid 2013 BBC Proms debut

- Nobu's performance of Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 2 at the BBC Proms on July 16, 2013 can be watched on video here.

September 7


Sunday 8 September 2013 (The Independent, U.K.)

Michael Church: The Proms – a colossal ensemble work with a few duff notes

o farewell to another Proms season, with its pleasures and surprises, longueurs and banalities. Moments I will long remember: blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii making something rich and luminous out of Rach Two ...

August 27  As the 2013 Proms draws to a close.  It is good to see posting such as this page on which the trailer of his performance is one of the videos shown under the title "The Proms 2013-BBC" - I take that as a compliment to Nobu.

And, by coincidence, long-time Nobu fan Miyuki wrote:

"The latest issue of "音楽の友"(Friends of Music) magazine has a half-page article about Nobu's Proms appearance. The writer wrote that all the young artists who appeared on this year's Proms are great ones, but Nobu was especially extraordinary. She wrote she sat in the backside of the Royal Albert Hall but she could hear Nobu's beautiful sound clearly."

The article is listed on the magazine's table of contents on this page http://www.ongakunotomo.co.jp/magazine/ongakunotomo/

Found on September 3

http://theartofpromenading.wordpress.com/tag/royal-albert-hall/ <The Art of Promenading - Becky learns the art of promenading with a summer at the Proms>

After a couple of testing nights at the Royal Albert Hall I wondered what Proms 6 and 7 would have in store for me. Two Proms in one night felt a daunting prospect as I joined the queue.

Prom 6 comprised three pieces-the first of which was a world premiere filling me with some trepidation as the two previous premieres I’d experienced at the Proms had not been entirely pleasurable. My faith has been restored! ‘A Vision of the Sea’ by David Matthews was an enjoyable experience. Written at the composer’s home in Deal looking out over the Kent coast, I could hear waves lapping and seagulls cawing. The percussion section particularly impressed me, the three musicians working as a team to juggle the myriad of instruments throughout the piece.

The Hall was at full capacity and I suspect that most were there for pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii’s Proms debut. He gave a stunning performance of Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto No. 2 in C Minor. The piece had a reserved feel to it at the outset and it wasn’t until the heavenly second movement that I felt emotionally involved in the music. By the end of the dramatic third movement I was enthralled. Thankfully so was everyone else and our enthusiastic applause secured an encore from the pianist. A beautiful performance of Franz Liszt’s ‘La Campanella’. Such a privilege to hear....

August 11  A very belated but observant blog post showed up about Nobu's Proms performance

http://blog.goo.ne.jp/mondsonde/e/bd6b33be667ef5b4866c17fb7f1d5937 <blog by a Japanese in London since spring 2011>








流石に辻井君が終わったからといって帰っていく人はあまりいなかったようですが、 ...

... And second concerto of Rachmaninov. It is the Proms debut of Nobuyuki Tsujii. He is 24 years old (mid-20s), although my aunt seated next to me said he's in his early 20's. Wow, he does not look like a  24-year-old. Tsujii looked small on the arm of <Conductor> Mena (to be exact, he took the elbow of Mena). His hands looked big. He toured with the BBC Phil in Japan this year, but Mena was not the conductor. In London, I was able to listen to their performance in Tokyo, and it was very good. According to the interview with BBC, the orchestra formed a bond with Tsujii.  There was not much time to practice with the orchestra (they met only 3 days before), and he synchronized with the orchestra by matching the breath of Mena.

Rach 2, Very delicate.  Bold first movement.  The piano carried the beautiful and emotional melody of Rachmaninoff.    The string section of the orchestra was superb in the first movement.  In the adagio of the second movement,  the flute and clarinet sang firmly and emotionally in full sound.


What was a little disappointing is that there was applause after the first movement. Of course, it was a great performance worthy of applause, but the applause between movements ruined the concentration and I imagine also affected the breathing of the conductor; I do not like that. Applause had also happened in the Schumann performance of Alice <Ott, a German-Japanese female pianist>, but I'd like to think such applause for Japanese artists is coincidental and would have happened even if there were not so many Japanese spectators.  There was applause even after the second movement, and people only stopped quickly when Mena started the playing ...

Speaking of the orchestra, perhaps because of the bond formed on the Japan tour, the BBC Phil members seemed to watch Tsujii with friendly eyes.  The first violinist, and even the second (in particular, the second violinist has beautiful eyebrows and a kind smile).  When he was playing Liszt's La Campanella for encore, Mena, who had brought Tsujii out on stage, watched from a distance -- along with the entire orchestra -- as if they were looking at a younger brother perform.  There was something special to them about Tsujii's playing.  Then they smiled as Tsujii gave a pretty bow.  I know the feeling.   Hehe.

It does not matter, but two years ago, Alice <Ott> also played La Campanella for encore, and hers was also good and powerful.

Well,  today's performance I think was very popular among the Japanese.  But some people did not seem to come back after Tsujii had finished ...

August 8  Hours ago pianist Mitsuko Uchida  performed at the Proms. Although many in Japan consider her the greatest Japanese pianist alive -- and she certainly is one of the best -- I consider her European in both her upbringing and her cultural outlook. And, forgive me, I am frankly not too crazy about her exaggerated facial expressions during performance.

August 2 This evening in Royal Albert Hall, Russian pianist Nikolai Lugansky played Rachmaninvo's Piano Concerto No. 3 at Prom 27.   The performance should be listenable soon on BBC3.  As to be expected, the performance drew many comments on twitter, although I must say that the level of passion is not nearly as much as for Nobu's Rach 2 .  I have heard from many Nobu fans who would love to hear Nobu play Rach 3.  I am sure that technically Nobu is ready for it, although personally, I can't quite picture him playing that passionate ending -- yet (and I am not a big fan of the rest of that concerto.)

August 1 My piece "Nobuyuki Tsujii: After the Proms - back to reality" drew a rare comment that brought a huge smile to my face.

