proms - part 2

(continued from 2013 BBC Proms Debut)

Superb performance.  Nobu gave his all in this performance of Rach 2, topped with an encore of "La Campanella".  He received a rare Standing Ovation at the Proms.  The love of the orchestra for him can be heard.  I myself was in tears listening to the performance on BBC 3 radio.

Photo posted on zakzak news, shown here via Internet link

The performance can now be heard on demand for a week here.  The entire concert is worth listening to.  An added bonus is the commentary between performances.  Listen to the roar from the audience before and after Nobu's performances. 

Violinist Julian Geogory and oboist Jennifer Galloway spoke at the beginning of the segment, and had really warm words about Nobu - .    Presenter  Petroc Trelawny said several times that Nobu has developed a very strong bond with the BBC Phil

Notable words:

Mr. Gregory: When he came to the first <Proms> rehearsal, the orchestra gave him an amazing cheers when Nobu showed up at the first rehearsal for the Proms - said he had never seen anything like that.

Mr. Gregory: I really feel that < unlike many pianists> Nobu really listens to the orchestra and play together with us.("Keying in")

Petroc Trelawny: "baking heat", even hotter in the hall.

Petroc Trelawny: Very rare to see a standing ovation at the Proms here, but we are seeing one here.

Petroc Trelawny: Tonight is all about Nobuyuki Tsujii.

Petroc Trelawny: Richard Wiggly, general manager of the orchester, told me that he recalls that after the concert, players would be hanging around, leaning over the piano to listen to Nobu play, something which doesn't happen very often in the practical world of music.

Petroc Trelawny:  <After the encore of La Campanella> It is always dangerous to talk about extraordinary Proms events , but  surely this is one for the history book,  that thrilling performance of Rachmaninov second by such a fine, young pianist.   And he has developed this wonderful relationship with the orchestra.  He is shaking hands now with Yuri Torchinsky, the leader of the orchestra,  bowing to the orchestra.

Comments poured in - here are the ones that I caught:

BBC Philharmonic ‏@BBCPhilharmonic tweeted:

Well we're speechless after Nobuyuki Tsujii's Rach 2. What did you think? @BBCRadio3 @bbcproms #proms

Goosebumps watching Nobuyuki Tsujii playing the Rach 2. And then an encore of Liszt too! Amazing stuff! cc @bbcproms @bbcradio3

Nobuyuki Tsujii, pronounced NO-BOO-YOU-KEY SHU-GEE. Call him Nobu NO-BOO RT @bwreedbgr Just listened to a blind pianist play the Rach 2.

Blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii just Rachmaninov moved the packed, sweating Royal Albert Hall for the Proms. Just amazing

I was deeply moved by Tsujii's Rachmaninov! Congratulate for his fantastic Proms debut!! #bbcproms

dymphna callery ‏@dymphnacallery

Tsujii was fantastic, just goes to show that passion and determination can literally conquer anything! #Rachmaninoff #LaCampanella

Rach 2 piano concerto with blind pianist and standing ovation - clapping along in my kitchen. Just love Proms on Radio 3 #thrillingmusic

Listening to the most amazing piano player, Nobuyuki Tsujii, on the bbc proms and he's blind #inawe

Nobuyuki Tsujii pianista, dirigido por Juanjo Mena en los PROMS de Londres un éxito con el Concierto para piano n° 2 de Rachmaninoff. #BBCF  Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, directed by Juanjo Mena in London PROMS a hit with the Piano Concerto No. 2 by Rachmaninoff. # BBCF

BBC Proms ve La Campanella diyeceksek altın standart budur … (Tsujii, bu seviyeden epeyce aşağıdaydı) This is the gold standard for the BBC Proms, and La Campanella  ... (Tsujii, this level was down considerably)

Tonight ladles and jelly spoons...Rachmaninov! #proms

A night at the proms...Rachmaninoff piano concert No.2 ....excited :-)

The pianist at the proms tonight is blind #incredible

“@bbcproms: You could have heard a pin drop in the @royalalberthall during Nobuyuki Tsujii encore Liszt's La Campanella #BBCProms” Loved it!

Faith in humanity restored. Just heard blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii perform the most amazing performance of Rachmaninov No 2. Astonishing!

Tsujii Nobuyuki at Royal Albert Hall-spellbinding!!! #royalalberthall

@bbcproms what was the second piece of music Nobuyuki Tsujii played this evening? #Incredible

The Liszt La Campanella from Nobuyuki Tsujii was fantastic! #BBCProms

Well that was a privilege @bbcproms Nobuyuki Tsujii was pretty staggering

PeterBingle ‏@PeterBingle tweeted:

In all my years I have never witnessed such a reaction as this evening at the Proms. When Nobuyuki Tsujii took his bow we were all crying!

