
Tips for Writing Flash Fiction by Ryan Latini

Enforce an emotion from the beginning, and leave them with the turn to a different emotion in the last 250 or 100 words. You don't have much of a runway with flash fiction for takeoff or landing, so it's easy to crash and burn (that's a trademark Latini metaphor). You need to lay off heavy adverbs and adjectives as well--succinct, specific verbs and nouns--there's always a better word than a adjective noun combo. Like I said before, turn the emotion from beginning to end, but in my opinion, that's not a story or a plot. A classic example of a story is: the king died and then the queen died. A plot is: the king died and then the queen died of grief. Don't let the limitations scare you away from a plot. It has to be there even in a 1000 words or else it's just musing.