Notable web postings April 2018

Continued from Notable web postings - March 2017

Older notable web postings are collected at Notable web postings archival


April 20 19:30 Nobuyuki Tsujii's 2018 ICELAND Debut

April 25& 27 Nobuyuki Tsujii with Petreko & RLPO, April 2018

♪ April 26  (April 27 in Japan) A Blockbuster Day

Image source:

*April  26 U.K. time 19:30 (18:30 GMT) | April 27 3:30 AM Japan time | April 26 11:30 AM California time

Watch Nobu perform Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 in Liverpool U.K. with Vasily Petrenko & the Liverpool Phil

at any of these links: 

Liverpool Phil Facebook page

Classic FM Facebook page

A video of the concert should be available afterward for you to watch at your convenience.

*April 26 19:00 GMT | April 27 4:00 AM Japan time | April 26 noon California time

Listen to a recording of  the April 20 Iceland concert with Vladimir Ashkenazy & the Iceland Symphony Orchestra, with Nobu performing Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 2,

at either of these links [direct link to the Iceland radio 1 streaming, click on the play button]

The World Concert Hall site [click on RAS1 button]

*April 27 21:30 Japan time

Watch a TV program aired on Japan's NHK E-Tele about Chopin's masterpiece "Heroic Polonaise"

Program description => AND



Friday, April 27th  9:30 to 9:59 pm

Thursday May 3 (Thursday) 10:25 to 10:54  (rebroadcast) 

*April 28 10:00 AM Japan time.

Buy tickets for the "Forest of Wool & Steel" special concert  at TicketSpace 

♪ Reminder: April 26 Liverpool concert to be live streamed

Once again, we are fortunate to have the opportunity to watch a concert as it is being performed in Liverpool, in real time as well as on delay.

The "Petrenko's Shostakovich" concert will take place on April 26 Thursday 7:30 PM U.K. time, with Nobu performing Tchaikovsky's PIano Concerto No. 1.

Live-stream link =>

Below is a video of an excerpt from the previous livestream (February 2018), of Nobu performing with Conductor Petrenko & the Liverpool Phil.

♪ April 23 "No sign of Nobu" yet in Liverpol

Posted by Robin Bloxsidge on Facebook:

"At Liverpool Phil tonight and chatted to Maestro Petrenko, but no sign yet of Nobu, though he must be here soon."

I wouldn't put it past Nobu for him to have flown back to Tokyo after the Iceland concert, before flying out again for Liverpool. After all, he supposedly does not suffer from jet lag. His manager, on the other hand, wrote that he's on "never-ending jet lags." (My sympathy.)

It is also possible that Nobu stays on in Iceland to film some more footage for the TV documentary to air in October, before heading to Liverpool.

♪ April 20 19:30 Nobuyuki Tsujii's 2018 ICELAND Debut

On Friday April 20, Nobuyuki Tsujii performed with Conductor Vladimir Ashkenazy and the Iceland Symphony Orchestra at the Eldborg Concert Hall (1,800 seats) in Iceland's st Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre.

This is Nobu's debut performance in Iceland. This performance precedes a 12-performance Japan Tour in November.

News, comments and photos of this performance can be found at Nobuyuki Tsujii's 2018 ICELAND Debut

♪ Thursday April 26 -- TWO BROADCASTS AT THE SAME TIME!!

I just can't believe it. What are the odds that a radio recording of the April 20 Iceland concert will be aired at THE EXACT SAME TIME as the livestreaming of the Liverpool concert on the 26th??

Cruel joke, isn't it? But let's not complain -- it's an embarrassment of richness.

To add to the irony, Nobu's part in each of these two concerts would come on at about the same time!

In Iceland, the concert opens with the Chopin concertoat 19:00 GMT. In Liverpool, Nobu's Tchai 1 comes on after a brief overture, at approximately 18:45 GMT.

That scream you hear is mine  ^_^

So, what to do?  I have my plan.  See here => Thursday April 26 2018 -- TWO Nobuyuki Tsujii BROADCASTS AT THE SAME TIME!!