Went to the #Proms tonight, listened to Nobuyuki Tsujii play Rachmaninov. Still certain he has a third hand hidden about his person.

Just Nobuyuki Tsujii & James Conlon rehearsing Chopin & Rach.  Utterly staggering.

Enjoyed my first (v sweaty) #BBCProms of 2013. Great playing from @BBCPhilharmonic & the incredible Nobuyuki Tsujii

Thx, John Shea @BBCRadio3 for opening his "Through the Night" … after @bbcproms with Chopin Berceuse by Nobuyuki Tsujii

@bbcproms Great night tonight- the night belonged to Nobuyuki Tsujii but David Matthew's peice was lovely too.

辻井伸行さんのラフマ二番!からのラ・カンパネラ!客席のオベーションと足踏み凄かったです、感動。 Rach 2 of Nobuyuki Tsujii's! La Campanella! A  great standing ovation of the audience, impressed.

BBC Proms行ってきました!盲目のピアニスト、辻井伸行さんの演奏でした。素晴らしかった! I went to Proms Concert. Blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii performance was great!

The BBC proms、今日は辻井伸行さんがピアノということでロイヤルアルバートホールに行ってきた。予約できなかったので当日券に並んだんだけれど、アリーナの 立ち見でたったの5ポンド(約750円)。年齢も服装もばらばらの数百人がオーケストラの真ん前アリーナで立っていて  The BBC proms. I went to Royal Albert Hall for Nobuyuki Tsujii's  piano today. I lined up one day for ticket but didn't get it, but for five pounds arena (about 750 yen) I got to stand in the arena.   Hundreds of people of all ages and diverse clothing were standing right in front of the  orchestra




Proms today.

Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii. It's a luxurious feeling in the morning <3 AM in Japan>

Radio announcer said rare standing ovation at the Proms has occurred.

Pianist at the proms is phenomenal - played Rachmaninov, absolutely stunning. Oh, and he's blind! How does he learn it all? #amazing

Just watched a blind man play Rachmaninov's second piano concerto at the Proms. #slightlyawestruck

@bbcproms what was the second piece of music Nobuyuki Tsujii played this evening? #Incredible

The Liszt La Campanella from Nobuyuki Tsujii was fantastic! #BBCProms

Well that was a privilege @bbcproms Nobuyuki Tsujii was pretty staggering

Pianist at the proms is phenomenal - played Rachmaninov, absolutely stunning. Oh, and he's blind! How does he learn it all? #amazing

Just watched a blind man play Rachmaninov's second piano concerto at the Proms. #slightlyawestruck

By the way, so lovely to see conductor Mena sitting on the podium just behind the piano and listening Nobuyuki Tsujii's encore..

Hearing Nobuyuki Tsujii playing Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No. 2 tonight was healing the soul #Proms2013

@bbcproms Back from the wonderful BBC Philharmonic Prom just so emotional brilliant Rachmaninov performance. Privileged to be there. THANKS!

- Ooh, you lucky things. Caught that in the car earlier, sounded gorgeous.

- Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano was superlative. So emotional. I had a lump in my throat but some were in tears

@bbcproms Listening to Nobuyuki Tsujii create such beauty in Rach 2 (Prom 6) #Magic  -tweet

BBC4 posting

Video <same as YouTube 2-minutes clip>

BBC Four

BBC Proms: 2013: Proms on Four: Friday Night at the Proms - BBC Philharmonic Orchestra

19.07.13 Watch part of the slow movement from Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No.2. With Nobuyuki Tsujii (piano) and the BBC Philharmonic conducted by Juanjo Mena. This concert was broadcast live on BBC Radio 3 at 7.30pm on Tuesday 16 July (repeated Friday 19 July at 2pm) and is available on-demand for seven days after broadcast. Radio 3 is streamed in HD sound online.

Scheduled TV broadcast: BBC Four on Friday 19 July at 7.30pm.

全部観たい(T_T)“@bbcproms: WATCH: Nobuyuki Tsujii perform Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No 2 #BBCProms

 I want to watch the whole thing  -tweet   <I replied: Try>

    Petroc Trelawny ‏@PetrocTrelawny 17 Jul <BBC3 Proms broadcast host> tweeted

    If you missed Nobuyuki Tsujii's stunning Rachmaninov at #bbcproms listen here … 34'in @bbcradio3 @BBCPhilharmonic

NobuTsujiiFan ‏@mlliu2006 (that's me!) tweeted back:

@PetrocTrelawny @BBCRadio3 @BBCPhilharmonic We Nobuyuki Tsujii fans all over the world cannot thank you enough. UK - great country!

