
What is the Synthesis Essay?

You will be asked to write an essay that is very similar to the argument prompt. It will usually ask you to "take a position that defends, challenges, or qualifies".

With the synthesis essay, however, you will need to incorporate information/data from a collection of sources.

Defend = Agree with the claim that is made in the prompt and support it with evidence, logic, and experiences. 

Challenge = Disagree with the claim that is made in the prompt and support it with evidence, logic, and experiences. 

Qualify: You DO pick a side, but not entirely; you address an exception to that argument. There will be a caveat within your thesis.  If you choose to qualify, you will need to use words like "however", "but", "with the exception of", etc.


Thesis that Qualifies: 

"Animal testing should be deemed illegal with the exception of vital medical research.

You can rephrase this and avoid the "with the exception of" phrase:

"Animal testing should be deemed illegal for non-medical purposes."