Special concert for the film "Forest of Wool & Steel"

News article posted by Yahoo:


4/23(月) 12:28配信


辻井と久石がステージで共演するのは今回が初。辻井はピアノ、久石は指揮を担当し、「羊と鋼の森」のエンディングテーマ「The Dream of the Lambs」を披露する。また辻井は本作に使用されているラヴェルの「水の戯れ」「亡き王女のためのパヴァーヌ」、ベートーヴェンのピアノソナタ第23番「熱情」も演奏。チケットは4月28日10時よりチケットスペースにて販売される。


Yamazaki Kenjin's major work "Forest of Wool and Steel " is being released nationwide on June 8. To commemorate it, it has been revealed that Hisaishi Joe will made a guest appearances at a Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert held at Suntory Hall, Tokyo, on June 13.

This is the first time that Tsujii and Hisaishi co-star on stage. Tsujii is the pianist, Hisaishi is in charge of conducting and presenting the  film's ending theme "The Dream of the Lambs". Tsujii also performs pieces used on the soundtrack of the film, including Ravel's "Water Play" ,"Pavane for the Late Princess", and Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 23 "Appassionata". Tickets will be sold at TicketSpace starting at 10 o'clock on April 28th.

TicketSpace announcement

The ticket battle will be brutal -- I just hope no one gets hurt in the stampede!

More at => Special concert for the film "Forest of Wool & Steel"

♪ NHK Eテレ (ETV) broadcast of "Heroic Polonaise" performance

Posted on the "News" section of The Nobuyuki Tsujii Official Website





Tsujii's performance of  "Chopin's hero Polonaise" will be broadcast on NHK's "La la classic"

Friday, April 27th from 9:30 to 9:59 pm

Thursday May 3 (Thursday) 10:25 to 54  (rebroadcast)

Detailed program description (Japanese) =>

♪ Another Summer Festival Gig!

Ah, sunshine, seaside, Basque cuisine -- what a life!

PHOTO: Beach and casino in Biarritz -- source: wikipedia

This summer, in addition to performing at the Kulturufer Friedrichshafen festival in Germany on August 5, Nobu is going to be in Biarritz, "an elegant seaside town on southwestern France’s Basque coast" to headline the Biarritz Piano Festival.

He is scheduled to perform on August 8 the CHOPIN / DEBUSSY / RAVEL / LISZT / GERSHWIN / SATIE / KAPUSTIN program, the same as for his highly acclaimed "Debut 10 Years" Japan recital Tour" in February and March.

Increasingly, Nobu is going to more and more places, fulfilling his mission of spreading the good of classical music far and wide, and he seems to have fun doing it. I am happy for him. You go, Nobu-kun -- the world is your oyster!

More at => Nobuyuki Tsujii's 2018 Summer Festivals in Europe

♪ Valentine's Day 2019 Nobu  recital in Berlin Philharmonic Chamber Concert Hall

 I think we can consider this performance confirmed!

Another posting of it has now shown up, with details about the program

Donnerstag, 14.02.2019 Thursday February 14 2019

20:00 Uhr, Kammermusiksaal Berlin MEISTER-KLAVIERABENDE

20:00 Chamber Music Hall Berlin Master Pianist Evening

NOBU TSUJII Klavier Nobuyuki Tsujii Piano

Satie:„Trois Gymnopédies“

Debussy:„Images“, 1. Buch


Chopin: Scherzi Nr. 1-4

So it's the same recital program as for London, Paris 2019.

PHOTO: A recital there in 2014

♪ April 16 "No Barriers: A Blind Man's Journey to Kayak the Grand Canyon"

I heard about this book titled "No Barriers" on radio today, and of course thought of Nobu, who has often said there are no barriers in music.

The author, Erik Weihenmayer, lost his sight at high-school age, but has made many first's in outdoor adventures for the blind, including climbing the Everest and kayaking the Grand Canyon.

Nobu's endeavors are not as physical, but no less (and arguably more) remarkable.