This was retweeted by Petroc Trelawny Katie Derham (BBC Proms hostess)

And  BBC Radio 3 ‏@BBCRadio3 tweeted back

@mlliu2006 And thank you for joining us! :-)

<blog of classical music lover in Japan, who must have listened to the Proms performance on BBC3<



7月16日の ≪Prom 6≫ は、日本でも話題になっている辻井伸行のプロムス・デビューでした。共演は今春、佐渡裕の指揮で日本各地を回ったBBCフィルとの共演です。















PROMs debut of Nobuyuki Tsujii

July 16 «Prom 6» was the Proms debut of Nobuyuki Tsujii, which has become a hot topic in Japan. He was the co-star of the BBC Philharmonic this spring, and they toured all over Japan under the baton of Yutaka Sado.

Program include ...

Nobuyuki Tsujii's appearance came at the end of the first half.  BBC Phil and Tsujii are connected by a special bond through their Japan tours.  He is nicknamed "Nobu" by the team members, and he was introduced by announcer.

The track Rachmaninov was good. Audience at the Royal Albert Hall greeted it with a standing ovation when the performance was over.  Liszt's  La Campanella was played in the encore.

The warm welcome by the British audience was impressive.  There was also applause between movements..

Since this concert has been recorded for TV broadcasting, there may be broadcast in Japan as well.  I think a DVD may also be of interest.

A blog post by a Japanese who was at the Proms concert.  Standing right in front of the stage, she apparently used her cell phone to take many photos of Nobu on stage at the end of the performance, such as this one

image shown via Internet link

Unfortunately, this blogger ruined it all for me with this paragraph:

ぎっ しり立っているので回りの観客の様子もよく見えるのですが、ハンデを乗り越えた素晴らしい演奏に、皆さんとても感動しているのがよくわかりました。才能は あっても、盲人で自閉症の彼がここまで弾けるようになるまでにどれほどの努力をしたのだろうと思うと胸が熱くなります。I see the audience around me well, because they were standing closely, and  I could tell that the great performance of one who has overcome such handicap had impressed everyone.  My chest became hot when I think of the effort that it must take, talent not withstanding, to achieve this in spite of his blindness and autism.

I posted this comment:

Thank you for the sharing your Proms experience, and the photos are excellent.

But you wrote: 盲人で自閉症

Nobu is blind. But he is not autistic. As a Japanese, you should know better than to propagate this rumour. It is not fair to Mr. Tsujii.

Judging from what she wrote, this blogger did not have a true appreciation of Nobu's music, but dwelled on his handicap and perhaps went into the concert mainly to take photos.  She is not the kind of audience that Nobu needs.

July 18/19July 18


The other day I listened to <Proms> performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii I thought it was really good, a strong production. And I think certainly there must be considerable effort behind the scenes. He lived up to the expectations, great thing. I think that it is star quality. <I admit that when I listened to BBC3 live I had great anxiety, knowing that I myself would surely buckle under such intense pressure performing in "baking heat", with the audience seemingly only inches away.   Nobu is a STAR par excellence!! I am so proud of him :-) :-)> RadioTimes, UK

 Proms on Four: Friday Night at the Proms

    7:30pm - 9pm


Japanese pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii should be an inspiration for young musicians everywhere. Blind since birth, and now aged just 24, he’s making his Proms debut with Rachmaninov’s achingly beautiful Piano Concerto No 2, saying he’s “fascinated by its romantic and deep emotion”. Close your eyes and conjure up Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard being terribly buttoned-up Brits on that smoky station platform in Brief Encounter.

BBC Proms Team ‏@bbcproms tweeted

WATCH: Nobuyuki Tsujii perform Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No 2 #BBCProms

very beautiful interpretation RT @bbcproms WATCH: Nobuyuki Tsujii perform Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No 2 #BBCProms

From the blog post of a family friend of Nobu:

辻井伸行in ロンドン!

辻 井伸行君からメールが届きました。ノブリンは今、ロンドンでイギリス最大の音楽祭のプロムスに出演し、大成功したとのことです。ロイヤルアルバートホール で弾けて最高の一日だったそうです。日本を代表するピアニストから世界の天才ピアニストとして活躍するノブリンを本当に嬉しく思います!

Nobuyuki Tsujii in London!

Mail arrived from dear Nobuyuki Tsujii. It seems that he just appeared in the Proms music festival in London UK, and was a big success. It seems he had the best day playing at the Royal Albert Hall. I am really glad. Noburin is playing an active part in the world as a talented  pianist on behalf of Japan

July 17 Review in U.K. "Independent" - excerpt:

His opening chords were spectral wisps but they swelled to a ripe fullness, after which he was off in an interpretation of notable restraint and refinement. There were times in the first movement when the BBC Philharmonic all but drowned him, but he dominated the Adagio with easy grace, giving its lyrical lines a sweet sincerity, and avoiding all temptation to milk the music for emotional effect. His way with the Scherzo was beautifully judged, with brilliant passage-work and exuberant power. His encore – Liszt’s “La campanella” – was exquisite

July 16

Kind words from Nobu's manager Mr. A, who escorts Nobu on tour -- his words made me teary all over again.

