ABT (Always Be Talking)


One of the tricks to delivering a great demonstrative speech is preparing ‘speaking time’ during the spaces in your process that might be tedious. For instance, notice how speakers offer interesting info related to the audience on cooking shows or sports shows. You need to come up with something to say, for example, when you are stirring a mix. This is one reason you will need to practice with your visual aids: how will you know how much speaking time to prepare if you haven’t practiced with the visual aids. Practice will also ensure that you are comfortable using the visual aids and that you fall within the appropriate time limits.

Offer helpful hints, warnings, or anecdotes to maintain the audience's attention during these moments.

Making poached eggs isn't exactly a spectator sport, but notice how he is always talking about something throughout the process. Even boiling an egg can become interesting if you prepare.

Skip to 3:10 and notice how he talks the entire time that he is chopping mushrooms