When Nobu -- who has NEVER seen -- plays something like Profofiev's third concerto, his acrobatics on the keyboard & interaction with the orchestra are perhaps every bit as heart-pounding as Mr. Weihenmayer navigating a rapid in a kayak.

♪ April 16 Iceland Concert getting  sold-out, auxiliary seats to be added

Posted by the Icelandic Symphony Orchestra yesterday:

Á föstudaginn næsta leikur japanski píanósnillingurinn Nobuyuki Tsujii píanókonsert nr. 2 eftir Chopin.

Uppselt er að verða á tónleikana en við vorum að bæta við sætum fyrir aftan sviðið fyrir þá sem vilja ekki missa af þessum snillingi.

"On Friday next week the Japanese pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii Piano Concerto no. 2 by Chopin. The concert is going to be sold out, but we are adding seats behind the stage for those who do not want to miss this genius."

[Translating the Iceland language is going to pose quite a challenge ^_^]

Online, tickets for some regular seats are still available => Event announcement

♪ May 2019: Nobu to reunite with conductor Marko Letonja and the Orchestre philharmonique de Strasbourg

In winter 2017, Nobu toured with conductor Marko Letonja and the Orchestre philharmonique de Strasbourg in France, Germany and Switzerland.

It was a smashing success. At their parting, Maestro Letonja said to Nobu that they should perform together again soon. 

Looks like the maestro has made good on his words.

I just came upon this announcement of this performance: 27.05.2019 Kölner Philharmonie (Cologne, Germany) -- Nobu will play Tchai 1. I suspect there are other performances. Stay tuned!

Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg , Marko Letonja, Dirigent, Nobuyuki Tsujii, Klavier

Mo 27.05.2019, 20:00 Uhr

Kölner Philharmonie

♪April 14  "After filming with Nobu"

April 3 Instagram posting by violinist Fumiaki Miura​: "After filming with Nobu!" Apparently the two friends went drinking after the public recording session for "Untitled Concert". In the photo, the two dudes are enjoying tall glasses of beer. They are dressed casually and both seem happy and relaxed.

Japan's Golden Week

Nobu fan sunsoon read my tweet about the Thursday April 26 live-streaming of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic​ Shostakovich concert (Nobu performs Tchai1), and responded that the concert would happen just before Japan's "Golden Week"(GW) this year, which starts Saturday April 28. The golden week is a week of holidays in Japan, when people travel en masse to visit family or do sightseeing. sunsoon wrote that she plans to get up early to catch the livecast, although we expect the video to be available on demand later, like last time.

♪ Nobu the Road Warrior

This month, Nobu will travel to a part of the world that he has never been before (nor have I).

On April 20, he will make his Iceland debut with conductor Vladimir Ashkenazy & the Iceland Symphony Orchestra.

From there, he travels to Liverpool, U.K. to perform with conductor Vasily Petrenko & the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic on the 26th & 27th.

Tokyo to Reykjavik flight time 14hr+; Reykjavik to Liverpool 8hr+; Liverpool to Tokyo 14h+.

 (Image source:

♪April 12 A one-disc "Forest of Sheep and Steel" album

In addition to the two-disc album mentioned below, there appears to be a one-disc album (AVCL-25968 ) titled 羊と鋼の森イメージ・アルバム [Forest of sheep and steel, image album).

This album is priced at 1000Y (instead of 3000Y as with the 2 disc version). Details are sketchy, but Nobu is the only artist listed with the CD.

Release date is June 6, same as the other album

Here is a description

羊と鋼の森 イメージ・アルバム (仮) / オムニバス

2016第13回本屋大賞を受賞し、2018年6月には山崎賢人主演で映画化も決定した宮下奈都の小説『羊と鋼の森』のイメージ・アルバム。 調律師の世界に魅せられていく新米調律師を主人公に展開するこの小説には、ピアノの名曲の数々がストーリーに欠かせない存在として登場しますが、このイメージ・アルバムは、映画『羊と鋼の森』に使用される楽曲を中心に、小説に寄り添いながら楽しんでもらえるように選曲されている。


Forest of Sheep and Steel Image · album (draft) /collage

2016 Image album of Miyashita Nana's novel "Forest of sheep and steel", winner of the 13th bookstore grand prize. A film adaptation is forthcoming in June, 2018, starring Kenji Yamazaki. In this novel about a novice tuner who is fascinated by the world of piano tuners, a number of piano masterpieces appear as an indispensable part of the story. This image album for the movie "Forest of Sheep and Stee" is mainly selected for songs to be enjoyed while reading the novel. The gorgeous performances of famous pieces are by top pianists including Nobuyuki Tsujii.