2:00 am in London, we have a lot of fan reading this wonderful fan site.

Nobu and all of us are deeply grateful for such swift and detailed work from you, as ever.

The concert went very well, reaction from the audience was overwhelming.and

I had a chance to watch video cameras at back stage, I believe TV broadcast Friday 19th will be another phenomenon.

Thanks again, and thank again.


A 'curtain raiser' article about Nobu appeared in the major U.K. newspaper Telegraph, by major critic Ivan Hewett.  Many kind words.  "Given all this, I'm expecting to meet someone reverently serious. In fact "Nobu", as he's known to everyone, is smilingly cheerful and straightforward."

A review that came up only hours after the performance: "This was a memorable performance by a pianist of maturity and fine musicianship.

As an encore, Tsujii gave the audience Liszt’s La Campanella, in a performance that was both dazzling and entertaining."

The performance made news in Japan: <Japan 47 News>

2013/07/17 08:54

辻井伸行さん、音楽の殿堂で公演 英プロムスに





Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii at the Proms concert at British temple of music

[London] On the 16th, Nobuyuki Tsujii (24), up-and-coming pianist, performed at the Royal Albert Hall in central London, which is said to be the temple of music in the UK.

He was invited to perform at the "Proms", the world's largest festival of classical music, held for about two months each summer under the auspices of the BBC This was Mr. Tsujii's second performance in London, following one in May last year.

Born sightless, Tsujii has been in the limelight in the wake of his victory at the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in 2009.

He gave an excellent performance of  the Rachmaninof Piano Concerto No. 2, a work that he played in the final round of that contest. He received a standing ovation from the audience of about 6,000 people.

zakzak news <with photo shown above>

辻井伸行氏、世界最大音楽祭デビュー! ロンドンの聴衆魅了



英ロンドンで開催中の世界最大のクラシックコンサート「プロムス」に、日本人ピアニストとして初めてヴァン・クライバーン国際ピアノ・コンクールで優勝 した辻井伸行氏(24)が17日未明(現地時間16日夜)に初出演。同コンクールでも演奏し、もっとも得意とするラフマニノフのピアノ協奏曲第2番を披露 した。


プロムスは世界中から招かれたオーケストラや演奏家が腕を披露する音楽祭で、今年は7月12日から9月7日まで開催。英国の国民的行事の1つであり、プ ロムスに招待されることは世界のオーケストラと指揮者にとってステイタスとなり、ソリストに抜擢されることも注目を集める。


Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii debut in world's largest music festival!  Fascinated London audience.

Nobuyuki Tsujii (24), the first Japanese to win the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, performed in a classical music concert at the world's largest festival, "Proms", in UK, evening on the 16th local time (early morning in Japan).  As in the contest, he showed off his strength with the Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2. Mr. Tsujii appeared on the Royal Albert Hall at the main venue at the Proms, with 7000 audience. Performing with the BBC Philharmonic under the command of  Juanjo Mena, he charmed the audience.  The Promos music festival  invites musicians and orchestras  from all over the world  and is  held from July 12 through Setpember 7 this year. It is one of the national events in the UK, and being invited to perform at Proms as a soloist is important for status and attracts attention.

Mr. Tsujii had played with BBC Philharmonic often,  the Proms appearance was realized as a result of the strong recommendation of the orchestra.

image shown here via Internet link - source: Fukushima News

PROMS homepage

Click here to check for last-minute availability of tickets.  Although the concert has been declared SOLD OUT, it seems that seats can still become available from time to time!

image presented via Internet link

Worldwide, we can all listen to the performances live on BBC3 radio, via the Internet, and also for one week after each performance.  And Nobu's July 16 performance will be televised on  BBC4 TV on July 19 Friday at 7:30PM  You may also be able to watch it on your computer through this site: - or

July 16 7:00PM: Nobu makes his BBC Proms debut at the Royal Albert Hall.  He performs Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 2  with the BBC Philharmonic and Conductor Juanjo Mena.  The performance can be listened to live on BBC3 radio (available on the Internet), and will be shown on BBC4 TV on July 19.   Tickets were sold out a month in advance, but standing rooms are available at the doors on the day of the performance.

July 16 (U.K.) BBC3 radio "Essential Classical" program  10am -- 'Proms Artist Recommends': An artist performing later today in the BBC Proms recommends three musical works, and on Essential Classics we'll play one of those pieces around 10am. Today's artist is Nobuyuki Tsujii, .

