Notable web postings - September 2014

Nobu was on tour in Japan for the THE PIANIST festival August 23 through September 3, 2014. News, photos and comments are collected here

And lots of comments can be found at Nobuyuki Tsujii plays Ravel with the OEK on September 10, 11, 12.

September 26

去 年のBBCプロム 辻井伸行のラフマニノフ ピアノ協奏曲第2番に感嘆。The BBC Proms performance last year  of  the second Rachmaninov Piano Concerto -- exclamation.  -tweet

BBCで辻井伸行がラフマニノフやってた リビングだけど拍手喝采だわI Nobuyuki Tsujii was doing Rachmaninoff live with BBC; great applause

息 子に、ショパンの英雄を、アシュケナージ、辻井、アルゲリッチで聞かせてみた。好きなのはアシュケナージ、力強いのはアルゲリッチ、なめらかなのは辻井伸 行らしい。To my son, regarding Chopin's heroic polonaise.  I have listened to Ashkenazy, Tsujii and Argerich. I like Ashkenazy's,Argerich's is powerful, but it seems to me that Nobuyuki Tsujii's is the most smooth.  -tweet

Music of healing, of hope

Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra embarks on 67th season inspired by human rights

By: Holly Harris

Posted: 09/26/2014 1:00 AM

While the city still basks in the afterglow of last week's opening of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra will also trumpeting the lofty ideal of freedom all year long with its new 2014-15 season, inspired by human rights.

... and the return of Nobuyuki "Nobu" Tsujii performing Beethoven's Emperor Piano Concerto, May 8 and 9.

September 25

毎 年正月明けにある「日本赤十字社献血チャリティ・コンサート」、次が50回目なのかぁ…久しぶりに聴きに行ってみようかと、チケットget♪辻井伸行くん のピアノが聴けるし、指揮は下野竜也さんだし、オケはもちろん都響だし。チャイコのピアノコンチェルト、シューマンの「ライン」…おもしろそ♪ Soon after  New Year will be the annual "Red Cross blood donation Charity Concert", the 50th ... And we are thinking of going to listen for the first time in a long time, and get tickets to hear the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii-kun,

The conductor is Mr. Tatsuya Shimono, with the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra of course.  Tchaikovsky's piano Concerto C, Schumann "line" ... Should be interesting -tweet

リサイタルのアンコール2曲だった。 ラヴェル、水のたわむれ辻井伸行.mp4:

ラヴェル - 亡き王女のためのパヴァーヌ :辻井伸行:

Mr. Tsujii played two works for encores: jeux d'eau and "Pavene for a late princess"  -tweets

今 日 辻井伸行 LISZT の最新CDが届いたよ 🎶 極上の音色♬ ドイツの名プロデューサーが、「彼は世界最高のリスト弾きだ!」と言ったそう。「ファウストからのワルツ」は、解説にもあるように、華麗で劇的🎵   "Latest CD of 'Nobuyuki Tsujii plays LISZT' arrived today. The tone is the best, and the producer in Germany [Teldex] seems to have said, "His playing of Liszt is the world's best." "Waltz from Faust" is Dramatically brilliant, as you can see in the commentary." -tweet by Yura

 2014/09/25 (Thu) 辻井伸行さん

image via Internet link

23日 衛星放送WOWOWで、辻井伸行さんのイギリス最大の音楽祭「プロムス」の演奏が放映されました。ラフマニノフのピアノ協奏曲第2番 美しかった。

続けて、辻井伸行ドキュメンタリー Touching  the  Soundを放映。2013年の欧米と東北での公演に密着したドキュメンタリーです。

最 初に、彼が舞台そでで、「盲目のピアニストとか言われるのはあまり好きじゃあないので、一人のピアニストとして皆様に聴いていただきたいと思い続けていま す」と語り、ラストにマネージャーと一緒に、海に入り、砂浜でたわむれ、もし眼が見えれば両親の顔が見たい、きれいな星や海が見たいと思ったが、今では、 心の眼で全てが見えるので幸せです。と語っています。

8月30日 名古屋で辻井伸行さんの演奏を聴きました。リサイタルでなく、コンポーザーピア ニストフェスティバル 2014と題して、3人の競演でした。コンポーザピアニストは、作曲も演奏もするピアニストです。ポップスの「ゆず」のようなイ メージです。クラッシック演奏ももちろん素晴らしいが、作曲した、「それでも・生きてゆく」に彼のメッセージを聴きました。

圧巻はラスト レ・フ レールの2人とのパフォーマンス。鍵盤を弾くというより、たたき付けるようなアドリブ?演奏。ジャズのセッションでした。満員の観客、驚きと喜び スタン ディングオベーションで手拍子。こんな演奏が見れたことにゾクゾクしました。彼も、演奏しながら喜びを全身で表現していました。

23 satellite days WOWOW in, playing music festivals in the UK maximum of Nobuyuki Tsujii's "Proms" has been aired. Was beautiful Piano Concerto No.2 of Rachmaninoff.