I have just found this site, having made contact through Nobu's official website. I was at the Proms concert and my passion for Nobu has not been shortlived. And every Proms concert I have attended since has been compared to Nobu's performance and all have come up short, including Jan. I recorded the BBC4 broadcast and it will remain a treasured possession for years to come. I have also bought the CDs I could get hold of. I believe that in future years I will be able to say, I was there at his Proms debut, as his international fame and fan base spreads. In terms of the Manchester concert, it is currently summer holiday season here. We looked at attending, but, although the tickets are reasonably priced, the trainfare to Manchester is not. That's the only reason we have not yet bought tickets.

July 30 (U.S.A.) America Public Media "Performance Today" Host Fred Child pays tribute to Nobu once again by airing his Rach 2 performance with the BBC Phil at BBC Proms.  This is a podcast that can be listened to on demand.

July 29 (Australia) 1PM,  ABC Classic FM BBC Proms Presenter Petroc Trelawny BBC Philharmonic Orchestra Nobuyuki Tsujii, piano Juanjo Mena, conductor

July 29  The afterglow of a concert does not last long. By now, Nobu has returned to Tokyo, and the BBC Proms have moved on. Was Nobu's performance a raging success? Or is it a short-lived euphoria and a missed opportunity? I wrote up my thoughts in this piece "Nobuyuki Tsujii: After the Proms - back to reality"  Your input would be most welcome.

July 27(U.K.) 19:00  Episode 1 of "Proms Extra 2013" on  BBC2 http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b037vn6m  "A weekly review of the top performances, stand-out artists and stories from the 2013 Proms season, including special reports and studio guests. With a report from Daniel Barenboim's Ring Cycle and a performance by Nobuyuki Tsujii."    The show is now available for 7 days on BBC iPlayer. 

Nobu was shown in a 3 minutes performance at the end of the show, playing a flawless Chopin's "Revolution" etude.  He was "back in London on his way home to Tokyo", according to show host Katie Derham.  More photos at Nobuyuki Tsujii BBC Proms Debut photo album

You can see a good quality video of the 3-minutes performance here.

Nobuyuki Tsujii on BBC2's "Proms Extra", July 27.

 July 26/27 The official website of Nobuyuki Tsujii posted a report for the Proms performance (Nobu posts such a report after each overseas performance), with two photos, shown below via Internet links.

image shown on the official website of Nobuyuki Tsujii  "Photo by Sisi Burn"

image shown on the official website of Nobuyuki Tsujii  "Photo by Sisi Burn"

The text of the report, in the usual succinct style of Nobu,  says:







July 16, '13 (United Kingdom)

United Kingdom, London

A welcome the Royal Albert Hall by nearly 7,000 people.

I debuted  at the music festival in the UK,  the "Proms".

Played the Piano Concerto No. 2 Rachmaninoff under the command of  Juanjo Mena, with the BBC Philharmonic.

In response to enthusiastic applause, I played Liszt's La Campanella for encore.


"the unparalleled excitement of hearing the 24-year-old Japanese pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii ... It was one of those rare performances where player and music seem one – a definition of virtuosity." -- The Observer, July 20

Click to see this and other photos in a Nobuyuki Tsujii BBC Proms Debut photo album

Conductor Juanjo Mena guides Nobu to shake hands with concert master Yuri Torchinsky

Amid all the good news from U.K., I am hearing mentioning such as in this tweet that Nobu is "autistic".   I don't know where the rumor comes from.  But I have met Nobu in person, several times, and he is not autistic. 

"Last night at Proms Nobuyuki Tsujii (blind autistic Japanese concert pianist played Rach 2. Inspiring Emotional perfection -tweet (overstriking of the word "autistic" is mine)

image shown via Internet link - source: http://karittosakutto.at.webry.info/201307/article_6.html

The BBC 4 broadcast of Nobu's Proms concert can still be viewed through the BBC iPlayer  here . In fact, you can download the video to your computer or cell phone and watch it there, if you like. But you may have to install ExpatShield or use the http://www.my-expat-network.co.uk/ service to be able to view or download.

And on July 27, 19:00,  Nobu will be seen on BBC2 on Episode 1 of "Proms Extra 2013" http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b037vmf1

"A weekly review of the top performances, stand-out artists and stories from the 2013 Proms season, including special reports and studio guests.

With a report from Daniel Barenboim's Ring Cycle and a performance by Nobuyuki Tsujii."

Nobu will be seen on BBC2 - on Episode 1 of "Proms Extra 2013" on  27 Jul 2013 http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b037vmf1

"A weekly review of the top performances, stand-out artists and stories from the 2013 Proms season, including special reports and studio guests.

With a report from Daniel Barenboim's Ring Cycle and a performance by Nobuyuki Tsujii."

image shown via Internet link

Must Reads:

The piano is an extension of my body, an article about Nobu  in the major U.K. newspaper that appeared  The Telegraph, by major critic Ivan Hewett.  Many kind words.  "Given all this, I'm expecting to meet someone reverently serious. In fact "Nobu", as he's known to everyone, is smilingly cheerful and straightforward."

- collection of 2013 PROMS debut reviews

Notable web postings

August 7


BBC - Music Showcase - Just Added - Nobuyuki Tsujii plays Chopin "Revolution" Etude Op10 No12

http://www.kensingtonandchelseatoday.co.uk/arts-and-culture/features/u6p8sjt7l5.html <Kensington & Chelsea Today>

Rhubarb' at the BBC Proms

Wednesday, 7th August 2013

Summer has arrived in glorious fashion and along with it the season of the BBC Proms, set to raise the bar in its 119th year.

The world’s largest classical music festival has once again widened its scope to prove that it is so much more than that, offering rock-opera written by Frank Zappa to tango performed by an all-female Norwegian brass group.

Orchestras have travelled from Bavaria, Warsaw, Vienna and beyond to be here. The National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America crossed the pond and played under the baton of the renowned Russian conductor Valery Gergiev and the internationally renowned blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii from Japan played the wonderful Rachmaninov second piano concerto breadth of talent represented is truly worldwide...