July 16 (U.K.) Nobuyuki Tsujii at the BBC Proms (performing Rachmaninov 2 with the BBC Phil) will be  broadcast live on BBC3 radio

July 19 (U.K.) Nobuyuki Tsujii at the BBC Proms (performing Rachmaninov 2 with the BBC Phil), recorded for broadcast, will be televised on BBC4 TV  BBC4 

The photo below is among many that came with a lengthy Japanese blog post  by one who was at the Proms concert last night.  The photo is fuzzy, but it shows the moving and unusual sight of Nobu being led by Conductor Juanjo Mena to shake hands with the concert master (This is a nice gesture that I had always hope to see -- I hope Nobu will be allowed to do that at every concerto performance).  According to BBC3 radio, Nobu then bowed at the orchestra -- I hope that too will continue in future.

image presented here via Internet link

More notable postings

“@JackSherrington: Nobuyuki Tsujii's Rach 2 . . . incredible #BBCProms” - & deeply moving to see how he has overcome such adversity.

 Nobu was amazing. I feel very privileged to have been in the audience.

 BBC Proms at RAH last night. The Japanese pianist Nobuyuki Tsuji played an incredible Rach 2!

@BBCRadio3 Please simply concentrate on the fact that Nobuyuki Tsujii is a brilliant pianist rather than the fact he is blind #patronising

Just mused about last night's Prom. Best I have been to since Gunter Wand's Bruckner 5 a long time ago. Nobuyuki Tsujii is just amazing

The young blind Japanese pianist #Nobuyuki #Tsujii @BBCProms. Marvellous music making. Read about his CDs

Deeply moved by incredible performance of Rach2 by Nobuyuki Tsujii, blind since birth #BBCProms

Juanjo Mena (conductor) seemed to hold fort well and Nobuyuki Tsujii (blind pianist) was truly phenomenal in Rach 2

Nobuyuki Tsujii sounded absolutely unbelievable last night at #bbcproms, wish I'd been there.  Don't miss out on a "2nd encore" by Nobuyuki Tsujii, a lovely recorded rendition of Berceuse by Chopin at time mark 4:00

They're barking at the Proms

Published: 17 July 2013

Japanese blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii attracted a strong following from the visually-impaired community at his Proms debut last night, complete with guide dogs.

Last night, Nobuyuki Tsujii (辻井 伸行)'s concert at RAH. Both the piano and the orchestra were amazing…

Nobuyuki Tsujii's performance was extraordinary not because he's blind but because he's so tiny to be playing Rach !

So inspirational, proof that nothing should stop you doing what you love! link to Telegraph article

Neil Brand ‏@NeilKBrand 7h

Glorious #prom6 last night, Matthews tone-poem, Rach2 with astonishing blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii mind-melded with conductor Juanjo Mena

Beautiful piece in @TeleMusicNews about blind pianist Noboyuki Tsujii, just doing what comes naturally.. link to Telegraph article

harmonia mundi UK ‏@hmuk_dist tweeted

It was a breathtaking Prom last night!... link to Telegraph article

Forsyths Music ‏@ForsythMusic tweeted

If you enjoyed Nobuyuki Tsujii's performance @bbcproms last night you can check out his recordings at … #tsujii #proms


Petroc Trelawny ‏@PetrocTrelawny 6<announced of Proms BBC3 radio broadcasts> tweeted:

If you missed Nobuyuki Tsujii's stunning Rachmaninov at #bbcproms listen here link to bbc3 radio page @bbcradio3 @BBCPhilharmonic

Quietish Pianomonkey Lee commented on   the Cliburn Foundation facebook page: "was there last night. he really brought the house down. keep it going, nobu!"

天才ピアニスト、辻井伸行さんがまたも快挙。英国最大の音楽祭「プロムス」でデビューを飾りました。本日7面。夕刊フジ・アンドロイド版→ 。iPhone/iPad版→

Genius pianist Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii once again a feat. I have made ​​their debut music festival in the UK's largest "Proms". P. 7 today. Evening paper Fuji Android version

Nobuyuki Tsujii - blind since birth plays 'Rach 2' in his #proms debut. . Standing ovation fully deserved.

Blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii's debut at the proms last night … played the Rach 2 - not a dry eye in the hall

Rousing performance of Rachmaninov's 2nd piano concerto by Nobuyuki Tsujii

辻井伸行さんを初めてしりましたのは、17歳の辻井さんがショパンコンクールで、音楽評論家賞にかがやいた時、波打つような拍手を忘れません。ラフマニノフ協奏曲第二番期待いたしております。 The first time I learned about Nobuyuki Tsujii was when he was in the Chopin Competition, Tsujii of 17-year-old won the music critics' award. I will never forget the undulating applause. His  No. 2 Rachmaninov Concerto <in London> is as expected.