BUT, according to this page

The disc has 9 "songs" on it, but only the first one (Ravel's Jeux d'eau) is played by Nobu!

So, buyers beware!

♪ Vancouver blog: 鍵盤と小雨[Keyboard and light rain]

It's nice to hear from someone (a musician) in Vancouver, who happened upon a YouTube video (of Nobu playing at his 'Debut 10 years' special concert last year) and wrote








It was the piano of "Nobuyuki Tsujii" that flowed there.

Originally I loved classics, but have not listened  much beyond [the sound track] on documentaries.

Although it was not the first time that I listened to his piano

I felt the depth of my heart  gradually loosening by the  pure sound

I became a fan at once.

Nobu performed in Vancouver on an  Early 2013 North America Tour, and was quite a hit there.♪ Asahi News article: "辻井伸行 大人への「進化」Nobuyuki Tsujii's "Evolution" to Adulthood"

This article, "Nobuyuki Tsujii's 'Evolution' to Adulthood," was posted by Japan's Asahi Shimbun, apparently to promote the Nagoya stops of Nobu's upcoming performances on "two Japan tours with prestigious European orchestras."

The original article in Japanese is here:

The contents is mostly familiar, but with some interesting new bits and what looks to be an up-to-date photo of Nobu.

In the photo, he is dressed in white shirt (no tie) and dark blue suit jacket, with a jaunty light blue pocket handkerchief; he is looking up and smiling. 

English translation at

UPDATE: This article was posted again on April 12, with an extra photo and a different title "もし目が見えたら?全盲ピアニストの答えは「見えてる」What if you can see with your  eyes? The blind pianist's answer is "I do see."  =>

♪ "Forest of Sheep and Steel" film soundtrack CD coming

The announcement was posted by Japan's Tower Record


羊と鋼の森 ~映画「羊と鋼の森」のために

辻井伸行 、 久石譲 、 東京交響楽団

[Music]  for the movie "Forest of sheep and steel"

Nobuyuki Tsujii, Joe Hisaishi, Tokyo Symphony Orchestra

According to Nobu fan sunsoon, the release date is June 6

This is the film based on a best-selling novel about the life experience of a piano tuner, featuring music of the first collaboration of composer Joe Hisaishi and Nobu

There is more information on Amazon Japan =>

The album is released under the label of Avex Classics.  Release date June 6,  There are two discs








· Ravel: play of water

· Ravel: Pavane for the late princess

· Mozart:  twinkle star variations

· Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 23 "Appassionata"

· Chopin: Piano Sonata No. 3

Piano: Nobuyuki Tsujii


・久石譲:The Dream of the Lambs ~映画「羊と鋼の森」エンディング・テーマ

久石譲 指揮 東京交響楽団


· Joe Hisaishi: The Dream of the Lambs ~ Movie "Forest of Sheep and Steel" Ending Theme

Joe Hisaishi conducting the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra

Piano: Nobuyuki Tsujii



. Yuko Seikita: Music collection for the movie "Forest of sheep and steel"

- 16 songs from the original soundtrack (planned)

Iceland Symphony Orchestra tour advertisement seen on public train [blog post]



[Advertisement seen] yesterday morning on the Seibu Shinjuku Train

"Ashkenazy × Nobuyuki Tsujii"

2018 Japan Tour: Nobu, Ashkenazy & Iceland Symphony Orchestra but apparently a little push is needed.

♪ Vancouver blog: 鍵盤と小雨[Keyboard and light rain]

It's nice to hear from someone (a musician) in Vancouver, who happened upon a YouTube video (of Nobu playing at his 'Debut 10 years' special concert last year) and wrote








It was the piano of "Nobuyuki Tsujii" that flowed there.

