Notable web postings -- November 2014

November 30

Jetzt im TV ‏@JetztimTV tweeted

#ORF2: Touching the Sound - Die Klangwelt des blinden Pianisten Nobuyuki Tsujii, #WDR: Lindenstrasse

Aksah N. J. Corp ‏@aksah_corp tweeted:

Mama, welche Farbe hat der Wind? (Nobuyuki Tsujii, blinder japanischer Pianist) [Mother, what color is the wind? (Nobuyuki Tsujii, blind Japanese pianist)

Daniela Zeilinger commented on facebook:

Nobuyuki, you're a special young Man!

Nobu appears on the Pianists with Kittens site  :-) :-) (The images of the kittens were superimposed on a photo of Nobu.)

image posted on  the Pianists with Kittens site, via Internet link

November 28

AC Fitness ‏@AshtonTSC Nov 26  tweeted

Nobuyuki Tsujii is a master on the piano

November 20-23

Nobu performed in Liverpool, U.K. - please see news, comments and photos here:

Nobuyuki Tsujii in Liverpool, Nov 20 & 23

Nobuyuki Tsujii recitals in Germany, Nov 3 (Berlin) & Nov 9 (Munich)

Nobuyuki Tsujii in Manchester U.K., October 31

November 19

こ の前の特番... これ、辻井伸行さんのpianoで 私が一番好きなやーつ🎹♪ 何度聴いても 何度観ても泣けるー( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` ) 何故だかわからんけどw いつか生で聴きたいなー 1月楽しみだなー(♡ˊ艸ˋ♡) This before specials ... this, I like most Yatsu in piano of Nobuyuki Mr. Tsujii ♪ many times listening also cry even watched many times over and I do not know why.  Looking forward to listening to him in January.

image via Internet link

November 14

辻 井伸行のラフマニノフ聞きたいけども〜23000円の席しかないけども〜、そんなお金ないけども I want to hear Rachmaninov of Nobuyuki Tsujii, but only seats of ~2300 yen are available.  I don't have that kind of money.  -tweet

November 13

Touching the Sound. The Improbable Journey of Nobuyuki Tsujii", by Peter Rosen and released by Euro Arts, is on list of

The Prize of the German Record Critics' Award (PdSK) - see here and here -- More at Honors for "Nobuyuki Tsujii Touching the Sound"!

『い つまでもショパン』を読みながら、辻井伸行さんのピアノが聴きたい気分。 While reading "Chopin forever" [a novel], I feel like listening to Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano.  -tweet

三重県文化会館 ‏@miekenbun  Mie Prefecture Cultural Center tweeted

辻井伸行 日本ツアー《熱情》 3月22日(日)16時開演 三重県文化会館大ホール 待望の三重県文化会館登場。ベートーヴェン《熱情》《悲愴》ほかを熱演! 12月7日よりチケット発売です。お見逃しなく!

long-awaited  Tsujii Nobuyuki Japan tour "Appassionata" March 22 (Sun) 16:00 curtain Mie Prefecture Cultural Center Great Hall of the Mie Prefecture Cultural Hall appearance. Beethoven "Appassionata" "Pathetique" performance anticipated enthusiastically! Ticket sale starts December 7. Do not miss!

2014.11.07 Friday










演奏会で世界を飛び回っている辻井さん。移動がない日の朝は健康管理のために運動をしているようです。 ...

2014.11.07 Friday

Apology for goods

... Since I got an Amazon  gift certificate for information leakage, I used it to buy the disc "La Campanella - Virtuoso Liszt! Nobuyuki Tsujii.  On the liner notes it is mentioned that the producer of Germany said, "He is playing the world's best Liszt."  I was able to savor the sound like beautiful jewelry.  I am super looking forward to his concert with the Liverpool Philharmonic after New Year. I must start preparing for appreciating the Shostakovich.  Meanwhile, Mr. Tsujii is flying around the world in concerts...

November 12

 A review . for Nobu's Nov. 9 Munich recital, which appeared in the 11.11.14  Münchner Abendzeitung (The Munich Evening News).

It is titled "Very close to the music itself" and it is VERY POSITIVE.   A translation by me is available here - I welcome suggestions for improving the translation.

Knowledge Network tweeted

Don't know #NobuyukiTsujii? Watch & listen tonight at 9pm: . Can't wait? Read our interview: …

November 9

PRINZ München ‏@PRINZ_Muenchen tweeted at Germany time 4PM

Nobu Tsujii beginnt 20:00Uhr hier: Prinzregententheater, … #Muenchen #konzert

Dotik zvoka - Neverjetno potovanje Nobujukija Tsuiija, ameriški glasbeni dokumentarni film

Na sporedu: 09.11.2014 ob 20:00  RTV Slovenia

November 8

3月に!! 辻井伸行さんが!! 三重県に!!来る In March! ! Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii! ! Mie Prefecture! ! He is coming!  -tweet

辻井伸行さんの単独ピアノリサイタルあるみたいだから行ってみよ♪ I'll try to go because it looks like a solo piano recital of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii   -tweet

Posted on facebook page of EuroArts Music

We recently had the pleasure to attend Nobuyuki Tsujii's Berlin concert. Afterwards he was so kind to sign several copies of his new documentary "Touching the Sound", so stay tuned as all four DVDs and Blu-rays will soon be looking for new homes!

image via Internet link

Touching the Sound

<<   作成日時 : 2014/11/09 01:14   >>

ブログ気持玉 0 / トラックバック 0 / コメント 0

ピ アニスト辻井伸行の成長及び彼の音楽についての作品。涙が止まらないのはいつもの通りだが、所々出てくる記録映像を通して才能があるとはどういうことかを 目の当たりにすることができる。意識的にかお父さんは出てこないのだが、伸行君の両親のご苦労と愛情を見ながら、自分はこれだけの愛情を子供達に注いだ か?と反省させられる。


This is a documentary about the development of the  music of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii.