あんなAlbert Hallで演奏できるなんてすごい!自分もピアノ頑張らないと!

I was very impressed with Nobuyuki Tsujii's Rachmaninov !

His quieter playing - I was crying much; too impressed ...

It is  amazing that he can play in the Albert Hall!

I will work hard on the piano!

@nahokomusic (Nahoko Gotoh 後藤菜穂子) (twBlog page

Exquisite Campanella as an encore by Nobu! #bbcproms

辻井くんのラフ2を生で聴くって、もしかしてクライバーン以来?!どうりで、ずいぶん深みの増した演奏だと思った(笑)  The Rach 2 of Mr. Tsujii since Cliburn?  I thought that his performance has increased a lot in depth.

From American pianist Jamie S.,  visually impaired,

I just listened to the performance and all I can say is wow.  I love it that the orchestra members do not even mention Nobu’s blindness at all jus mention that he is a musician.  This was a great performance full of color throughout the three movements.  The orchestra was under great control and did not really overpower the performance.  The encore was also lovely played.  I felt bad for the audience who wanted more.  At the end the guy said a performance for the history books and I would agree.  I think this was Nobu’s best performance of this concerto.  I would rank it up there with his Chopin 1 done at the Van Cliburn.  Keep it up Nobu. 


My piano teacher also listened to the broadcast.  He says wow and that Nobu is more than a genius than Mozart.  We will be hearing a lot more from him in the future.

And some in Japan stayed up to 4AM to listen on BBC3:

From Yuko:

Nobu-kun すばらしい!








Nobu-kun was great!

Really clear, beautiful sound!

It was! How can he play like that on the big stage!

I was especially happy to hear the roar after his playing.

The was really awesome!

It was good happening.

I was happy to hear the performance live.

I  go to bed now.

From Yoko:

"Proms デビューおめでとう!!BBC philharmonic との再会の演奏はとても素晴らしかった。最後の一音が終わったと同時に凄い歓声と拍手に感動♪7,000人もの聴衆の前でも動じる事なく堂々と演奏され、 その会場にいないのに一緒にブラボー~~~とパソコンの前で拍手しました。

アンコールも・・・ラ・カンパネラ、白熱の演奏でした!イギリスのお客 様の歓声にも感動した夜中の4:00過ぎ。。。眠れそうにもありません!!BBCの皆さま、辻井さん~感動を有難う。 Congratulations to "Proms" debut! An impression of dignified playing in reunion with BBC philharmonic for 7,000 in audience.  Great applause.  The sound was so amazing that I applauded in front of my computer and Bravo!  But I was not at the venue.

La Campanella for encore was played - incandescent! It was 4:00 after the middle of the night.  I have not even gone to sleep! ! Thank you dear BBC, Mr. Tsujii impressed.

Comment from France by email:

BBC 3.

A sparkling Nobu ! A concerto by far much better than the one already recorded. Nobu deserves the sumptuosity of BBC Phil and is a soloist who shows clearly that he is able to dialogue with one of le best orchestra in the world from equal to equal.

What a maturity ! Splendid ! I fully partake your joy.

The thunder of applause and standing ovation is a part of the music of the soul !

and "cerise sur le gâteau" (cherry on the cake) : la Campanella as "encore" !  <London Tea room blog>

Posting by a Japanese in London, with photos of the Royal Albert Hall and this photo of a poster in the hall - you can spot Nobu, right?



In the hall, the list of performers this year. Japanese performers have come! (Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, Mitsuko Uchida's, Midori Goto, Noriko Ogawa)


Summer at the Proms, the upper floor seats ‥ ‥ It was a sauna.

Posting on Cliburn Foundation Facebook page

2009 Gold Medalist Nobuyuki Tsujii is making his BBC Proms debut--listen live:

Last night, Nobuyuki Tsujii (辻井 伸行)'s concert at RAH. Both the piano and the orchestra were amazing beautiful, and luckily, a very nice guy and woman gave me a ticket for free when i was queuing for the current ticket as one of their comate couldn't make it. <nice photo of what it was like inside the Royal Albert Hall> <with eyewitness photos>

Proms デヴュー Proms debut  2013/07/18 18:45 

Blog post by a Japanese who was at the Proms concert.  The blogger seems a bit of a classical music snob.  His/her appreciation of Nobu seems moderate, and (s)he seems to think the acoustics of the Royal Albert Hall is not good enough for classical music.  But (s)he did conclude positively:





Thunderous applause; the entire hall was Bravo, Bravo

Thank you for a wonderful performance! ! ! ! ! ! !