Subsequently, Nobuyuki Tsujii documentary Touching   the   Sound and aired. 2013 This is a documentary in close contact with the performances in Europe and the United States and Tohoku of years.

First, he is in the wings, it says that it "has continued to think of is he did a pianist of the blind it is not Well I like very much, and I would like you to listen to everyone as a pianist of one person", along with the manager in the last , I thought to enter the sea, it Tawamure on the beach, you want to see the face of the parents if Miere eye if you want to see a beautiful sea and stars, but now, it is happy to be seen, all in the eye of the mind. It has said.

August 30, I was listening to the performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii's in Nagoya days. Not a recital, pianist composer Festival 2014 under the heading of, it was a contest of three people. Composer pianist, pianist composer also played also. It is the image of pop such as "citron". Classic also played great of course, but I listened to his message was a composer, to "Yuku-still alive."

Highlight the performance of the two of the last Les Freres. Rather than play the keyboard, improvisation, such as lay on? Performance. It was a session of jazz. Capacity crowd, clapping with joy and surprise standing ovation. I was thrilled that it was seen this play. He also had to express the joy in the whole body while playing.

September 24

This tweet came from a Towers Record in Osaka

[ク ラシック】辻井伸行さんの新録音のリスト作品集、好評です。あわせて、旧譜キャンペーンも開催中。辻井さんの旧譜をお買い上げで特製手ぬぐい差し上げま す!  [Classic] New recordings of Liszt worksof Nobuyuki Tsujii is popular. In addition, there is a promotion of his older albums.  We will give you a special hand towel with your purchase of an older album of Mr. Tsujii.

image via Internet link

The promotion is also described in a Avex release note, which mentions a price cut on the older albums.  The promotion is to "commemorate the release of Nobu's new album".

辻井伸行のニューアルバムが届いた。発売前なのに。 New album of Nobuyuki Tsujii has arrived before launch day. -tweet

私には珍しく辻井伸行さんのラフマニノフを音のみつべで流してるんですけど、もう本当に今更、目が見えないって?と困惑してしまう。 ボキャブラリーがないからなんて表現していいのか分からないけど。 目が見える私はただの1小節も弾けませんわ、ただただ感服。 And the sound of Rachmaninoff of Nobuyuki Tsujii flowed and sounded uncommon to me.  This is really too late already.  Is he blind?  I am bewildered.  There is no words to express how good he is.  I am sighted but can play even one bar.   Nothing but admiration.  -tweet

September 23

WOWOW TV in Japan aired two documentaries in Japan - please see collection of comments about Touching the Sound here

@wowow_SOGO やっと辻井伸行さんのBBCプロム観れました!動画サイトで何度も観たのですが、やはり音が違います!ありがとうございます。

@ Wowow_SOGO barely Nobuyuki Tsujii I was watching BBC's Prom! It was seen many times in the video site, but the sound is different too! Thank you.  -tweet

辻井伸行 WOWOW ラフマニノフ熱演 あらためて感動 感動 *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*  -tweet

辻井伸行さんの演奏 涙が出るほど素晴らしい!WOWOW great performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii's -- tears  -tweet

September 20

This posting brought a big smile to my face this morning.  It is written in French.  Not only does it graciously mention this site, but I am so happy that someone in Franceis so appreciative of Nobu and  knows Nobu so well!

