Nobuyuki Tsujii in England, May 2012

<Note to self: This page is referenced on the "critics reviews" page - be sure to preserve the link when this page and its subpages are archived.>

(Continued on Nobuyuki Tsujii in England, May 2012, Part 2 and Nobuyuki Tsujii in England, May 2012 part 3)


The July 2012  issue of the Chopin magazine includes a small but interesting article about the London concert.    Our thanks to a Nobu fan in Japan, who shared this summary:

- The audience seemed stunned by Nobu's performance. Many of them turned the pages of the program hastily after the 1st movement to check Nobu's profile.

- Very seldom do the subscribers get excited by any concerts that much. Many of them said they definitely want Nobu to come perform again.

- Nobu was invited to the Philharmonia concerts because Ashkenazy was impressed by his performance when they performed together in Japan.

- This concert series had eight (or nine?) concerts in total this time <season> and featured three soloists. Nobu was the soloist in London, which is the hometown of the Philharmonia and he was practically the top soloist in this series with the performances in three concerts.

- The rehearsal time was only one hour, but their ensemble was superb.

In a June 2012 interview, Nobu mentioned that "he was a little nervous before the performance ." (translation by MK)

 Thjis was not the first time that Nobu performed with Askenazy.  They performed Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 1 with the OEK (Orshestra Ensemble Kanazawa in June 2010.)

The May 2012 England tour of Nobuyuko Tsujii with the Philharmonia under the baton of pianist great Vladimir Ashkenazy was a resounding success. The concert halls were nearly full at all three stops, the audience reaction enthusiastic, and the reviews -- especially from the last stop in Bristol --were very positive. I had the privilege of attending the last two concerts (in London and Bristol) and had the enviable and unforgettable experience of meeting Tsujii-san backstage at both. Words cannot describe my happiness for Nobu, and for myself. (This page is continued on Nobuyuki Tsujii in England, May 2012, Part 2, and Nobuyuki Tsujii in England, May 2012 part 3.) Also, I wrote a piece to collect my thoughts about the England concerts of Nobuyuki Tsujii, and what I learned from them. "Much has happened and much has been learned in those two weeks. I have gained a new perspective on this remarkable young artist." After London - new thoughts on Nobuyuki Tsujii

ABOVE: Vladimir Ashkenazy, Nobuyuki Tsujii and the Philharmonia took a bow from the enthusiastic audience in London's Royal Festival Hall on May 24. source:


Asahi-TV posted this video of a news clip about Nobu's London debut, showing Nobu in rehearsal and after performance of Prokofiev 3.

There is so much from this week that I had to start extra new pages for all the stuff- Please read part 2 here:  Nobuyuki Tsujii in England, May 2012, Part 2, and part 3 here: Nobuyuki Tsujii in England, May 2012 part 3

Photo album:

Flowers for Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii

Two awe-struck fans who could hardly believe their good fortune, meeting Tsujii-san after the concert, backstage.

Nobu's #1 fan (me! :-)  at the Royal Festival Hall - - photo by SS.

The walk to the Royal Restival Hall on the south bank of River Thames - photo by SS.

It seems eons ago, but in fact it was only two months back, in March, when Nobuyuki Tsujii had two successful performances with the BBC Philharmonic and Japanese  conductor Yutaka Sado - see Nobuyuki Tsujii in Europe, Spring 2012

It is now at the end of the month of May, and Nobu will be back in England again, this time performing with the Philharmonia and conductor Vladimir Ashkenazy (a piano great).  I will personally attend two of the their three concerts, and will do my best to share my experience on this site.

Nobuyuki Ysujii (photo by Nobuko)

Vladimir Ashkenazy

The Royal Festival Fall (photo from

The performances will take place, in order, in Brighton, London, and Bristol, during one week's time.  Nobu will perform Prokofiev's Piano Concerto No. 3 in the first two concerts, then Chopin's Piano Concerto No 1 last.  The Prokofiev performance in London is the most significant.  I had the good fortune of exchanging e-notes with a piano master in Japan who coached Nobu on the work, and she shared many interesting tidbits, including these:

-It was Vladimir Ashkenazy who requested the concerto, perhaps as a challenge to Nobu,

-Nobu started learning the Prokofiev in March and practiced it ferociously since - presumably even as he was on his Japan tour -- and the practice was so intense that the hammers in his piano at his Tokyo home had to be replaced.

-During the last practice session that he had with this music coach, before leaving Japan, Nobu had to change his sweat-soaked clothes twice from the strenuous playing of the concerto.

- This coach and Nobu have chosen, for encore in London (if Nobu gets to do one), a piece by a composer from the native country (that is, Russia) of Maestro Ashkenazy. 

