Notable web postings March 2020

Continued from Notable web postings February 2020

Older notable web postings are collected at Notable web postings archival

♪ Concerts this month

Mar 1 13:30 札幌コンサートホールHokkaido Kitara Concert Hall (2,008 seats)

POSTPONED TO August 31 due to threat of COVD-19 :-(

March 18 - April 2  Nobuyuki Tsujii 2020 Ultimate Concerto Concerts in Japan CANCELLED/POSTPONED

♪ March 29 Snow in Tokyo

Crowds disappear from Tokyo streets amid virus, out-of-season snow, Kyodo News

A rare spring snow fell in Tokyo, the hometown of Nobuyuki Tsujii, over the weekend. Perhaps it is Mother Nature's way of helping the government's request for the public to stay isolated at home. May all be well.

Image source: Japan Times

♪ March 29 "The Ugly Truth"

This morning I happened upon this excellent BBC Radio 4 program, a diversion from the COVID-19 news.

Description: 'The value society places on physical appearance has never quite made sense to blind presenter Lyndall Bywater and yet she's intrigued to discover why it matters so much to those of us in the sighted world."

The same thoughts expressed by the presenter have often been on mind ever since Nobuyuki Tsujii became a large part of my life.

Take a listen, if you will. BBC Radio 4 program "The Ugly Truth" ♪ March 26 Instagram from Mrs. Tsujii -- home cooking under self-restraint

Looks like Nobuyuki Tsujii is in good hands in this hard time.

Instagram from Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii:





"Because eating out [is forbidden] under self-restraint, home cooking. Marinated fish and shellfish of classic dishes, Seasonal Sayori Carpaccio. The second photo is paella."

With photos of  mouth-watering dishes elegantly laid out in an outdoors setting

In one photo a swimming pool can be seen in the background.

Nobu likes to swim - I hope that's a pool for him to swim whenever he likes.

♪ March 29 Orpheus Chamber Orchestra needs our help"

As COVID-19 continues its devastating impact, all of our performances and events planned through May have been canceled. We now face an unprecedented financial situation, and must raise $500,000 in order to survive to next season - ".

This orchestra has been a long-time collaborator with Nobuyuki Tsujii, most recently in Hong Kong just last April.

If you are in a position to do so please consider lending your help in their time of need. ->

♪ March 26  Japan Inches Toward Declaring Emergency to Stem Fresh Virus Wave

The news is not good from Japan. :-(  

One day after the decision to propone the Tokyo Olympics, it seems now there is a concern about the spread of the Coronavirus after all.

People in Tokyo have now been asked to stay indoors this weekend, and a lockdown may be imminent.

So much for Japan having dodged the bullet of the Coronavirus.

Looks like Nobuyuki Tsujii may have lots of time to learn new works and to compose music in the coming weeks

My best wishes to everyone. Please take care.

♪ March 25 Nobu got a mention by managing director of Canadian orchestra

Nobuyuki Tsujii is mentioned in an interview of Ms. Arna Einarsdótti, managing director of the National Arts Centre Orchestra (Canadian orchestra based in Ottawa), newly hired from Iceland.

"I worked with the Iceland Symphony Orchestra for 19 years, first as a flautist. Then I moved into management and eventually became the managing director in 2013. This was during very exciting times for the orchestra. ...

I also managed to get us back onto the touring circuit. When I left, one of the last things we did was to tour the orchestra to Japan, where we did 12 sold-out concerts over a three-week period. It was just incredible. We had Vladimir Ashkenazy conducting. He’s our laureate conductor. We had an amazing soloist as well, Nobuyuki Tsujii...

♪ March 24 Looking relaxed in latest photo from Mrs. Tsujii

Instagram from Mrs. itsuko_tsujii, with recent photo of son Nobuyki Tsujii looking relaxed somewhere outdoor.