Nobuyuki Tsujii poursuit une carrière brillante au Japon, mais aussi aux USA et donne des concerts au Canada. L'Europe l'accueille aussi, en Angleterre, suisse, Allemagne … Il est rarement venu en France. Il a beaucoup muri dans sa manière de jouer. Il n'est plus un jeune pianiste. La qualité de son jeu fait qu'on ne pense plus à sa cécité. Sa personne et ses qualités humaines focalisent davantage l'attention. On peut regretter que le choix des œuvres qu'il interprète ne dépende pas entièrement de lui. Il semble être poussé par sa compagnie (Avex) à toujours plus de virtuosité au dépend de sa puissance naturelle d'émotion. Cela probablement pour des raisons financières. Vous trouverez un site indépendant qui lui est dédié en googelisant "Nobu fans". Vous y trouverez tout ce que vous pourrez désirer savoir de ses concerts futurs, de ses CD et DVD. Nobu a aussi un site personnel (peu informatif) que l'on joint en googelisant "Nobupiano".

(Translated from French:

Nobuyuki Tsujii has pursued a brilliant career in Japan but also in the USA and has given concerts in Canada.  He is also welcome in Europe: England, Switzerland, Germany ... He rarely comes to France. He has matured a lot in his playing.  He is no longer a young pianist. The quality of his playing no longer makes you constantly think about his blindness.   The attention is now focused more on him and his human qualities . It is regrettable that the choice of works that he interprets does not depend entirely on him. It seems to be driven by his company (Avex) to ever more virtuosic  and emotional. This probably for financial reasons. You will find an independent website dedicated to him by Google searching "Nobu fans." You will find everything you may desire to know about his future concerts, his CDs and DVDs. Nobu also has a personal website (not very informative) which is found via Google "Nobupiano.")

September 19

辻井伸行の演奏はマジで神。Performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii seriously God-like.  -tweet

死ぬまでに何がしたいって辻井伸行さんのリサイタルに行きたい絶対に! Absolutely I want to go to a recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii before I die!  -tweet [blog post about Tokyo performance on Sept 11]

2014-09-12 08:23:58


... サイトをググってると、




Nobuyuki Tsujii plays Ravel

... On Google, I read a posting that says "young musicians sometimes turn into a nasty guy and become more perverse in later years."  I thought about this as I read a huge concert brochure that I got upon admission.  I can see the depth and the hardship of the road ahead of him...

Nobuyuki Tsujii performs Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 3

Bridgewater Hall, Manchester, U.K.

Friday 31 October

Expect a spellbinding performance from pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii.

Rachmaninov's Symphonic Dances combine the loneliness of his exile from Russia with the sheer electricity of jazz-age America. They’re the beating heart of a concert that sweeps from John Adams’s ‘Tango for Orchestra’ to the sumptuous romance of Rachmaninov’s Third Piano Concerto. Expect a spellbinding performance from pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii.

September 17

北野武 ‏@takesikunhi [Takashi Kitano]tweeted

Google ニュース検索:《北野武Art Beat》 失明鋼琴家辻井伸行心眼看世界 - 香港經濟日報 (需訂閲) Google News Search: "Kitano Takeshi Art Beat" blindness pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii sees the world with his heart's eye - Hong Kong Economic Daily

Peter Rosen ‏@rosenprod tweeted

September 23, "Touching the Sound" staring #Nobuyuki Tsujii, premiere on Wowow TV in Japan.

And a full-page story about the Takashi Art Beat show appeared in the arts section of a major Hong Kong newspaper 明報

 full page new story about the show; image via Internet link

彼の様な人が居て、日本人として誇らしいですね。ぎすぎすした気持も癒されます。 ラヴェル - 亡き王女のためのパヴァーヌ :辻井伸行: …  People like him makes me proud to be a Japanese.  Awkward feeling is healed.   Pavane for a late princess - Ravel: Nobuyuki Tsujii:

September 15

辻井伸行 ピアノ協奏曲を演奏中のこの小さな背中。だけど、小さな身体から溢れ出る音は、最大限に力強くて、最上級の美しさです。彼の生演奏 一度は聴いてみる価値 あると思います。来年1月 最大最上級のコンサート 日本でもありますよー [photo of Nobu performing in Tokyo's Orchard Hall on Sept 11]  Nobuyuki Tsujii playing a piano concerto, this photo shows his small back. Yet sound oozes from such a small body. Powerful to the fullest, the beauty of the superlative. I think it is worthwhile to try to listen to his live music at least once. There is a first-class concert in Japan in January next year. -tweet by Yura

September 14

最 近製麺所に辻井伸行さんうどん食べに来たらしい。会いたかったなー、パートのおばちゃんうらやま It seems that Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii recently came to home-made noodle shop to eat udon.  My aunt ... caught a glimpse of him [questionable tranlation]

September 13

It is Nobu's birthday, please see Happy 26, Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii! for many birthday wishes to him.

