Parallel Structure

Parallel structure, also known as parallelism, refers to using the same grammatical structure for similar elements within a sentence or a series of sentences. This technique helps to create balance, clarity, and coherence in writing. Parallel structure is commonly applied to elements such as phrases, clauses, lists, and comparisons.

Examples of Parallel Structure:

Importance of Parallel Structure:

Parallel Structure

Correcting Parallel Structure Errors:

Identifying and correcting errors in parallel structure involve ensuring that similar elements within a sentence or passage are presented in a consistent grammatical form.

Incorrect: She enjoys hiking, swimming, and to ride bicycles.

Correct: She enjoys hiking, swimming, and riding bicycles.

Incorrect: The company aims to increase profits, expanding its market share, and improving customer satisfaction.

Correct: The company aims to increase profits, expand its market share, and improve customer satisfaction.