Originally I loved classics, but have not listened  much beyond [the sound track] on documentaries.

Although it was not the first time that I listened to his piano

I felt the depth of my heart  gradually loosening by the  pure sound

I became a fan at once.

Nobu performed in Vancouver on an  Early 2013 North America Tour, and was quite a hit there.

♪ Nobu appears in School Textbook in Japan

Nobu is often featured in Japan's school textbooks. This latest mention on Twitter  is especially thoughtful.




On the first page of the music textbook for grade 6 students, there is a paragraph titled "Nobuyuki Tsujii to everyone" : "When you play music, I want you to have fun." Contents like that. There is not a single word of "blind" in the text and in the description of the person. I was impressed.

The tweet does not come with a photo. The photo shown below is from another textbook.

♪ April 7 "The Golden Goose" Warning, 2018

A while back I wrote a piece Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii: don't be the golden goose! to express my concern that Nobu's popularity was being exploited too quickly for marketing.

Today, looking at the concert tickets on sale, listed on the PIA ticket outlet, I am getting that uneasy feeling again.

Currently, tickets are on sale for FOUR Japan tours of ensemble performances that include Nobu:

Tickets are not exactly flying off the shelves for these performances.

There is a limit to everything: even Nobu's most ardent and loyal fans in Japan cannot be expected to buy expensive tickets to so many concerts.

It is not easy to run a concert business, so I have great sympathy for Nobu's management.

But I think it is time to reiterate the fable of "The man who killed the goose that laid the golden egg." => "The Golden Goose" Warning, 2018

♪ April 6 More Misinformation

Isabella Fiorentino (a fashion model in São Paulo, Brazil) facebook posting

Hoje minha homenagem nao é apenas para as pessoas com Síndrome de Down. É tb para aquelas que, por sua condição, não tiveram oportunidade de nascer. Foram rejeitadas por seus pais . Dia 21 de março, dia mundial da Síndrome de Down. “Ele é o Nobuyuki Tsujii, 28 anos, capaz de interpretar “la campanella” de forma magistral. Melhor q o compositor de ...

[Today, my homage is not just to people with Down Syndrome. It is also for those who, because of their condition, did not have the opportunity to be born. They were rejected by their parents. March 21, World Day of Down Syndrome.He is Nobuyuki Tsujii, 28 years old, capable of interpreting 'la campanella' masterfully. Better than the composer of ...]

The page is now on top of my list of Web Pages with Misinformation on Nobuyuki Tsujii.

♪ April 3 "Untitled Concert" recording session with Nobu & Fumi

Lots of tweets came up. Reportedly, the duo played the entire Fanck's sonata, and the episode will air in June. [show host tweet]


There were two filming sessions today, violinist FumiakiMiura and Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii! Their energy is very exciting. A big applause for the appearance of the two! ! ! (tweeted by the show?)

✿備忘録 19✿ 2018年04月03日(火)18:45 題名のない音楽会 収録 三浦文彰、辻井伸行ほか @東京オペラシティ コンサートホール 放送予定🎻🎹✨ ①2018年06月09日(土) ②2018年06月10日(日)BS

✿ memorandum✿ Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Tuesday Untitled Concert, Fumiaki Miura, Nobuyuki Tsujii, etc.  @ Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall.

Broadcast schedule ① 2018 Jun 09 (Sat) ② 2018 Jun. 10 Day (Sunday) BS

♪ April 2 Grieg Concerto and Rachmaninov Rhapsody CD Jacket Photo revealed

The CD that Nobu recorded with Vasily Petrenko & the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra in UK back in February

is being released next month (May 9), and a jacket photo has just shown up at all the announcements. It is a collage of two familiar photos of conductor Vasily Petrenko and Nobu in performance, with the orchestra and the track titles prominently listed.