Tweets about the 2014 Proms:

- Yes; great pity Han-Na Chang resigned the next day; she's done marvels with that orchestra. And Matsuev is astonishing!

- But not as astonishing as Nobuyuki Tsujii. Now THAT had this grade 8+ mere mortal in tears of wonderment

辻井伸行さん尊敬(´゚ェ゚`) I respect Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii   -tweet

"Nobuyuki Tsujii: Elegy for the victims of the earthquake  The most beautiful piece of modern classical music I have heard" - tweet

September 12

昨 年,就活で辻井伸行のコンサートに行けなかったことが一番心残り Last year, I regret the most not being able to go to concerts of Nobuyuki Tsujii, due to job hunting.

September 11

Mr. Kawakami -- Nobu's long-time childhood piano teacher -- wrote about Peter Rosen's "Touching the Sound" in his blog

Peter Rosen 監督のドキュメンタリー





実は私も出演しているので、一般公開に先立って観せていただきましたが、私自身がこれまで観たことのない辻井君に関する過去の映像や新しい映像がたくさん 使われていて、とても楽しかったです。日本の番組制作会社が作るものとは全然違う視点でスゴイなと思いました。これにはローゼン氏の独自の視点が強く働い ているのだと思います。



Documentary by director Peter Rosen

A new program that focuses on the activities of the last year of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii will be shown in Japan.

The program by Peter Rosen, famous primarily for documentary about musicians, has  already been aired in the United States, but it will be broadcast in Japan finally on September 23 16:05 on WOWOW TV

There is video footage from the childhood of Mr. Tsujii, as well as from recently filmed footage focusing on the activities of 2013 last year in particular,

It is a wonderful story, a contents of about an hour, with Mr. Asano -- his Avex manager -- as the main narraotor.

Actually, because I also appear in the show, I was allowed to watch it prior to the general public.  It uses video of Mr. Tsujii and I from the past; I think it is a lot of fun. I tam amazed by a perspective completely different from documentaries made by Japanese production companies.    I think Mr. Rosen has a unique perspective that works strongly for this.

Because the program is in English, I think Japanese subtitles will be attached in the broadcasting for Japanese this time, words spoken [by Japanese in English] will be shown with Japanese subtitles (reverse translation :-)  -- this is interesting to me.

Unfortunately, because I do not subscribe to Wowow, I will not be able to watch it.  But please try to watch it.   It is a little disappointing that this program is seen only on Wowow

September 9

ヘッドホンで辻井伸行の風の家をきいて、まるで美しい 風景の家に帰ってきたかのような気持ちになりながら普通のアパートに帰ってきました Listening to Nobuyuki Tsujii's "house of wind" through headphones, and as I came back to my ordinary apartment it made me feel as if I have returned to a house with beautiful landscape

辻井伸行が昔の作曲家のクラシック弾いてるのあんまり好きじゃないけど、自分で作曲した曲弾いてるの好 き I do not really like Nobuyuki Tsujii playing works by classic composer of old, but I like him playing music composed by himself   -tweet


ラ ヴェル - 亡き王女のためのパヴァーヌ :辻井伸行:  月のイメージはどうしてもこの曲。 Nobuyuki - Ravel:  Pavane for a late princess: Nobuyuki Tsujii.   This song absolutely [brings out ] image of the moon   -tweet

辻 井伸行さんのチケット届いた‼︎一階席の前から6列目‼︎運に恵まれました(*>∇<)ノ  Ticket of Nobuyuki Tsujii arrived! ︎ Seats on the 6 row from the front,  first floor! I was blessed with luck ︎ (*> ∇ <) Bruno  -tweet

September 8

きょ うの朝刊に辻井伸行さんの記事発見。この人の音は本当に綺麗。 There is an article about Nobuyuki Tsujii in the morning papers today. The sound of this person is really beautiful. -Fukuoka tweet

September 7

今夜は、テニスの夢を♪While listening to Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, Neru! Good night. Tonight, ♪ a dream of tennis  -tweet [ On this day, Japanese tennis player Kei Nishikori advanced to the U.S. Open final]

ONKYO MUSICでポチった、辻井伸行氏のMy Favorite Chopinを聴いているけど、どうしても“戦場のピアニスト”の名シーンが頭をよぎってしまう。Pochitta in ONKYO MUSIC