August 5

http://aya8lily.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-26.html <blog by a Japanese student in London>














アンコールにリストのラ・カンパネラをやってくれて、それもとても良かったです。 ...

Nobuyuki Tsujii coming! With that said, I booked seats with six friends from the dorm.

In the packed venue, there were many Japanese people, some came only for the soloist.


And, piano concerto of Rachmaninoff!

Tsujii entered on the arm of the conductor.

The work he played I actually listened for the first time.

Despite being blind, he played brilliantly, bringing to mind rich colors. I was very impressed.

I felt drawn into his non-visual world ...

Also, the blindness does not matter with him following the conductor, as he is said to be able to hear the breathing of the conductor as well as the movements of bow string instruments.

I thought, without visual information, there would be many difficulties interacting with the orchestra during the concerto.  But it just came together so well - the excellent timing between the soloist and the orchestra was really amazing.

The audience rewarded the performance with thunderous applause.  Then he played Liszt's La Campanella for encore; it was also very nice. ..

I posted a comment:

... It was a very impressive performance. Although you seem more impressed by his blindness, Nobu is in fact a brilliant pianist regardless of his handicap. His playing is top-notch, and, at age 24, he is still improving. I have followed his career since his 2009 Cliburn win. He brings pride to Japan, and he is a great ambassador for classical music...

August 4

Comment posted on Cliburn rehearsal YouTube  video of rehearsal at the 2009 Cliburn Competition <thanks to Miyuki for this find>:

"Thank you for posting this rehearsal! I saw the proms 6 with him on tv July 16th. Pity BBC took it off their video server (Put it back BBC!). Listening & watching Nobuyuki Tsujii play in this Hall of halls (RAH) is and was devine and touches the heart!"

July 31

http://www.facebook.com/abcclassicfm <ABC Classic FM Australia> posted on Sunday:

The Rach 2 has made it into our Classic 100 polls on three separate occasions. Hear it today at 1pm played by Nobuyuki Tsujii, a pianist who has been blind since birth. http://bit.ly/16s1lRx  The posting generated 128 "like"s and a string of comments, including these

There were 128 "like's" and many comments:

-What an amazing performer, bliss.

-Enjoying it immensely, played very sensitively in the slow movement, congratulations and best wishes Nobuyuki Tsujii

-We Japanese people are really proud of him. Only one problem is it's too hard to get his concert ticket because he is very popular...

-Fab. the commentary added to the wonder of this player.

-Very beautiful ! Bravo ! xxx

-I did, couldn't get out of the car till it was finished.

-And it was gorgeous! You can't play it too often for moi. What an amazing story, though.

-What a treat that was

-What a wonderful performance by an amazing young man - wish you great success in your career Nobuyuki.

Insight Glos ‏@InsightGlos 2h <"Insight Gloucestershire is a charity dedicated to supporting sight impaired and blind people throughout Gloucestershire County. " Website  http://www.insight-glos.org.uk >

Amazing musician, inspiring story Nobuyuki Tsujii: 'The piano is an extension of my own body' via @Telegraph http://fw.to/0ofKxvg  #Blind


Prom 6: Life is inextinguishable

by Stephen North,  "Mindpoke - Mostly Music" blog

July 31, 2013

    David Matthews: A Vision of the Sea - BBC Commission, World Premiere

    Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor

    Nielsen: Symphony No. 4, 'Inextinguishable'

    Nobuyuki Tsujii, piano, Proms debut artist

    BBC Philharmonic

    Juanjo Mena

  < Please see the original article for comments on David Matthew's 'A Vision of the Sea' >

    Perhaps the image of the night was the huge hug Juanjo Mena gave pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii after a remarkable performance of Rachmaninov's Second Concerto. Remarkable for three reasons - first the heat in the Albert Hall was stifling for those of us sitting still, let alone those trying to work with instruments. Second there was an initial trepidation in this reading, Nobo (as he is affectionately called by the orchestra who worked with him a good deal in recent tours of Japan) shifted uneasily to get his piano stool just right and the fidgety feeling extended to the first few minutes of the concerto.  But reading grew and grew in stature - as Kathryn Stott said on Twitter an unfussy reading.  Third much as we might try to dismiss this, he has been blind from birth and such undertakings are always remarkable (probably more so to us than he realises). This is one of a handful of Rachmaninov's works which have sustained urgent orchestral interest and so it was a relief to find the BBC Philharmonic pushing it quite hard and playing out the full variety of the composers expression.

    After tumultuous applause, and I mean tumultuous with Mena guiding the pianist on and off stage.  Mena sat on the edge of his podium - his back to the audience - smiling broadly as Nobo whipped the audience into a frenzy with his encore the very virtuosic La Campanella by Liszt - based on a tune from one of Pagannini's Violin Concerti.  The encore was met with some of the loudest applause I've heard in the Albert Hall. 

    The concert was as a sell out and lots of Japanese fans were there to support their man.  Noticeably they didn't all stick around for the meat of the programme, Nielsen's Fourth Symphony "Inextinguishable"...

  < Please see the original article for comments on Nielsen's Fourth Symphony "Inextinguishable">

July 30

Just watched REC. Video of BBC proms 6 with nobuyuki tsujii, piano: rachm. 2nd piano concerto! Even more amazing, awesome -tweet from Louisiana, USA

This is him: Nobuyuki Tsujii, on the piano, playing Rachmaninov piano concerto # 2! Awesome, fabulous! pic.twitter.com/qDAQfuNI9r

July 29

@BBCProms has got me listening to Nobuyuki Tsujii on @Spotify at half past two in the morning! 私は愛でそうだ #jesuistellementenamour #imsoinlove -tweetJuly 28

Blown away by Nobuyuki Tsujii, 20 year old pianist... who is completely blind http://bit.ly/13eTubA -tweet by someone in Manchester, U.K.

I tweeted back: Nobu will perform in Manchester on Nov. 1 http://www.bbc.co.uk/orchestras/events/1444


July 21, 2013 07:21:24



























Moved, tears, moved, tears, a ... Saturday.

