Independent Reading (Honors)

During this part of the semester, you get to pick the book you want to read.

Check out the Reader's Cafe in the media center for some great books.

1st assignment: Reading Journal

While you are reading, maintain a journal that documents your reading experience.

Each journal entry must:

1) Start with the date that you wrote each entry & the page numbers you are writing about.

2) Briefly summarize important plot points that have taken place.

3) Reflect on what you've read

-What is interesting about the conflict

-What motivates each character

-Character development, relationships, etc

-Are any themes emerging? if so explain.


Select a Fiction book (we will do Non-Fiction next).

Choose a book that is of an appropriate lexile level and content for school (our media center has an excellent selection).

Bring the book to class every day.

Write an online journal (a google doc) documenting your reading experience (details below)

Complete the form to the right and get your selection approved before you begin.

Selecting Your Book

Let me know what book you will be reading by Completing the form to the right.

Reading Journal

Use the google doc that's been created for you in our Google Classroom.

Write at least 5 journal entries-spread your entries out so they cover all parts of the book.

"Turn In" when you're finished. Keep in mind, I'll be able to check the document throughout the entire process.

How Your Journal Will be Graded

Each entry will be evaluated for:

  • Thoroughness, details (3 points)

  • Mechanics & Style (3 points)

  • Insight (3 points)

Total Points: ___/45