As I listen to "My Favorite Chopin" of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, scenes of "The Pianist" came up in  my head.  -tweet




Indeed Nobuyuki Tsujii's tickets had been sold out long ago (crying)

I really want to go to see (crying)  -tweet

September 5

来 週は東京。初日の夜は辻井伸行さんのピアノを聴きにオーチャードホールへ。今回はラヴェル。To Tokyo next week. On the first night I will be at the Orchard Hall to listen to the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii. Ravel this time.  -tweet by someone in Hokeido

September 4

辻井伸行さん、9月10日は完売。楽しみだなあ。  Nobuyuki Tsujii, September 10 sold out. I'm looking forward to it. -tweet

September 3

SAN DIEGO, CA (September 3, 2014) – The San Diego Film Festival, produced by the San Diego Film Foundation, announced today its full festival line-up. The 13th edition will take place September 24th through September 28th in San Diego, CA


San Diego Film Festival Documentary Competition(14): The Documentary Competition is comprised of films made by talented emerging documentary filmmakers that compete for the Documentary Award. The winner is determined by a panel of jurors, and films in this section are also eligible for the Audience Award for Best Documentary Feature.

... Touching the Sound: The Improbable Journey of Nobuyuki Tsujii, West Coast Premiere ...

2014年9月 3日 (水)










September 3, 2014 (Wednesday)

Concert of Kapustin


The other day, I went to a concert of Kapustin.

"Kawakami Masahiro indoor live" was unbelivably free.

Professor Kawakami Masahiro is the champion of playing Kapustin in Japan...

Professor Kawakami is also famous for the fact that taught the blind pianist Nobuyuki....

September 2

It has been a long time since I came across a poetic blog post from Japan like this one.


2014年08月29日 22:03

... 京都をめぐってからまだ2週間程度であるが、既に夏は過ぎ去ったかのように、部屋は涼しい。室温も30度を切り、下着姿ではやや寒いくらいである。文章を 書きながら、背後のスピーカーからは、辻井伸行さんの『風の家』が流れている。この曲を聴いて泣いたのも、確か夏の終わりだった。


image via Internet link -- this tiny but neat backyard is typical in the large cities of Japan

The End of Summer

Aug 29 2014

... It has only been about two weeks since I visited Kyoto, but it is as if summer is already gone. The house is cool, the temperature down by 30 degrees. It feels a little chilly in undergarments. While writing this sentence, the sound of "House of Wind" by Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii is flowing from speakers behind; I wept listening to this song, knowing that the end of the summer is a certainty.

Today, while I feel my loneliness unseen in the blank space of time, I was thinking about my future.

September 1



日時 … 2015年1月16日(金)午後6時30分開演

会場 … 福岡シンフォニーホール(福岡市中央区天神1の1の1 アクロス福岡1階)





リスト/ラ・カンパネラ ほか


Yukio Yokoyama Piano Recital

to play three major composers

6:30 pm (Friday) January 16, 2015 ...

venue ... Fukuoka Symphony Hall

Combining  popularity and  ability, pianist Yukio Yokoyama, also known as a teacher of Nobuyuki Tsujii, will hold  hist first  solo recital in six and a half years in Fukuoka City. He will play famous work by Chopin, Beethoven, et al.

Planned tracks

No. 1 Chopin / Ballad, Nocturne No. 20 <posthumous>, fantasy Impromptu, Polonaise hero

Beethoven / Piano Sonata No. 23 "Appassionata"

List / La Campanella other

¥ 6,000 S seat, A seat ¥ 4,500

Tomoki SAKATA [Japanese finalist in the 2013 Cliburn Competition]

 octobre 2014 – 20h

Brussels Piano Festival

WOWOW tweeted:

【特集:芸術の秋、ピアノとオーケストラの夕べ】クラシック音楽特集を5時間にわたり放送!日本を代表する作曲家・久石譲と、ピアニスト・辻井伸行の音楽をお届けします♪◆9月23日(火・祝)午後2:30~WOWOWライブ⇒  #wowow

[Special Feature: Autumn art, evening of orchestra and piano] Broadcast over a period of 5 hours of classical music featured! Music of  Joe Hisaishi, composer representing Japan; pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii♪ ◆  9/23 (Tue holiday) 2"30PM ~ WOWOW

Older notable web postings are collected at Notable web postings archive