Recently, for some reason, I have been, strangely, easily moved to tears strangely.  When I looked at the picture of London performance of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, I could not control my tears.

To my regret, I neglected to get a ticket for the concert.  But BBC showed the performance in a broadcast.

Although I had heard about Tsujii, it was really the first time that I listened to his piano.

Royal Albert Hall was sold out.

Tsujii appeared along with a conductor.

The sound of the piano started in the silence of the hall.

I was in tears from the first moment.  I cried buckets throughout, and again when he finished, to the cheers of about 8000 people,

Then came a standing ovation, and I cried even more.

Tears also when the conductor gave Tsujii a hug and brough him back to play.

Large crying also during the encore.

The piano of Tsujii is so soulful, and yet so friendly.

When Richa<friend, husband?>came home and saw that I had been crying a lot, he asked what's going on?  And he was curious.  After diner, we listened to the performance on the radio, and I cried for the third time.  I was still moved.

I was deeply impressed.  It was a rewarding Saturday.

July 27/28

Dan Morgan @mahlerei  <who writes for Music web - he praised Nobu for his CDs>   

Speaking of piano concertos @bbcproms newbie Nobuyuki Tsujii is playing the Grieg with @BBCPhilharmonic in Manchester later this year. - 27 Jul

I tweeted:

Nobu will be on @BBCTwoUK soon -- at 19:00; a special performance just for the show

Dan: Thank you for the alert, I caught it just in time. Alas, all too short. Best wishes.

I:  Yes, the performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii on BBC2 "Proms Extra" was far too short. But Nobu probably appreciates it just the same.

A Japanese college student in U.K. tweeted

ピアニスト辻井伸行さんのBBC Proms 2013デビュー、凄い!演奏曲はRachmaninov: Piano Concerto No 2 in C minor。BBCフィルとの共演、いいです(^-^) http://youtu.be/I-xlQfqx6yI  The 2013 BBC Proms debut of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii , wow! He played  Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No 2 in C minor. Co-starring with the BBC Philharmonic; he was good (^ - ^) http://youtu.be/I-xlQfqx6yI

July 27

#PromsExtra! BBC2! NOW! With the lovely @thekatiederham & guests @houghhough, @SemyonBychkov, Susan Bullock & Nobuyuki Tsujii @bbcproms!

I tweeted after the BBC2 broadcast   -tweet

@bbcproms @BBCTwoUK @thekatiederham Congrats on"Proms Extra" debut. Smart show. "Revolution" etude by Nobuyuki Tsujii was a special treat! - 27 Jul

Katie Derham @thekatiederham replied   

@mlliu2006 he is extraordinary

http://rogerclarinet.wordpress.com/2013/07/27/2013-prom-6/ <"Roger Clarinet The random ramblings of an amateur musician" blog>

Posted: Saturday, 27th July 2013

2013 Prom 6

BBC Philharmonic Orchestra

Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto n.2

(Soloist: Nobuyuki Tsujii)

The soloist is another one that is best not to watch too much.  Not his fault I hasten to add.  It is great to have the BBC showing Proms programmes on BBC4, but I sometimes find it better just to listen!

This performance was technically superb, occasionally a bit “safe”, but very enjoyable.  The opening was secure and promised much.  And there proved to be much to enjoy.  Some excellent moments bringing out the romantic character and others emphasising the strong exuberance.  A lovely performance.

The encore was Liszt’s La Campanella in a most individual performance that I think is the best I’ve heard of that difficult showpiece!  Extraordinary...


... Recently I was watching two brilliant musicians play – Nigel Kennedy, the violinist on a DVD and the Japanese pianist, Nobuyuki Tsujii who has been blind from birth, at the Proms on TV.  Two extremely gifted musicians who play from memory – the music is stored in their minds.  I have such great admiration for people who have such a special gift.  Listening to them play the beautiful music I was reminded again of how important colour and texture is to our lives...

A photo posted to www.flickr.com, by a French woman who was at Nobu's proms performance.  Caption: Nobuyuki Tsujii, le pianiste aveugle

<Nobuyuki Tsujii, the blind pianist>

image shown here via Internet link

July 26/27

The official website of Nobuyuki Tsujii posted a report for the Proms performance


A useful innovation for Prommers as BBC2 begins a weekly round-up of highlights. In this first edition, Katie Derham has two weeks and 18 Proms to cherry-pick from. There’s a special report on Daniel Barenboim’s Ring cycle, which otherwise is not being televised. Götterdämmerung can be heard on Radio 3 tomorrow.

Katie’s guests include Semyon Bychkov, who is conducting Wagner’s Tristan and Isolde tonight (on Radio 3), soprano Susan Bullock, and pianist Stephen Hough who played on the First Night. There’s also a special performance by young Japanese pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, who has been blind since birth.


Sunday, 21 July 2013

Be inspired.

The Proms have started the long marathon over the summer at the Royal Albert Hall. On Friday night we had one of the most inspirational pianists on the circuit, the 24 year blind Japanese player - Nobuyuki Tsujii playing Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No 2. Did you notice - I said 'blind'? There was the most rapturous response to his inspirational playing. His parents recognised when his was still very young that he enjoyed listening to and playing music. And so the long journey began, he now plays in some of the most prestigious concerts halls across the world. If you want to get a sensation that is truly amazing watch him on BBC 4 last Friday...

July 26

Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii is so incredibly AMAZING! If that's how he channels Rachmaninov...What could he do with so many other gr8 composers! -tweet

I tweeted back

Chopin, Grieg, Liszt ... http://www.bachtrack.com/find-a-concert/who/performer=18391-nobuyuki-tsujii … RT @Drea8327 Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii ... What could he do with so many other gr8 composers!

Then you need to listen to that old war horse, Rach piano#2, fed a whole bucket of oats, by Nobuyuki Tsujii   -tweet

I tweeted back

And do catch his new performance on BBC2 Jul 27 http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b037vn6m … RT @nicholls2010 Then you need to listen to Rach2 by Nobuyuki Tsujii

Thank you, Miyuki, for spotting some new comments posted to this YouTube video: Nobuyuki Tsujii, James Conlon (2009 Cliburn) - Rach 2

- Just seen him at the Proms. Amazing.