See Nobuyuki Tsujii plays Prokofiev's Concerto No. 3

May 23rd  I am in England and just checked out the Festival Hall and I can't wait to witness Nobu performing this technically daunting work.  If his luck with the Basil performance (Nobuyuki Tsujii in Basel, May 2012) holds up, we are in for a treat.  And, I sincerely hope that conductor Ashkenazy will give Nobu the chance to play that encore - whatever Russian work that may be (My guess?  A Rachmaninov short piece.)

◆It is 10 PM May 23 in England. The concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii and Ashkenazy + the Philharmonia in Brighton has finished. There is a good sign. Someone just tweeted: "Just heard the extraordinary blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii play Prokofiev's 3rd piano concerto - amazing! #BrightonFestival"

A blog post in Japanese came up:

Today was the concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii been waiting for the way! !

I went with three people and Germans and Chinese, ♪ It was fun because I like both classic of two large

The configuration of the concert, piano Bass & Chorus part two and part (30 minutes) (1 hour).

Piano playing was great of course. Real intention is a little late but that was long ... ^ ^;

Track is

Prokofiev: Piano Concerto no.3 C major (piano)

Shostakovich: Symphony no.13, 'Babi Yar' (bass) ...

Even though it was Wednesday night, the venue was almost full. ...

Also big cheers applause, he was very warmly welcome.

Very good and smile, bowed deeply and even after playing. Was healed.

Behind the smile that is really amazing ... tremendous amount of practice.

I wanted to hear more piano. Also all two parts. Sorry, but I can't say the same for the bass -;

And I didn't think I would get to listen to him in Brighton;  really I was happy!

Hall of Brighton is comparatively so small, I felt very close.

The Cliburn people tweeted:

2009 Gold Medalist Nobuyuki Tsujii joins Vladimir Ashkenazy and the @philharmonia at @brightfest tonight! #bf2012

And a follow-up tweet: 辻井くんがプロコ3番とはとっても意外。 QT And the No. 3 is very unexpected.

May 24

◆Nahoko Gotoh 後藤菜穂子 (Japanese music writer based in London) tweeted: "Ashkenazy/Philharmonia's Babi Yar sounding magnificent at rehearsal. Should be great concert tonight. Nobuyuki Tsujii top form in Prokofiev3."

◆David Harrison ‏("passionate about the arts (in) Brighton" tweeted: "a virtuoso performance of Prokofiev’s passionate and challenging third piano concerto from the remarkable Nobuyuki Tsujii."

◆And why did I even worry?  The Prokofiev was thrilling - my hands were shaking by the end of his performance at the Royal Festival Hall, but Tsujii-san (seen through my binoculars) was calm and relaxed throughout, his fingers wielding magic.  As the last note of the concerto ended, there was a collective gasp of amazement from the London audience, who gave a long and sustained applause to Tsujii-san; then  a collected "ahh" after he whipped out a lovely Russian encore.  Tsujii-san told me that it's a Rachmaninov prelude.  I will never forget the sight of Nobu being guided on stage by Vladirmir Ashkenazy.  At the end of his performance, Nobu was guided off stage by the Maestro, with Nobu putting his hands on Ashkenazy's shoulders, like a choo-choo train.  Ashkenazy didn't even bother to take Nobu completely backstage before turning him around for the encore.  What a night! 

◆A Nobu fan correctly identified the lovely encore played by Nobuyuki Tsujii as Rachmaninov Prelude op.32 no.12,, or, OR

◆To add to the  indescribable pleasure of the day, no less than the Van Cliburn Foundation wrote to let us know about  a review from Brighton ""Suffice (it) to say that pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii was a wonder."

◆The concert was news in Japan, and there are a number of articles about it, in Japanese, and reports on TV.


Tokyo news article

辻井さんロンドンデビュー ピアノ難曲に挑む

2012年5月25日 08時59分



Mr. Tsujii debut in London with challenge of difficult piano work

Tokyo News , May 25

On May 24, at the UK Music Hall Royal Festival Hall, playing under the direction of Mr. Vladimir Ashkenazy world-renowned  conductor , budding pianist, Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii (23),  made his debut in London.

Playing the difficult Piano Concerto No. 3 by Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev, the performance of Mr. Tsujii drew applause from the audience of about 2,000. Praised one of the audience, Mr. Simon Uddeji (51): "His playing was great; very accurate -- his blindness does not matter"

◆辻井伸行さんロンドンデビュー果たす。 本日の 東京新聞夕刊より。  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii performed in London debut. From today's Tokyo Shimbun evening paper.  -tweet

◆Asahi TV report

「出し切った!」辻井伸行さんがロンドンデビュー  Asahi TV 

   "I did my best!!"  The London debut performance of Mr.  Nobuyuki Tsujii






May 25 (Fri.)

Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, blind pianist, gave a concert for the first time in London.

Said Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii: "The London audience has more demanding ears for music than those in America; I wants to work hard to please them."

For his London debut performance,  a piano concerto with the highest degree of difficulty was chosen. Under the baton of renowned Mr. Ashkenazy and the Philharmonia Orchestra, the London concert was almost sold out in tickets.

Immediately after the performance, Mr. Tsujii said: "I did my best; I think I gave it more than 100 percent"

◆西日本新聞社編成部 West Nippon News Agency



[London joint report] Completely blind budding pianist, Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii (23) made his London debut  on the 24th at a regular concert at the Royal Festival Hall of the United Kingdom.  He  performed  under the direction of Mr. Vladimir Ashkenazy, renowned conductor.

He played the challenging Piano Concerto No. 3  of Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev.  The performance of Mr. Tsujii drew applause and shouts from the audience of about two thousand strong. Praised Mr. Simon Uddeji(51), one of the audience: "His playing was great, very accurate.  His blindness does not matter".

The article is accompanied by the photo shown at top of this page, with caption: 演奏を終え会場から拍手を受ける辻井伸行さん(中央)=24日、ロンドンのロイヤル・フェスティバル・ホール(ベンジャミン・エアロベーガ氏撮影、共同)Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii (center),  on the 24th, at the Royal Festival Hall in London,  receiving applause from the audience after his performance (photo by Mr. Benjamin Earobega)

◆Yomuiri Online





(2012年5月25日11時12分  読売新聞)

Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii received loud audience applause at London debut performance

[Masahiro Sato London] Pianist Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii(23), on the 24th (the 25th early Saturday morning in Japan)

performed at the Royal Festival Hall in London, with the British Philharmonia Orchestra

It was the first performance of Mr. Tsujii in London. Under the baton of Vladimir Ashkenazy's, he produced a perfect play of Prokofiev's Piano Concerto No. 3. In response to applausefrom the audience, he played an as encore one of Rachmaninov's preludes.

After playing, Mr. Tsujii  spoke with excitement, "In London there are many people with discerning ears, so I felt the pressure to play great. I am very happy".

(Yomiuri Shimbun 12 minutes after 11 o'clock, May 25, 2012)

◆新進ピアニスト、辻井伸行さんがロンドンのロイヤル・フェスティバル・ホールで、イギリスのフィルハーモニア管弦楽団と協演。ロンドンでの初公演を大盛況のうちに終えたそうです。さぞインパクトのあるデビューだったことでしょう。これからも楽しみです。 At the Royal Festival Hall in London, budding pianist Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii  performed with the Philharmonia Orchestra of England.  His debut performance in London has just completed, and it was a great success. I am looking forward to his further successes in  the future. -tweet

◆Tweet by  KyodoChinese @KyodoChinese 日本盲人钢琴家在英国皇家节日音乐厅演出: 【共同社伦敦5月25日电】日本盲人钢琴家辻井伸行(23岁)24日登上英国皇家节日音乐厅的舞台,在世界著名指挥家弗拉基米尔·阿什肯纳齐的指挥下进行了演奏。 曲目为俄罗斯作曲家普罗科...  May 25 news article.Japanese blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, age 23,  debuted in England on May 24 in London with famous conductor Vladimir Ashkenazy and the Philharmonia.  Performed Prokofiev. 

◆Tweet: ニュースをチェック!☆ 辻井伸行さん:ロンドンでデビュー、ピアノ難曲を演奏 Check the news! ☆ Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii: debut performance, a difficult piece piano in London

◆A sharp eyed Nobu fan, M.K., found this comment on "Last night at the Brighton Dome - Ashkenazy and the Philharmonia. Programme started with Nobuyuki Tsujii (a blind Japanese pianist 24 years old) giving an astonishing virtuoso performance of Prokofiev 3rd Piano Concerto, with real feeling and understanding for one so young. It is the first time I witnessed a conductor taking all the leads from the soloist. Quite remarkable."



◆This May 25th mini-review   about the May 23 Brighton concert contains a high compliment: "Nobuyuki Tsujii stunned the audience with what can be only described as one of the most captivating piano performances ever staged in Brighton. Simply amazing!"

