Too Conversational

Formal essays need to use formal transitions and formal sentence structure. You also need to make formal word choices.

Conversational Transitions

    • "All in all..."

    • "To be honest..."

    • "If you asked me..."

    • "To sum it up..."

    • Eliminating "Conversational Writing"

Too Conversational (example)

"this essay really clicked with me"

More Sophisticated Options

    • "This essay had a profound effect on me."

    • "This essay resonated with me in a major way."

    • "I was deeply moved by this author's words"

Too Conversational (example)

"Romeo isn't the romantic guy everyone says he is, he's just a player"

More Sophisticated Options

  • Although he's often regarded as the archetypal romantic character, Romeo is nothing more than a typical hormonal teenager.

  • Society has embraced Romeo as the quintessential romantic, but he's really a very unbalanced and dangerous teenager.