- around 47:00 It's interesting to see how he actually is listening the conductor breathing to time with the orchestra as he said in an interview with UK Telegraph before the Proms 2013.

- But more than that, of course, I enjoyed every bit of the clear and most beautiful sound. Thank you for uploading this.

I responded:

- In past interviews, Nobu said he can also "hear" the breathing or movements of the orchestra members! His manager told of an anecdote of when Nobu arrived at a small hall for his debut in Germany, a hall that he entered for the very first time. Immediately, Nobu said, "Oh, but it's such a small hall!" And one time when he walked with his manager in an unfamiliar neighborhood, Nobu told the manager correctly that they missed a turn.

- I, (an American who speaks English) have met Nobu backstage a few times, and he remembers my voice from the first encounter!  Someone said Nobu never forgets a voice.

July 25

BBCプロム。辻井伸行 ピアノ。ラフマニノフ・ピアノコンチェルト2番。30分過ぎから→ Proms 2013 Repeats, Prom 06: David Matthews, Rachmaninov & Nielsen  http://bbc.in/18aaFeO


Proms Extra 2013

New series. Katie Derham presents a review of this season's concerts, including a report on Daniel Barenboim leading the Staatskapelle Berlin's performance of Wagner's Ring Cycle


7:00pm Sat, 27 Jul (40 mins)

Host: Katie Derham

Guests - Semyon Bychkov (Russian conductor); Susan Bullock (British soprano); Stephen Hough (British Pianist)

Performer - Nobuyuki Tsujii


Proms Artists Recommend

featured artist July 16 - Nobuyuki Tsujii

Fryderyck Chopin - Polonaise Heroique (listen)

Pytor Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Piano Concerto No.1 (listen)

Franz Liszt - Rigoletto Paraphrase (listen) 

July 24

omg Nobuyuki Tsujii true talent. born blind but plays rachmaninov piano concerto by ear. even his encore is damn nice.  -tweet

Just seen Nobuyuki Tsujii perform at the Proms - Oh. My. Lord. A performance that leaves you stunned. -tweet

Just read an article in the telegraph about Nobuyuki Tsujii. A Blind 24 yr old pianist/composer of film scores. definition of determination. -tweet

I responded with:

Here is what it sounds like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IAButz_Mp0 … RT @Jwaydan Nobuyuki Tsujii. A Blind 24 yr old pianist/composer of film scores.


 University of Salford Occupational Therapy Education Blog

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Engaging in occupation through adversity.......

Last evening I sat down to watch the Proms at the BBC - a performance of  Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No 2 - one of my favourite pieces (think - "Brief Encounter" ). The piano soloist was an extraordinary young Japanese pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, whose blindness is no barrier to his musical talent. In his interview trailer before the performance he explained how he listens for the conductor's breathing in order to reach his cues and work together with the orchestra and uses muscle memory and touch and sound to learn the pieces rather than use Braille. A fantastic performance was given and then followed by an encore of  Liszt’s La Campanella - one of the hardest pieces to play and clearly a bit of well deserved showing off ensued.

 This reminded me of recent stories I had seen on Facebook or on the BBC news that seemed to all form part of a theme. How people continue to engage in meaningful occupations (whether for leisure or productivity) whilst experiencing illness or disability. It often amazes me how people overcome obstacles when they decide they are going to engage in an activity - and how the people around them enable and support them in any way they can by adapting behaviour and/or the environment. By doing this they often challenge the perceptions of others as to what is possible and can act as an inspiration to others by being their own occupational therapist.

July 23

This paragraph in an email from Japan,  by A.K., elegantly says many things that I have been trying to express:

... そうです、私の愛する息子は自閉症です。

















That's right, my dear son is autistic.

I am not a doctor, and am not in a position to make a diagnosis.

However, from what I have seen of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, I do not think he has autism at all.

It is perhaps the way that he flaps his hands and the way he sways his head while playing that lead to the misconception, as they are considered   "stereotypical behaviors" specific to autism.

And, having a pure heart (as is the case of my son) might also be mistakenly considered an indicator.

 I have never had the fortune of meeting Mr. Tsujii in person, but from what I can see in videos, such as on TV, his communication skills are normal.  The difference is evident when compared to my own son!

In any case, very few people manage to forge a life of one's own will <as Nobu does>.

In the coverage of the BBC Proms performance, it is almost always mentioned  "He is visually impaired from birth.  Amazing!"

I honestly think that regardless of his  visual impairment, his performance alone is worthy of excitement.

I hope a day will come when people around the world will share that feeling.

July 22/23

http://mogloguk.blogspot.com/2013/07/promsnobuyuki-tsujiiroyal-albert-hall.html WEDNESDAY JULY 17, 2013, with photos

Proms*Nobuyuki Tsujii@Royal Albert Hall












Tradition of the London summer! I went to PROMS.

Japanese pianist, your aim is Nobuyuki Tsujii-kun.


The performance of Mr. Tsujii Kimi was first-rate.

The audience got very excited, mighty applause at the end.

And apparently to express excitement the British way. they

applause --> standing ovation -> stamped their feet

It was the first time I heard the foot-stamping, and I  was surprised by the sound...

July 22

Comments posted to 2-minutes Nobu video posted by BBC3

I watched the concert with my family, we were all so amazed by Nobuyuki Tsujii. He's brilliant, a new favourite of mine!

Never knew of this lad before. As a Hendrix/Zep/ du Pre afficionado.... he IS a bit special.

