Idiom Errors

Idiom errors occur when the usage of certain phrases or expressions deviates from standard English grammar rules or common usage. In standardized tests like the SAT, recognizing and correcting idiom errors is crucial for achieving a high score in the Writing and Language section. Here are 10 examples of idiom errors along with corrections:

Incorrect: "He insisted in going to the party."

Correct: "He insisted on going to the party."

Incorrect: "She is adept with solving math problems."

Correct: "She is adept at solving math problems."

Incorrect: "The teacher is known for her dedication to her students."

Correct: "The teacher is known for her dedication to her students."

Incorrect: "I was impressed of his intelligence."

Correct: "I was impressed by his intelligence."

Incorrect: "She was surprised with the gift."

Correct: "She was surprised by the gift."

Incorrect: "He was disappointed of the result."

Correct: "He was disappointed with the result."

Incorrect: "They accused him for stealing the money."

Correct: "They accused him of stealing the money."

Incorrect: "She was anxious for the test results."

Correct: "She was anxious about the test results."

Incorrect: "The team is confident for winning the championship."

Correct: "The team is confident of winning the championship."

Incorrect: "He is responsible to complete the project."

Correct: "He is responsible for completing the project."