辻井伸行 、 ヴァシリー・ペトレンコ 、 ロイヤル・リヴァプール・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団

Grieg: Piano Concerto & Rachmaninov: Paganini Rhapsody

Nobuyuki Tsujii , Vasily Petrenko , Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra

Item No .: AVCL-25960

Release date: 2018/05/09

More at 2018 Grieg Concerto and Rachmaninov Rhapsody CD

♪ A June performance with mentor Yutaka Sado

   There has been murmurs on the web about an upcoming performance of Nobu with his long-time mentor Conductor Yutaka Sado.

Nobu fan Yuki just tweeted:

こんな企画が✨ フェニーチェ堺presents 南宗寺の宴〜利休に捧ぐ〜2018 5/26-6/14 6/14 (木)18時開演 辻井伸行(ピアノ)×佐渡裕(フルートとリコーダー) 他にも山下洋輔さん、平原綾香さん さだまさしさん などが出演 各公演限定112名 料金700円

Fenice Sakai presents Nanshū-ji  temple dedicated to Rikyu ~ 2018 5/26 - 6/14 6/14 (Thu) 18 o'clock opening Nobuyuki Tsujii (piano) × Hiroshi Sado (flute and recorder)

Also Yosuke Yamashita, Ms. Ayaka Hirahara, Masashi Sada etc will make appearances Each performance limited to 112 people Price 700 yen

More at => Nobuyuki Tsujii & Yutaka Sado at the Nanshū-ji Temple June 2018

Nobuyuki Tsujii plays Kapustin in Germany August 5 2018

I have known for some time that Nobuyuki Tsujii will be performing at a summer festival in Friedrichshafen, Germany this August, but with all the exciting happenings of Nobu, I had neglected to keep an eye on this concert.

The 2018 KULTURUFER FRIEDRICHSHAFEN is described as "a large ten-day [summer] festival with music and dance, theater and cabaret in a total of 30 tent events." Friedrichshafen is a lakeside city in Southern Germany. Nobu's performance takes place in the evening 20:00 of the last day August 5 of the festival.

Thanks to sharp-eyed Nobu fan sunsoon, it is now known that Nobu is scheduled to perform the recital repertoire that he has performed on his just completed and very successful Debut 10 Years" Japan Tour. I have to admit that this took me by (happy) surprise!<== tickets are only 20 € each

  ♪ April 2 Ark Hills Music Festival details announced

This fall music festival is co-sponsored by Suntory Hall and Avex Classics International.

The festival is from October 6 through 8, with 9 events that feature the Moscow Soloists Chamber Orchestra with Viola & Conductor Yuri Bashmette, as well as Japan performers (Nobuyuki Tsujii and violinist Fumiaki Miura included).  Nobu and Fumi are listed as アーティスティック・リーダー Artistic Leaders.

Nobu is scheduled to appear in 4 of the 9 performances.

Concert No. 1 Friday, October 5 19:00 Suntory Hall Blue Rose (Small Hall):

Nobuyuki Tsujii (piano), Fumiaki Miura (violin), Noriaki Kawakubo (violin),

Lech Antonio Uzinski (Viola), Jonathan  Roseman (cello), Vikingle Olafson (piano)


Debussy: Image book Vol. 1 [Shadow of water reflected / Praise Ramo / Movement]

[Nobuyuki Tsujii (piano)]

Franck: Violin  Sonata A, major

[Miura Fumiaki (violin), Nobuyuki Tsujii (piano)]

Concert No.2 Lunchtime Recital / Nobuyuki Tsujii

Saturday, October 6 (Saturday) 12: 00 Suntory Hall Great Hall [Performance time: about 1 hour (no break)]

Nobuyuki Tsujii (piano)

Satie: Three gymnopedi

ravels : Jeux d'eau

Debussy: Two Arabesque

Debussy: Bergamasque Suite [Prelude / Minuet / Moonlight / Paspier]

Debussy: Island of joy

Concert No.4 Gala Concert October 6 (Saturday) 19 : 00 Suntory Hall Great Hall

Nobuyuki Tsujii (piano), Fumiaki Miura (violin), Vikingle Olafson (piano), Yuri Bashmette & Moscow Soloists


