Rhetorical Analysis of Commercial
Record a rhetorical analysis of a commercial.
Sophistication of your Argument (4 points)
Technical Quality (4 points)
Clarity of your Arguments (4 points)
Watch the commercial several times.
BEFORE you start working on your analysis, put a lot of thought into audience, purpose, context, occasion, etc
Write your analysis/script before recording.
Use advertising terms and rhetorical devices and appeals
DO NOT pick a commercial if a rhetorical analysis of that commercial already exists online
What you must turn in:
What you must turn in:
a script
your video
Elements to Consider Throughout your Analysis:
Elements to Consider Throughout your Analysis:
Technical Links
Technical Links
How to Record Voiceover on a Chromebook:
Use Screencastify and make sure you are using these settings:
How to Analyze Commercials
How to Analyze Commercials