PROMS デビューおめでとうございます!BBC Philharmonic とのコンビネーションが素晴らしいです。辻井さんの綺麗な優しい­音とBBCとの絶妙なメロディーが何とも美しいです!!ブラボー­~♪ Congratulations PROMS debut! Combination with the BBC Philharmonic is great. Exquisite melody with the clean and friendly sound of Mr. Tsujii and BBC is very beautiful! ! Bravo - ~ ♪

Nobuyuki Tsujii is incredible -an absolute genius. -tweet

July 22

Comments posted to 2-minutes Nobu video posted by BBC3

I watched the concert with my family, we were all so amazed by Nobuyuki Tsujii. He's brilliant, a new favourite of mine!

Never knew of this lad before. As a Hendrix/Zep/ du Pre afficionado.... he IS a bit special.

PROMS デビューおめでとうございます!BBC Philharmonic とのコンビネーションが素晴らしいです。辻井さんの綺麗な優しい­音とBBCとの絶妙なメロディーが何とも美しいです!!ブラボー­~♪ Congratulations PROMS debut! Combination with the BBC Philharmonic is great. Exquisite melody with the clean and friendly sound of Mr. Tsujii and BBC is very beautiful! ! Bravo - ~ ♪

Nobuyuki Tsujii is incredible -an absolute genius. -tweet

Nobuyuki Tsujii played my all-time favorite,including the encore. Still cant believe he's blind since born. He's truly gifted :-) #bbcpro  -tweet

Nobuyuki Tsujii, blind since birth, learns new pieces by ear, listening to right & left hand parts separately http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episod


link to BBC4 broadcast… It is uncanny how he can play with an orchestra with being able to see. The performance happended on Tuesday last week but I watched a recording just now.  He not only memorizes the music but he played together with the orchestra   -tweet


The Magic of Music (The Proms)

... Prom 6 this year had Nobuyuki Tsujii as the solo pianist on Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor which literally blew me away. While the music was playing and I could feel the music within me giving me goose bumps all over, it still allowed me to work and concentrate on what I was doing.

A Tokyo-born Japanese who now lives in Northern London tweeted:

金曜日のBBC Promsの録画を観た。辻井伸行さんのピアノ、素晴らしくて鳥肌たった。コンダクターの呼吸とかオーケストラとの空気に、どうしたらあんな風に入れるのだろう?盲目の人が譜面をマスターするだけでも相当大変なのにね。技術だけでなく、素晴らしい音。

I watched a recording of the BBC Proms on Friday. The piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii was wonderful and gave me goose bumps.  He supposedly communicates with  the orchestra conductor by listening to breathing? I though it is very substantial for someone blind just to master the music. The technique too, great sound.

July 21

Nobuyuki Tsujii, he's blind, watch him playing Rachmaninov's 2nd piano concerto (iPlayer, was in tears by the end) -tweet

One of my favourite pianists is playing in Manchester Friday 1st November, up for a trip home then? :D Can get tickets for £10 -tweet

Nobuyuki Tsujii is incredible. If anyone's stuck for birthday present ideas for me some tickets for his next tour would do fine ;) -tweet

Breathtaking performance by the pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii at the Proms. A supreme talent. bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b03751km/BBC_Proms_2013_Proms_on_Four_Friday_Night_at_the_Proms_BBC_Philharmonic_Orchestra/-tweet

Prom 6: Nobuyuki Tsujii's Proms debut with the BBC Philharmonic and Juanjo Mena http://bit.ly/BTprom6 -tweet

This was very good indeed: http://tinyurl.com/kwtz8do Nobuyuki Tsujii playing the Rach 2 at the proms all by himself. Lovely! -tweet


Posting by Forsyth Music Store in Manchester,

Recorded Music Department

July 17, 2013

Nobuyuki Tsujii made his BBC Proms debut….

…. last night in Prom 6 at the Royal Albert Hall.  Broadcast live on BBC Radio3 and recorded for broadcast on BBC4 on 19th July, the program included a world premier by David Matthews and Rachmaninov Concerto No2 in C minor played by Nobuyuki Tsujii.

Tsujii (only 24) is a former winner of the Van Cliburn International Piano competition.

The Recorded Music department here at Forsyths have a range of recordings by Tsujii and Matthews.  Come in and have a browse or look through our webshop listings or Ask a question via any product and we’ll see if we can find you something wonderful to listen to.

http://www.5thvillage.me/p/502188689666581960_250709840/  Instagram posting. with photo of the poster's view in the concert venue

A standing ovation for a stunning performance by the blind pianist Nobiyuki Tsujii Rachmaninovs 2nd piano concerto followed by an amazing encore

July 20

Damian Thompson, Editor of Telegraph Blogs and a columnist for the Daily Telegraph, wrote in the newspaper's blog:

What a privilege to hear Nobuyuki Tsujii, the young blind Japanese pianist, play Rachmaninov’s Second Piano Concerto with the BBC Philharmonic and Juanjo Mena at the Proms on Tuesday. I couldn’t help feeling apprehensive as Tsujii ran his fingers silently over the keyboard before his opening chords; how on earth could a blind man manage the relentless flow of fingerwork? But manage it he did, pretty much flawlessly. Still, as we stood to applaud, I did wonder: would he be celebrated if he could see? As if in answer, he came back for an encore: Liszt’s La campanella, which involves viciously wide leaps in both hands. Tsujii played it with a speed, accuracy and delicacy that had jaws dropping all round the Albert Hall. Bravo!

More tweets:

Catching up with the @BBCPhilharmonic prom with Nobuyuki Tsujii. A wonderful partnership and fantastic performance. If you haven't, watch!

In complete floods listening to Nobuyuki Tsujii and the BBC Phil in an epic performance of the Rach 2. http://bbc.in/1bsu5iV

Last night's prom was phenomenal because of Nobuyuki Tsujii. Beautiful playing. The kind that reaches out and touches the heart

"Last night at Proms Nobuyuki Tsujii (blind autistic Japanese concert pianist played Rach 2. Inspiring Emotional perfection -tweet (overstriking of the word "autistic" is mine - it is untrue.)

Watching blind pianist, Nobuyuki Tsujii at last night's #bbcproms on iplayer. What a genius.