Next, I hope he will perform at venues such as the Barbican Hall

I want to listen to him again, by all means, in a decent hall.

<Editorial: Ironically, Nobu was to perform Grieg's Concerto with the BBC Phil and Conductor Mena in November at the Barbican, but the place had already been booked, and the performance is now booked at the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester.>

July 12 "A great start to the Proms season – and in sweltering heat too." -The Guardian

The BBC Proms Music Festival starts today.  Nobu's 2013 BBC Proms Debut  performance will take place on July 16 7PM London time.  You can listen to each performance live on BBC3 radio, via the Internet, and also for one week after each performance.   On this day, British pianist Stephen Hough gave a terrific performance of Rachmaninov's Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini . Nobu was mentioned in the BBC3 broadcast immediately after the performance, for his July 16 performance of Rach 2.

Watch a video of Stephen Hough's performance to get an idea of what it will be like when Nobu performs on the 16th.

It gives me chills to envision Nobu being led on stage to a huge crowd in that magnificent venue -- Nobu has done that in Japan, but this is in Europe.  He won't see it, but he will sense it.

image presented via Internet link - Source: The Guardian

July 12 blog post by pianist Stephen Hough "the BBC Proms are about to begin"

... Although “wings” is not the best way to describe an artist’s entrance on to the Albert Hall stage. Those of us who perform there enter from the back of the stage, from the heart perhaps, directly into the jaws of the audience – and a standing audience at that. This is not a crowd of lolling lapdogs, passively waiting to be entertained, but greyhounds: alive and alert, eager to be active participants in the performance ahead. The cheers are loud, the clapping hands are legion (that walk into the mouth of the crowd is daunting) but then… the stillness. The Prommers are among the quietest listeners in the musical world and this concentration is the best token of appreciation a performer can receive.

Notable Web Postings

July 16

A 'curtain raiser' article about Nobu appeared in the major U.K. newspaper, the Telegraph, by major critic Ivan Hewett.  Many kind words.  "Given all this, I'm expecting to meet someone reverently serious. In fact "Nobu", as he's known to everyone, is smilingly cheerful and straightforward."

BBC3 radio "Essential Classical" program  (at time mark 1:01) -- 'Proms Artist Recommends': An artist performing later today in the BBC Proms recommends three musical works, and on Essential Classics we'll play one of those pieces around 10am. Today's artist is Nobuyuki Tsujii.  Also at

Petroc Trelawny ‏@PetrocTrelawny of BBC Radio 2 tweeted

#bbcproms Nobuyuki Tsujii currently rehearsing Rach 2 w/ @BBCPhilharmonic. Players clearly thrilled to be working with him again ...

BBC4 TV Proms host tweeted:

Watching Nobuyuki Tsujii rehearsing Rachmaninov's 2nd piano concerto ahead of recording tonight's #BBCProms 6 for BBC4. TX 730pm Fri night -tweet

harmonia mundi UK ‏@hmuk_dist  tweeted:

Nobuyuki Tsujii performs Rachmaninov at the BBC Proms tonight! We'll be there!

Off to the proms! Rachmaninoff is gonna be sweet! #piano # concerto # proms  -tweet

St. John's UBC ‏@StJohnsUBC tweeted <Nobu was a huge hit at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver this spring>

Great article on recent SJC acad visitor, Nobuyuki Tsujii: 'The piano is an extension of my own body' via @Telegraph

そうか、今日、辻井君、BBCのPromsにデビューするんだ!!!! … 辻井君の演奏、放送後7日間聴けると思います。楽しみだなぁ。 So, today, Mr. Tsujii debut at the BBC Proms ! ! ! His performance can be listened to for 7 days.   I am looking forward to it!  -tweet

July 15

Posting on twitter, 4PM London time by GemJohnsonCello <Cellist Gemma Johnson in BBC Phil>

Very excited about playing tomorrow night with @BBCPhilharmonic @bbcproms Nobu is just amazing! #music #london

PROMSでクレジットされている主な日本人アーティスト。16日に辻井伸行さん。 … 8月8日に内田光子さん。 … 8月29日に五嶋みどりさん。 … The main Japanese artist who are credited in Nobuyuki Tsujii on the 16th  . Mitsuko Uchida August 8. Midori's on August 29.   -tweet

本日、というか時差のせいで現地は昨夜のプロムスは「春の祭典」。明日、というか時差のせいで明後日は辻井 伸行さんのラフマニノフだ。いやしかし、1か月以上タダでこういうのを聴きまくれるというのは、技術の進歩もさることながら、すごいぞBBC。 "Rite of Spring" at the Proms last night but because of the time difference it <can be heard> today. The day after tomorrow Nobuyuki Tsujii 's Rachmaninov. Advances in technology allow us to listen to this event for free for one month or more. BBC is amazing.  -tweet

Nahoko Gotoh 後藤菜穂子 ‏@nahokomusic <Japanese music writer based in London> tweeted


Mr. Tsujii at the Proms tomorrow!

