Having trouble with a Conclusion? Try these steps

(from Palomar College)

Try incorporating each of these (not necessarily in this order)

1. Use a summary statement rather than phrases like the following: "In summary...," "To conclude...," "To summarize...," or "In closing...." These are too obvious and vague to be effective. Use a transitional phrase which summarizes a point in your essay instead. A sample summary statement is as follows: "As we have seen, poverty is a known contributor to crime; therefore, it should not be discounted when considering ways to prevent crime."

2. Use a quotation, such as "As a man thinks, so is he," when your paper has just explained how negative thinking has created problems for someone.

3. Issue a call for action, such as "Now that we have seen how poverty contributes to crime, give the local representatives a call to learn how to help combat poverty."

4. Use a question and a call for action together. Example: "Why do we continue to ignore the poverty situation in America? One can help, so get involved."

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