She asks people to watch Nobu's congratulations message to spring graduates aired on NHK-TV, now viewable on Twitter

♪March 23 Nobu's message to Japan's spring graduates

Avex Announcement

【辻井伸行からこの春に卒業を迎える皆様にメッセージをお届け!】 明日3/24(火)19時半からNHK総合で放送の「みんなの卒業式」、こちらの番組のHP等で、辻井伸行の祝辞、および自作曲『花水木の咲く頃』の演奏を公開しております。ぜひご覧ください。

[Nobuyuki Tsujii sends a message to everyone graduating this spring! ] Tomorrow, 3/24 (Tue) 19:30, NHK General Broadcast "Everyone's Graduation Ceremony", Nobuyuki Tsujii's congratulations, and playing  his composition  "Hanamizuki no Sakuro" [In Dogwood Blossom Season, composed by Nobu when he was in high school - you can listen to its entirety on YouTube]  will be released on the website of the program. Please take a look. <= A video can already be viewed, but perhaps only a preview? Click link to see

Also viewable on Twitter

Below is a still image.

UPDATE: On the Nobuyuki Tsujii official website, there is an announcement about this appearance.  It seems this TV program aired on NHK (Japan's public media  network) is to compensate for the graduation ceremony that spring graduates in Japan were deprived of, due to school closures caused by the COVID-19 epidemic.

♪ March 22 "Nobuyuki Tsujii×Germany" aired on BS-Fuji TV

This episode, 9th in the Nobuyuki Tsujii World Music Travel series, is yet another excellent documentary, two-hours in length.

♪ March 20 Tokyo Symphony Orchestra resumes performance ...

It is March 21 in Japan.

Word came that "Tokyo Symphony Orchestra has received Government clearance to perform again" today

Concert-goers may choose a refund, and anti-virus measures are specified

Bold move. Best wishes to everyone!

♪ March 19 Boris Johnson says: UK can turn tide of corona virus in 12 weeks

The world is in the grips of the COVID-19 infection.

It seems frivolous to think of such things now, but ...PM Boris Johnson says: UK can turn tide of corona virus in 12 weeks

Hoping that he is right -- normality would return to London in time for the recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii on June 27!

This is how ticket sales look at this point ...

♪ March 19 New on YouTube

There is now a video on YouTube with footage of Nobuyuki Tsujii played for School Children in Sydney in 2016

We have had similar videos before, but this one is longer and is uploaded by the ほかほかちーた channel, which has 25K subscribers and many videos from Nobu' Japan TV documentaries.

辻井伸行さん[まるで天使たちの歌声に囲まれた神さまのピアノ演奏]Nobuyuki Tsujii is wrapped in children's singing voice -- October 2016 Australia

Backstory Nobuyuki Tsujii played for School Children in Sydney

Nobuyuki Tsujii is perhaps unique among performance artists to have such a vast quantity of videos around, with a meaningful story line in addition to great performances.

Judging from tweets they are getting a lot of views in this time of "social distancing"...

♪ March 18 "How to match the conductor without seeing?"

This video that I uploaded last September

Nobuyuki Tsujii 2019 Enescu Festival debut

has had 460K views and 78 comments.

The latest comment is posted by Nagta Akmich


How to match the conductor without seeing?

My response:

In interviews and documentaries, Nobu says he can hear the breathing of the conductor.  I have gone to many of his performances, and my impression is that he can indeed sense the movements of the conductor (such as their raising of the baton or hands) and also the lifting their bows by the string section. Some conductor (Ashkenazy, for example) turns around often to watch Nobu's finger movements.  I was at a rehearsal once, and at one point the conductor said something like let's do a certain part again.  Nobu started right away while the orchestra members fumbled with their music sheets -- everybody laughed and the conductor had to tell Nobu to wait.

And the expressions on the faces of the orchestra members who perform with Nobu often show them just as awe-struck by him as we are.

♪ March 17 2020 A Good Tour Spoiled

Announced on the Nobuyuki Tsujii official website

All Ultimate Concerto Concerts cancelled with the postponement of the two Tokyo performances -- victims of COVID-19.

All nine performances were sold out for months. 10,000 disappointed people

♪ We do still have this to look forward to!

March 22 A New World Travel Series episode "Nobuyuki Tsujii in Germany"

Amid all the gloomy news, we have something to cheer about!

A brand new (ninth) episode of their excellent Nobuyuki Tsujii World Travel Series will be aired by Fuji Television premium channel on March 22.

It will be about Nobu's time in Germany last fall: his Liszt concerto debut, Beethoven's footprints in Bonn, Steinway Piano ...