BBC Proms 2013.  Prom 06: David Matthews, Rachmaninov & Nielsen

    Review by:  Laurence Joyce, Radio Times 

There are many extraordinary artists appearing at the Proms this year, but none more so than the young Japanese pianist and composer Nobuyuki Tsujii, joint winner of the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in 2009, and of whom Van Cliburn himself said “What a thrill to hear this brilliant, very gifted, fabulous pianist. You feel God’s presence in the room when he played”.

Tsujii was born blind and learns his repertoire by ear, committing each work to memory as he goes along. In March 2011 he was touring Japan with the BBC Philharmonic when the earthquake struck and tonight he performs Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto No 2 in C minor with the same orchestra conducted by Juanjo Mena. David Matthews’s new work A Vision of the Sea and Nielsen’s Fourth Symphony complete the programme.

July 13/14

オノユウコ ‏@_yukoo_ 7h

Prom6 :7月16日には、辻井伸行さんの、ラフマニノフ ピアノ協奏曲第2番 だぁ~。楽しみだぁ~。 Prom6: July 16, Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii oNo. 2 Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto. ~ I'm looking forward to. -tweet 

Prom6 podcast will be available on BBC iplayer radio (available to everyone) and televison (available only within UK)

July 11

Piano Forum posting

Tomorrow evening the BBC will be starting their annual series of summer Promenade concerts (Proms). 83 concerts in total, all of which will be both broadcast live on BBC Radio 3 and available to listen again for a week after the performance from the Proms website

July 12: Rachmaninov's Paganini Rhapsody (BBC SO, Stephen Hough)

July 15 lunchtime: Chamber works by Ravel, Mozart, and Lutoslawski


July 10

今年のBBC Proms 2013で演奏する日本人は、辻井伸行(Prom 6)、小川典子(Prom 24)、内田光子(Prom 33)、五嶋みどり(Prom 63)。

Japanese to play in the BBC Proms 2013 This year, Nobuyuki Tsujii (Prom 6), Noriko Ogawa(Prom 24), Mitsuko Uchida (Prom 33), Midori (Prom 63).

July 6 辻井伸行くんは、7月16日にBBCフィルハーモニックの出演し、

同フィルの首席指揮者フアンホ・メナの指揮で、ラフマニノフのピアノ協奏曲第2番を演奏します。 Radio 3での生中継。TV BBC47月19日に放送される。 Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii will appear with the BBC Philharmonic on July 16.  Under the baton of chief conductor Juanjo Mena of the Phil, will play the Piano Concerto No. 2 Rachmaninoff. Live at Radio 3. Be broadcast on the 19th month BBC47 TV.

Article in "The Indepedent", U.K., Saturday 06 July 201

2013 Proms preview: From Britten to Bear Hunt, it’s the sound of summer

Never mind the operatic overkill, says Michael Church, the Proms season promises musical treats for all tastes at the Albert Hall

by Michael Church, the Independent, U.K.

With booking under way, the good news for the BBC is that some Proms are virtually sold out. The good news for everyone else is that for every event there are 1,400 standing tickets available on the day for £5.


Similarly with instrumentalists: regulars such as pianist Stephen Hough and violinist Janine Jansen are balanced by a blitz of young talent. ... It’s always moving to watch Nobuyuki Tsujii – blind from birth – make his way to the piano and acknowledge his applause after playing, but no allowances need be made as regards the quality of his performance: in Prom 6 he will play Rach Two. ..

April 30/May 1

harmonia mundi USA ‏@harmoniamundi tweeted:

Prom 6: Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii makes #BBCProms Debut w/ David Matthews / Rachmaninov / Nielsen @RoyalAlbertHall

April 27

プロムス!すごい! RT @english_info_: 辻井伸行、イギリス最大の音楽祭“プロムス”にデビュー決定! - CDJournal ニュース … Proms! Amazing! RT @ English_info_ : Nobuyuki Tsujii has decided  to debut  at British top music festival "Proms"! - CDJournal news .

April 24

英語、英語圏の国々の情報 ‏@english_info_ 1h tweeted: 辻井伸行、イギリス最大の音楽祭“プロムス”にデビュー決定! - CDJournal ニュース …Nobuyuki Tsujii The decision to debut in the largest music festival in the U.K.! - CDJournal news .    -tweet

April 20

辻井伸行さんが今年のプロムスに出るんですね。凄いなぁ。Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii will on this year's Proms. Hey, great.  -tweet