There's something fascinating about the idea of a blind musician. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/proms/10182751/Nobuyuki-Tsujii-The-piano-is-an-extension-of-my-own-body.html?fb

昨夜、プロムで日本人のピアニスト辻井伸行さんが演奏したことに、今頃気がつくなんて! ああ! 昨夜ロンドンにいたのに…。見逃していました。ところが! BBCで生放送されていたんですね。あああああ! 全盲のピアニストとして有名な彼ですが、生演奏を拝見したことなかったのです。あああ!Last night, Japanese pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii's performed at the Proms! Nice! Oh! Although I was in London last night .... I missed it. However! It was was broadcast live by BBC. Ah ah ah! He is famous as a blind pianist, but I have yet to see him perform live. Ah!

Watching blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii be led onto the stage by the conductor, to perform Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No 2. Might cry..


BBCプロムス:TV放映・ラジオ再放送・辻井伸行さん   BBC Proms: TV broadcast and radio re-broadcasting and Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii

<This Japanese blogger in U.K. wrote about the radio and TV broadcasts of Nobu's Proms performance, with photos of screen grabs.>

When this video of blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii has as many hits as Gangnam Style, then society is saved. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbIHmq






8:00 pm Friday, I clicked on the TV, and  it was pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii playing at the Royal Albert Hall,  taking a standing ovation from o the 8,000 spectators. Oh sorry, I should have turned on the TV sooner!

Photo via Internet link

Yet one more brief but positive review:


BBC Proms 6 & 8 – review

    Kate Kellaway   

    The Observer, Saturday 20 July 2013   

...Marine romanticism was followed by the unparalleled excitement of hearing the 24-year-old Japanese pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, blind from birth, make his Royal Albert Hall debut with Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No 2. It was one of those rare performances where player and music seem one – a definition of virtuosity. Although one has to guard against being fanciful, it was hard not to think that being unable to see had allowed Tsujii to "see" the music with unmediated intensity...

http://www.mssociety.org.uk/forum/everyday-living/blind-pianist-last-nights-prom <"Blind pianist at last night's prom" thread on a UK forum>

20 Jul 2013 at 11:57AM  Snow Leopard posted:

This is amazing. Young Japanese man Jan Lisiecki, blind from birth, plays Rachmaninov Symphony No 2... it's that incredibly moving music that was used in the film 'Brief Encounter'.


Really worth watching. Very inspiring.

Pat x (hope link works... if it doesn't you can find it on BBC iplayer).

alison100 responded:

I turned on the radio in the car yesterday, and it was the end of a Proms concert recording of a Rachmaninov piano concerto, and when it was finished, the announcer casually mentioned the way that this Japanese pianist commits the music to memory: he finds Braille scores rather slow going, apparently, and the repertoire in this format is limited anyway, so her prefers just to listen to a recorded version of each hand's part and learn it by ear....  I nearly drove off the road!  Never heard of the guy before.  What an absolutely amazing thing.  Mind you, even sighted concert pianists are pretty astonishing.

Another response:

It was Nobuyuki Tsujii. Pure genius. I have it on the Sky thingy and watched it again this morning. It's one of my favourites anyway and I wish I'd been there to see it. Not a dry eye in the house at the end. Wonderful stuff.        Val

July 19  Just saw the hour-long broadcast of Nobu's Prom's debut on BBC4 TV, which graciously put Nobu on first.  I enjoyed the entire broadcast, but Nobu was absolutely phenomenal, and the camera work breathtaking and dignified.  My heartfelt gratitude to BBC4 TV and BBC the BBC PROMS , and the technical wonders of the Internet.   If you could not get BBC4 and want to see the show, send me a note - address can be found here: About this site

Tweets poured in immediately after the 19:30 broadcast:

This is what I saw at RAH on Tue.Wanted to share this phenomenal performance by Nobuyuki Tsujii with you.x BBC Proms: http://bbc.in/1bsu5iV

Amazing Pianist Who Is Just Incredible And Has Been Playing At The Proms This Evening Is Called Nobuyuki Tsujii :)

Proms this year was made special by Nobuyuki Tsujii. I know very little about music, but jesus that's impressive.

Nobuyuki Tsujii. Incredible. #promstweet

Triple standing ovation for Nobuyuki Tsujii, born blind, on his Proms debut, and an encore. Absolutely incredible! #BBC #Proms

S__t! Nobuyuki Tsujii, the Japanese pianist on #bbcproms right now is blind. Such beautiful playing.

@bbcproms Unbelievable performance of Rach 2 Piano Concerto by Nobuyuki Tsujii Utterly spellbinding.

James Joyce Museum ‏@JoyceTower

Nobuyuki Tsujii's @bbcproms debut playing Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No.2 on BBC Four – incredibly uplifting, incredibly humbling.

Oh my god Nobuyuki Tsujii playing Rachmaninovs piano concerto No 2 SENSATIONAL!! Hes unbelievable what a bleedin legend! bbc proms yay!

Watching Nobuyuki Tsujii playing Rachmaninov's 2nd piano concerto at #BBCProms #BBCFour. Touched by his obvious love for the piece.

Simply in awe of Nobuyuki Tsujii #BBCProms #BBC4

The brilliant talent of Nobuyuki Tsujii on #bbcfour playing Rach 2 from Tuesday @bbcproms. It was a privilege to be there.

So I was watching BBC Proms and Nobuyuki Tsujii was on playing, he gave a magnificent encore that made me shiver.

I've been watching Nobuyuki Tsujii, blind pianist playing Rach 2 at Proms. Unbelievably inspiring.

Just caught the end of Nobuyuki Tsujii's performance of Rachmaninoff's second piano concerto. Blown away - phenomenal musician.

 Just watched the totally astonishing Nobuyuki Tsujii, 25 year old blind pianist @ the Proms. Amazing virtuoso." Incredible

The blind pianist on the BBC Proms (Nobuyuki Tsujii) was absolutely phenomenal. Here he is in action- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24OPuC09fVc

Tears pouring down my face. Rachmaninov played by Nobuyuki Tsujii. Wonderful. Thank you BBC4 #BBCproms

Getting some Fri night culture via #bbcproms Amazing rendition of Rachmaninov's piano concerto by Nobuyuki Tsujii.