Japanese program website at

My page for it in English at 2020 Fuji-TV travel series: Nobuyuki Tsujii in Germany

UPDATED: Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan TV Specials -- how you can watch them online

♪ March 15 Illustrations of Nobuyuki Tsujii

From time to time I come across on the web illustrations of Nobuyuki Tsujii by admiring artists.

I consider these artworks a great tribute to my beloved pianist, and have kept them in a collection, viewable at Illustrations of Nobuyuki Tsujii Below: A fine art work posted yesterday on Twitter by Aria

♪ March 14 A U.S. church plays Nobu's 'Elegy for the Victims of the Earthquake and Tsunami'

It is around midnight in USA.

This YouTube video just showed up titled "March 15 Worship Service" on the channel of the First Church,Unitarian Universalist, Belmont, Massachusetts, USA.

At time-mark 15:00, there is footage of an excellent [church?] pianist playing 'Elegy for the Victims of the Earthquake and Tsunami' composed by Nobuyuki Tsujii -- perhaps the piece will be played at the service tomorrow?

In any case, I think Nobu can be proud of the recognition.

UPDATE: I have been informed that because of the virus spread, most churches in the U.S. are closed.  The video might have been posted as a substitute of their regular mass.

♪ March 13 Hana Wa Saku 花は咲く(Flowers Will Bloom)

The ravages of COVID-19 continue. Concerts are cancelled. Schools may close. Lives are disrupted.

But the cherry trees lining the tidal basin of our capital (Washington, D.C.), a gift from Mayor Yukio Ozaki of Tokyo City in 1912, is expected to bloom next week.

"Cherry blossoms reach ‘peduncle elongation’ stage. Peak bloom is about a week away."- Washington Post

♪ March 13 "耳を澄ませ聞き入りました。I listened and liste

The YouTube video of "A ray of water main theme solo piano" has chalked up 9,700 views in 24 hours.

As one twitter put it


I listened and listened."

The release of the video was widely reported in Japan, including on Yahoo Headline News.

♪ March 12 A video for "a very difficult situation now'

本日、辻井伸行「RAY OF WATER piano solo main theme(作・編曲:菅野よう子)」の


組曲「RAY OF WATER」は、昨年、天皇陛下御即位をお祝いする国民祭典で、









Today, Nobuyuki Tsujii's "RAY OF WATER piano solo main theme (composed and arranged by Yoko Kanno)"

The performance video has been released for a limited time.

The suite "RAY OF WATER" was performed last year at a national festival to celebrate the throne of the Emperor.

A large production performed played by Arashi [singing group] and Nobuyuki Tsujii with an orchestra.

The performance video released this time was arranged by Yoko Kanno who composed the work.

It is a piano solo version that has also been recorded [see post below].

It is available on this official site at the bottom of the "top" page or from the "MOVIE" list.

The following is a message from Nobuyuki Tsujii himself.

"It's a really difficult situation right now [because of the COVID-19]; I recorded this music in hope of encouraging you.

Please take a listen. "

Also viewable at



Nobu looks good (hair a little long and wearing a patterned shirt and jeans :-) in the video -- perhaps he has gotten some good rest with the unexpected down time.According to Nobu's own site, the recording was made on Feb 27 in the "Sound Inn B studio."

♪ March 12 "Ray of Water" single track available in high-quality digital format

Avex Classics International seems to be making a concerted effort to release music by Nobuyuki Tsujii in digital form.

This one might have come up just today March 12 in Japan: a piano solo rendition of Yoko Kanno's "Ray of Water" performed at the 2019 enthronement ceremony as well as encore on his just (nearly-)completed Japan recital tour recital tour.

High quality audio track ¥330;

Yoko Kanno: Ray of Water [Nobuyuki Tsujii piano solo main theme]




Released 2020/03/12;jsessionid=DFCBE12C569E7F2D148D329331CFEAC2 (with track sample that I was able to listen to in America.) track sample that I was not able to listen to in Amerca.) 

♪♪ March 10 Ultimate Concerto Concerts cancelled/postponed

😢In light of cancellations of concerts all over the world due to COVID-19,  this is not surprising news. 