As usual, tears did not stop.

Arhival footage gives testimony to his talent.  Although the father is not shown, so much  hardships and affections of the parents for their child.

It makes you reflect about children. 

I would like a lot of Japanese watch this.

The narratives of the manager and piano teacher are in English, not Japanese.

It would be good if a DVD comes out with subtitles.

November 7  ヒロシマの爺婆  blog


似顔絵 辻井 伸行 さん

Portraits of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii

5 illustrationsof Nobu by "Hiroshima old man"

prinzregententheatre posting[promoter]=33

Nobu Tsujii, Klavier


Ravel: Sonatine pour piano, Gaspard de la nuit

Chopin: Polonaise a-Moll op. 53 „Heroique“, Sonate Nr. 3 h-Moll

Hören Japaner den Namen Nobu Tsujii, stehen sie oft Kopf. Fast wie ein Popstar wird der 26 Jahre alte, von Geburt an blinde Pianist in seiner Heimat gefeiert. Seit er 2009 den renommierten Van-Cliburn-Klavierwettbewerb gewann, häufen sich bei ihm Interview- und Konzertanfragen aus aller Welt – der Sprung in die europäischen und auch in die amerikanischen Konzertsäle gelang Tsujii mühelos. Nach seinem fulminanten Münchner Klavierabend 2012 debütierte er letztes Jahr bei den Münchner Symphonikern mit Rachmaninows zweitem Klavierkonzert. Spätestens da stand fest, dass man auch hier nicht mehr auf ihn verzichten möchte: Nobus Spiel zwingt einen zum Hinhören, entfacht ungläubiges Staunen und hinterlässt eine bewegte Hörerschaft. Jeder Ton, jede Note ist zutiefst berührend. Die Tasten sind sein vertrautes Spielfeld seit frühester Kindheit, neue Werke erlernt Nobu ausschließlich über das Gehör. Vielleicht ist es diese Losgelöstheit vom schriftlich fixierten Notenbild, die ihm Freiheiten gibt, die andere nicht haben. Das, was man bisher von ihm hörte, gibt jedenfalls Anlass zu größten Hoffnungen für die Zukunft.


Preise € 32 bis € 52 zzgl. Gebühren. Bitte beachten Sie: Die online-Bestellung erfolgt über MünchenTicket bzw. direkt über den Veranstalter. Die Höhe der Gebühren kann je nach Vorverkaufsstelle unterschiedlich ausfallen.


Listen to Japanese name Nobu Tsujii, they often stand on their heads. Almost like a pop star of the 26-year-old, blind at birth is celebrated pianist in his home. Since 2009 he the prestigious Van Cliburn Piano Competition, won piling upin his interview and concert requests from all over the world - the jump in the European and American concert halls in the managed Tsujii effortlessly. After his brilliant piano recital Munich 2012, he debuted last year at the Munich Symphony Orchestra with Rachmaninoff's Second Piano Concerto. By then it was clear that they no longer want to do without him here: Nobus game forces you to listening, sparked disbelief and leaves behind a moving audience.Every note, every note is deeply touching. The keys are his familiar pitch since early childhood, new works exclusively Nobu learned by ear. Perhaps it is this detachment from the writing fixed notation, which gives him freedoms that others do not have. That which you previously heard of him, in any case gives rise to great hopes for the future.


Price € 32 to € 52 excl. Fees. Please note: The online ordering is via Munich ticket or directly through the event organizer. The amount of the fees may vary depending on the box office.

November 5

A press release





NEW YORK, NY (November 4, 2014)—On Wednesday, May 20, 2015, Orpheus Chamber Orchestra will celebrate its Annual Gala at the Metropolitan Club, honoring Masaaki Tanaka, the Deputy President of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (MUFG). This black-tie evening will include a private Orpheus performance with cocktails and seated dinner, and benefit the orchestra’s ongoing commitment to provide performances and educational activities of the highest caliber to new communities worldwide.

Orpheus honors Mr. Tanaka for his significant contributions and advocacy of the orchestra on three continents. One year after the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, Mr. Tanaka and MUFG sponsored Orpheus’ travel to Japan, where the orchestra presented a series of concerts and worked with students in the critical area of Sendai. Since then, the partnership has included support for the orchestra’s appearance at the 8th Annual International Music Festival in Cartagena, Colombia; performances with pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, whose collaboration with Orpheus sold out Carnegie Hall; and Orpheus’ most recent Japan Tour in February 2014 where the musicians once again engaged students in Sendai. ...

November 2

今日はりゅー とぴあにてユンディ・リのリサイタル聴きに行ったけど、一番驚いたのは、もらったチラシに辻井伸行がツアーで3月に新潟来る際の予定曲にメフィスト・ワル ツと書いてあった事!And I went to listen to Li Yundi's recital at RyutoPia today. The most surprising of all is that in a flyer that I received, it was written that Nobuyuki Tsujii is scheduled to come to Niigata in March on tour, with Mephisto Waltz on the program!  -tweet

November 1

Nobu is the subject of a doctoral dissertation!  Stefan Honisch, University of British Columbia, is the author of a paper listed on this page, where under "ABOUT THE AUTHOR" it is said: "His dissertation (in progress) is centered on a 2013 solo recital at the University of British Columbia by the pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii(co-gold medallist of the 2009 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition), exploring how this performance—by a blind pianist who has repeatedly insisted that he wants his audiences to think of him as "simply a pianist" — was received by select professors and graduate students."  Nobu did perform in Vancouver in 2013, and Mr. Honisch was one of the organizers that arranged for his visit - see Nobuyuki Tsujii 2013 North America Tour - Part 3