◆24日、辻井伸行さんがロンドンデビューしました 、おめでとう\(^ー^)/ にしても東京公演のチケットは30分で売り切れちゃって(;_;) Congratulations to Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii for a successful London debut on the 24th.  Tokyo performance tickets sold out in 30 minutes. -tweet

May 25

◆So far, no review of the England concerts in the major newspapers (the Guardian and theTelegraph) have come up.  This review appeared on An uplifting "Babi Yar" Symphony from Aleksashkin and Ashkenazy"  by David Karlin May 25

The review is mostly about the Shostakovich symphony performed in the 2nd half (over an hour long) , which was the focus of last night's concert.  And it was splendid.    But those who were there would agree that Nobuyuki Tsujii  was the star of the first half (about 40 minutes long).  Strangely, it was Nobu's photo that adorns this review.

This is the paragraph, near the end, about Nobu's performance:

"Ashkenazy is quite elderly now, so before the interval, it was poignant to see him helping the much younger pianist onto and off the stage for the performance of Prokofiev's third piano concerto. This was essential because that pianist, Nobuyuki Tsujii, has been blind since birth. The Prokofiev work is percussive and highly complex rhythmically, and Tsujii played it with great precision - a remarkable achievement. From a slightly downbeat start, he seemed to grow in confidence as the work progressed; by the end of the third movement, he was bringing out Prokofiev's full ebullience. It's a mercurial concerto with many flights of fancy, and the orchestra were on fine form, but unfortunately, the balance wasn't always right. Tsujii isn't the loudest of pianists and while this was didn't matter at all in his solo moments, he was rather drowned out on the passages where pianist and orchestral tutti played together."

And, my comment in response:

I was in the Royal Festival Hall last night. The Shostakovich and Maestro Vladimir Ashkenazy deserve the compliments that they get, for a splendid performance of a masterpiece of a symphony.  But there were some in the audience who were there for the Prokofiev and pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii.

From where I sat (front stall), the balance of the pianist and the orchestra was fine, especially in the last movement.  I think I am correct in saying that there was a collective gasp after the last note of the torrential coda of the 3rd movement.  It was breathtaking to see someone so young play this immensely challenging work so masterfully and effortlessly (happily, even), his handicap not withstanding.  The encore, Rachmaninov Prelude op.32 no.12, was a fitting complement to the Prokofiev, and, when it ended,  I heard sighs of "aah" all around me.

(And, the balance between the orchestra and the soloist, if such was the case, rest with the conductor, not the pianist.)

◆Yet another critic who deemed it incumbent upon him to find some fault with a magical performance - ho hum.

"Nobuyuki Tsujii maintained a dizzying momentum, particularly in the outer movements. The constant changes in character and tempo which propel the music forward were, for the most part, deftly navigated by soloist and orchestra. (A feat which takes on a new dimension when one considers that Tsujii is blind.) However, Tsujii’s fortissimos lacked the depth of tone which, for all its panache, this music demands. "

My comment:

You can nitpick all you want.  But those who were at the Festival Hall last night would not forget Nobuyuki Tsujii.  From where I sat (front stall), there was a collective gasp of amazement at the end of the concerto, and lots of aah's when Nobu lifted his hands after the encore, which was indeed Rachmaninov's Prelude op.32 no.12, chosen by a piano teacher of Tsujii, a big fan of Ashkenazy,  to honor the native country of the maestro.

Someone else added this comment:

"When Tsujii began, I thought him underpowered but this was quickly swept aside by the subtleties of his playing. He found poetry where others barnstorm. He made up for lack of sheer volume by an amazing depth of tone. I thought his overall conception of the piece was highly effective. His playing at the upper end of the keyboard, especially, was nothing short of magical. His phrasing was refined and elegant. For me, and judging by the audience's response,many others, this was a memorable performance.

◆ Amazed by Nobuyuki Tsujii's performances -- tweet

◆辻井 伸行さんと昨日握手しました。ロンドンにいると知ってはいたが、出会うとは。 Shook hands with Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii yesterday in London, after his performance -tweet

May 22  今週は、辻井伸行くんがフィルハーモニア管と初共演。アシュケナージ指揮で、プロコフィエフのピアノ協奏曲第3番。明日がブライトン、24 日がロイヤル・フェスティヴァル・ホール。 This week, Nobuyuki Tsujii performs Prokofiev with Vladimir Ashkenazy and the Philharmonia at the Royal Feistval Hall in London on the 24th  - tweet by Nahoko Gotoh, (a classical music reviewer based in Japan, who wrote a piece for the liner notes of one of Nobu's CDs.)

There is so much from this week that I have to start a new page for all the stuff- and there is still the Bristo concert to come on May 29th!  Anyway, please read part 2 here:  Nobuyuki Tsujii in England, May 2012, Part 2