Brahms: Violin · Sonata No. 1 major Op. 78 "Rain Song"

[Fumiaki Miura (violin) & Nobuyuki Tsujii (piano)]

Beethoven: Piano · Sonata No. 14  Op.27-2 "Moonlight"

[Nobuyuki Tsujii (piano)]


Concert No. 9

Holiday Afternoon Concert / Nobuyuki Tsujii, Fumiaki Miura & Friends

October 8 (Monday  Holiday) 15:00 [Performance time: about 2 hours (including intermission)]

Suntory Hall Blue Rose (Small Hall)

Nobuyuki Tsujii (piano), Fumiaki Miura (violin), Noriaki Kawakubo (violin), Lechi Antonio Uzinski (viola), Jonathan Roseman (cello), Yuta Kato (contrabass)

Performance works & performers:

Chopin: Ballard No. 1 in G minor Op.23

[Nobuyuki Tsujii (piano)]

Beethoven: String Trio 0 p.9-2

[Fumiaki Miura (violin), Lech · Antonio · Uzinski (Viola), Jonathan · Roseman (cello)]

Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 2 in H minor-Op.21 (Chamber Music Edition)

[Nobuyuki Tsujii (piano), Fumiaki Miura (violin), Noriaki Kawakubo (violin), Lech Antonio  Uzinski (Viola), Jonathan Roseman ), Yuta Kato (contrabass)]

Nobu & Fumi at ARK Hills Music Week 2018

♪ April 2 China Daily: "Japanese blind prodigy gets joy in music"

The contents of this article, in English, is not new, but where it appears -- China Daily USA -- is of interest. It's good to know that Nobu's fame has reached China (I think).

"Nobuyuki Tsujii has successfully transcended his reputation as a blind prodigy and matured into one of Japan's foremost talents in the field. #music #piano"

♪ Nobu relaxed on the beach of Okinawa

Music writer Yoshiko Ikuma wrote some more about her trip to Okinawa to cover Nobu's Debut 10 Years" Japan Tour finale there last week.

She posted three wonderful photos of Nobu --  in Hawaiian shirt, white slacks and sandals -- enjoying himself on the beach -- it's great to see Nobu having some leisure time.






On the day we arrived in Okinawa, we filmed, interviewed, rehearsed, running and continuing, and we started at the dinner party after the late night. I got delicious Okinawa cuisine here.

As I wrote the other day, Mr. Tsujii's performance was the final day of this tour, so there was an intimate atmosphere with the audience. Especially the "eight concert etudes" of Kapustin played at the end of the program was excellent.

I heard the pieces of Kapustin at Suntory Hall on March 1, but while as he has been playing them many times on this tour, the technique was polished more and the perfection increased; the Okinawa performance was compelling.

After all, listening to the same program in different places,  with the atmosphere of each place, proved to be a very different experience.

Today's 3 pictures are Mr. Tsujii relaxing at the beach. The color of the sea and the color of the sky seem like midsummer.

  PHOTOs: Nobu on the beach in Okinawa -- rightmost shows him buying a drink from a hut.

♪ Nobu plays Hawaiian music

Have you seen this clip of Nobuyuki Tsujii play Hawaiian music on the piano? It is from a 2011 episode of a Takeshi (Art) Kitano TV show aired in Japan.

On the show, Kitano was challenging Nobu to do different things on the piano, and this was one of the challenges.

Kitano quipped: "There must be a 'Hawaiian Music' switch under the piano that you turned."

The clip can be watched on Twitter here =>

The entire show can be watched on your computer =>

♪ April 1 "Happy Future"

It is spring in Japan, and sakura (cherry blossoms) are in bloom.  A big thanks to Nobu fan Yura, who uploaded this excellent sound track of Nobu's performance of his own composition "Happy Future", theme music for an ongoing TV show in Japan. The accompanying still photo (cherry blossoms) is similar to the one shown below (found at <== please click to see/listen to video

Some might criticize the lack of depth in Nobu's music, but he is what he is, and his positive outlook and unpretentious sentiments register with a lot of people.