
The Japanese publication Yomari has published quite a few interviews of Nobu - unfortunately they are in Japanese - but you can use google translate to get a favor of what's said. To get links to the articles, copy Nobu's Japanese name, 辻井伸行,  to the search box on this page:

Interviews that appeared on some YouTube video

Thanks to Japanese netters, quite a few videos exist on youTube of news stories of Nobuyuki upon his return to Japan after his Cliburn Competition victory.

I don't speak Japanese but thanks to a kind Japanese Nobu fan,  here is some translation of a couple of them - I will add more on request if you provide the link to the video.  Most of the information is "old news", as they appear in written articles in some form, but, yes, I understand how frustrating it is to see Nobu on video without understanding what he is saying :-)


I never thought that I would  win,therefor I was moved to tears when they announced my name.

I needed to prepare many pieces for this competition, but it was a great experience to attend, and was able to learn some more repertories that are new to me.

*About ambition

I have just started as a pianist, I would like to improve my music better and better,and I want to become a pianist of great caliber to play all over the world. <Editorial: "great caliber" is a term used by Nobu's long-time piano teacher Mr. Masahiro Kawakami, meaning always striving to a high standard.  Upon hearing this interview, Mr. Kawakami was especially touched that Nobu used this term in responding to this question.>

*About his parents' support

My farther and I had conflicts when I was younger,but we are getting along well now. I now respect my father.

My mother's (love for me ) is very moving.   I really appreciate their supports.

*About paying back to your parents

I want to become independent as soon as possible, and find a good wife to let them relieved.

*Question: if you are able to see,what do you want to see?

Well,I want to see my parent's faces first,then friends, sea and fireworks, but I'm very satisfied now, because I can see them with my heart.

<Editorial: After the interview, many people criticized  that this question is insensitive, but Nobu earned praises for his intelligent answer.>

In another interview with his father,his father, in tears, said that he can't forget that once, when he was a high-school boy, Nobu said he wants to see his mother's face  if he could see.>

<Mr. Yokoyama>It must have been an enormous pressure on you at the (Cliburn Competition), but to me, you look like you were enjoying yourself.  What did you think about it actually?

<Nobu> I enjoyed it very much, because the audience's reactions are great.  I was  really happy rather than nervous.It was like a performing at a concert, not a com