But ... my heart breaks thinking about all the people in the industry, including Nobuyuki Tsujii.


新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大防止に伴い、「究極の協奏曲コンサート」の3/18名古屋公演、3/20金沢公演、3/21長野公演の3公演は中止、3/23・24東京公演は延期となりました。 尚、3/26広島公演、3/28・29大阪公演、4/2栃木公演につきましては、企画・制作側との協議・検討が続いております。

"Due to the prevention of the spread of the new coronavirus, 'Ultimate Concerto Concert' 3/18 performances in Nagoya, 3/20 Kanazawa and 3/21 Nagano performances are canceled, and 3/23/24 Tokyo performances are postponed."

The announcement is also posted on the Nobuyuki Tsujii official website.

♪ March 11 in Japan

In commemoration of the Earthquake-tsunami that devastated Japan on this day on 2011: a video of Nobuyuki Tsujii playing "Flowers will bloom" at the 2019 Osaka G20 summit, with projected screen images of the catastrophe & recovery.

The G20 summit took place on June 28 last year - see Nobuyuki Tsujii played for the G20 summit 2019

辻井伸行 G20大阪サミット「花は咲く」Hana wa Saku "Flowers will bloom" 復興支援ソング

♪ March 8 What is said on YouTube video of Nobuyui Tsujii at Chopin Competition

🙏A big, big thanks to Chie Minato-san 👍, who shares English translation of what's said on the recently uploaded YouTube video of Nobuyui Tsujii 辻井伸行 at the 2005 Chopin Competition [39K views in 2 days].

The comment [with time-marks linked to the video] can be read below the video, or click here, and I also made a post of it here

What is said on YouTube video of Nobuyui Tsujii at Chopin Competition

♪ March 6  NEW on YouTube

A 20-minute video , 辻井伸行さん【世界での活躍#5】ショパンコンクール Nobuyuki Tsujii's activity in the world #5 Chopin Competition.

It is footage extracted from a vintage Japan TV documentary is now viewable on the ほかほかちーた Channel on YouTube(this channel which has a large number of videos of footage from documentaries of Nobuyuki Tsujii aired on Japan TV.)

At only age 17, Nobu was accompanied to Warsaw by mother Itsuko Tsujii &long-time teacher Masahiro Kawakami.

Backstory -> Nobuyuki Tsujii at the 2005 Chopin Piano Competition

♪ March 8 Daylight savings time ...

I really combed the net for Nobuyuki Tsujii news, but no luck.

Ah well, no news is good news in these uncertain times.

But in the U.S. daylight savings time starts tonight March 8th, so we are back to 16 hours behind Japan (instead of 17 hours), and until March 29 (when Europe sets its clock), we will be 7 hours (instead of 8) behind U.K., Germany & France.

I envy our friends in Japan, who are not encumbered with this annual ritual ...

Image: Saturday, March 7 2020 it’s time to “Spring Forward” one hour with Daylight Savings Time!

♪ March 5 Tsunami anniversary ceremony cancelled & cherry-blossom festivities curtailed

It saddens me that in Japan the COVID-19 threat has curtailed tributes marking March 2011 earthquake-tsunami disaster, as well as their beloved cherry-blossom festivities.

Guardian article

Coronavirus: Japan to cancel tsunami anniversary ceremony – reports

Japan is to cancel a ceremony to mark the anniversary next week of the March 2011 triple disaster on its north-east coast, as part of government-led efforts to contain the spread of the coronavirus.


This week the organisers of two of Tokyo’s biggest cherry blossom festivals said they were scaling back the events to discourage large numbers of people from viewing the flowers when they come into bloom in the capital later this month.

But spring is here anyway, and may normalcy return soon.

♪ March 5 Grieg's concerto with the Liverpool Phil and Petrenko to air on NHK FM Radio

On the playbill of NHK FM Radio "Classics Cafe" program March 5, 2-3:50 PM: Grieg's concerto by Royal Liverpool Philharmonic liverpoolphil, #VasilyPetrenko & Nobuyuki Tsujii.