Extraordinarily refreshing Rachmanimov Concerto and La Campanella BBC4 Proms Nobuyuki Tsujii. Wow! #nobuyukitsujii #bbc4proms

Wow, Nobuyuki Tsujii is sensational, wish I had been at this Prom #piano #prom6

I can't even type properly without looking at the keyboard but blind Nobuyuki Tsujii just breezed through #Rach2 & Liszt encore

Really enjoyed watching Nobuyuki Tsujii play, the OH looks up & compares it to typing on his laptop, oh dear. #proms

Unbelievable! Astonishing!.Nobuyuki Tsujii playing Rach 2 at Proms. One of the great moments of life. A priviledge. Such genius.

Nobuyuki Tsujii - really quite amazing.

Watching Nobuyuki Tsujii play Rach 2 fills me with renewed wonder at the magical heights that can be attained by us as a species.

Blind Japanese pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii was brilliant at BBC Proms. Gobsmacked

BBC4で辻井伸行さんがPromsで演奏したラフマニノフやってる。このコンサートは行きたかった... On BBC4 Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii is doing Rachmaninoff  in Proms. I wanted to go to this concert ...

Nobuyuki Tsujii was brilliant on BBC4! The Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No.2 was delightful! #BBCProms

Nobuyuki Tsujii brings pride to Japan - I hope it will be shown in Japan. RT @gin0yuki BBC4で辻井伸行さんがPromsで演奏したラフマニノフやってる。このコンサートは行きたかった...

1/2 AMAZING televised #Proms concert. #Rachmaninov Piano Concerto no 2 and #Liszt Campanella played by Nobuyuki Tsujii, 20, blind from birth

Caught awesome Prom tonight with blind pianist Nobu Tsujii an inspiration read about him http://bit.ly/12QgvfZ  and watch @BBC 4

Read a collection of photos, comments and reviews about the phenomenal Proms debut of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii here: https://sites.google.com/site/nobufans/home/nobuyuki-concerts/2013-bbc-proms-debut

Nobuyuki Tsujii is only 24 years old - I would surely have buckled under the intense pressure and baking heat at @bbcproms Star quality.

Nobuyuki Tsujii, blind from birth, playing Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No2 on tonight's BBC Proms. Wow. Just how good was he?

Very impressive Rachmaninov Piano Concerto no. 2 on the @bbcproms tonight, with blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii!

Andrea Bocelli on Sky and Nobuyuki Tsujii at the proms. So is being blind helpful and if so should I shut my eyes when playing the cello?

Nobuyuki Tsujii, blind from birth, just sauntered through Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No 2 with elegance & ease. A true triumph @ #theproms

Opera Tours Italy ‏@operatoursitaly  tweeted:

What a great Prom on Radio this afternoon + on BBC 4 this evening. Nobuyuki Tsujii in Rachmaninov's 2nd Piano Concerto was brilliant.

Watching Nobuyuki Tsujii, a blind pianist, play Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No 2 is amazing - truly inspiring stuff. #bbcproms

Fantastic piano playing by Nobuyuki Tsujii at the Proms tonight...the highlight of my eve :) #catchitifyoucan

Prom 6: blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii plays Rach's 2nd AND encore Lizst La Campanella. Watch, whoop, cry, applaud http://www.bbc.co.uk/proms/whats-on/2013/july-16/14560 …

Nobuyuki Tsujii this morning. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BX4j9cm3OI&feature=youtube_gdata_player …


Here is a preview of the broadcast, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-xlQfqx6yI&feature=youtu.be

It is always dangerous to talk about extraordinary Proms events , but  surely this is one for the history book,  that thrilling performance of Rachmaninov second by such a fine, young pianist."  - Petroc Trelawny,  BBc Radio 3

In all my years I have never witnessed such a reaction as this evening at the Proms. When Nobuyuki Tsujii took his bow we were all crying!   -tweet

先日の辻井伸行さんの演奏を聴いていて、本番に強いって良いなと思いました。その裏で相当な努力はしているとは思うけど。期待に答えるって、凄いこと。スターの要素だと思います。 -tweet (Translation: The other day I listened to <Proms> performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii I thought it was really good, a strong production. And I think certainly there must be considerable effort behind the scenes. He lived up to the expectations, great thing. I think that it is star quality. <I admit that when I listened to BBC3 live I had great anxiety, knowing that I myself would surely buckle under such intense pressure performing in "baking heat", with the audience seemingly only inches away.   Nobu is a STAR par excellence!! I am so proud of him.> )

It was profoundly moving that the only person who could not witness his deserved standing ovation was Tsujii himself. - Review, the Standard (U.K.)

"夏のプロム、上方の席はサウナでしたね‥‥ Summer at the Proms; upper floor seats ‥ ‥ It was a sauna." - blog post


This blog post by a Japanese who was at the Proms concert tells of how the blogger got a ticket at the door to watch from the upper gallery, and there are some great photos, including this one.

image shown via Internet link - source:

The reviews are in!  Read them all here: 2013 PROMS debut reviews

July 18


Proms 2013: BBC Philharmonic/Mena, Royal Albert Hall - music review

4 out of 5 stars

The Evening Standard, July 18, 2013

Barry Millington

... Further surprises were in store when the BBC Philharmonic’s conductor, Juanjo Mena, led a diminutive young man on his arm to the platform for Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor. The Japanese Nobuyuki Tsujii, blind from birth, is already the winner of prestigious awards but I cannot have been alone in wondering how he learnt the music or how impeccable ensemble was achieved with Mena, whose back was turned to the keyboard throughout.

More than that, Tsujii brought a singing tone and eloquent phrasing to the solo part. It was profoundly moving that the only person who could not witness his deserved standing ovation was Tsujii himself...

This photo accompanies the review - image shown via Internet link

More comments and stuff collected  here: proms - part 2