♪ March 3 Nobu the pride of Japan

Just how revered is Nobuyuki Tsujii in Japan? :-)

This tweet comes with a photo of a bottle of French wine:



04年と同じく選果の賜物か、大変に無垢で美しい1本。これを例えるなら辻井伸行のラ カンパネラかな(妻も同意)

"Pure opulence into the barrel, an irresistible fragrance. Pure & delicate, yet taut. Quiet yet sharply focused, the tranquility of a clear spring, and the texture of a crystal ball. A gift of fruit from 2004, pure and beautiful. It's like Nobuyuki Tsujii's La Campanella (my wife agrees)."

Another ode to Nobu the treasure of Japan:



Recently I had a headache and  took some headache medicine, but when it dis not work, I somehow got better by listening to the piano of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.

The power of music.

♪ March 2 Status to be determined: March 18 - April 2 Nobuyuki Tsujii 2020 Ultimate Concerto Concerts

On February 27, amid growing threat of COVID-19, the Japanese government requested organizers to cancel events for 2 weeks.

This is a big blow to performers and organizers of concerts in Japan, which normally enjoys a vibrant performance schedule.

Numerous performances by local as well as overseas artists have had to be called off as a result.

Two of the last stops of Nobuyuki Tsujii's Japan recital tour were affected; the March 1 finale recital in Hokkaido is postponed till August.

Nobu's next public performances are 9 sold-out  Ultimate Concerto Concerts in Japan, March 18-April 2, with  cellist Dai Miyata, violinist Ayana Tsuji, and Neil Thomson conducting the Yomiuri Nippon Orchestra.

No announcement has been made regarding the status of these events, which fall outside of the 2-week event moratorium requested by the government.

We will just have to wait.


Avex Classics tweeted

「究極の協奏曲コンサート」は 政府および自治体の情報を随時注視し、状況分析と今後の予測を踏まえ、 実施の可否、また実施する場合の感染予防、拡散防止対応策等について、 アーティストおよび関係各位とともに協議・検討を続けております。

The “Ultimate Concerto Concert” -- we are monitoring the information of the government and local governments regarding the virus outbreak, and will determine on whether or not to implement the performances based on situation analysis and future forecasts. We are continueing discussion with artists and related parties.

決定次第速やかに、 辻井伸行オフィシャルサイト にて お知らせいたしますので、今しばらくお待ちくださいますよう お願い申し上げます。

As soon as a decision has been reached, it will be announced on the Nobuyuki Tsujii official website. Thank you for your patience.

♪ March 1 "決して威張らない本物のカッコ良さがある。a genuine coolness that never exaggerates"

A male twitter wrote:







I wathed a movie of Nobuyuki Tsujii and couldn't  sleep.

Too great.

I don't know know how good his piano music is at all, but I'm impressed and can't sleep.

That  deep bow to the waist after playing.

It is similar to the coolness of Katsu Shintaro [late actor] of Zatoichi [a fictional blind swordsman]

There is a genuine coolness that never exaggerates.

This tweet struck a chord with me. "A coolness that never exaggerates" of the blind swordsman is perhaps a concept ingrained into the collective consciousness of the Japanese public. That notion may well be a factor of Nobu's extraordinary and enduring popularity in his home country. And the absence of that notion elsewhere is perhaps a reason of why that popularity has yet to fully materialize elsewhere, where Nobu is sometimes loudly (and distastefully) proclaimed as "BORN BLIND" in promotional materials (see below) -- quite the opposite of "a genuine coolness that never exaggerates."

Continued at "A genuine coolness that never exaggerates".

♪ February 28  Nobu's Prokofiev Piano Concerto no. 3

Twitter@rosemary07010 mentions that Prokofiev's Piano Concerto no. 3 is going to be discussed on the "lalala Classics" TV show in Japan next week, and that (s)he is aware that Nobu has performed this work with Ashkenazy, Sado & Gergiev.

Nobu first played Prok 3 in 2012 on a challenge by Ashkenazy, & he has since played it in Basel, USA (with Mobile Symphony Orchestra), Italy, Vienna; but never yet in Japan!

Backstory here -> Nobuyuki Tsujii plays Prokofiev's Piano Concerto no. 3

Here is a little known video of Nobu in his first rehearsal with Ashkenazy in 2012.

And an old news clip aired in Japan about the performance in London