Writing a Thesis for Literary Analysis

Provide a thesis statement that presents a central argument that the rest of the essay will revolve around.

Sample Thesis Statements:

  • "In Harrison Bergeron, Kurt Vonnegut's use of a dystopian setting and symbolism help create a compelling tale with a poignant theme."

  • "In The Most Dangerous Game, Richard Connell reminds us that we never truly know what we're capable of until our lives are on the line and the human instinct to survive may be the strongest power we, as a species, possess."

  • In “A Haunted House,” Woolf's stream of consciousness style of writing allows the reader to empathize with the characters and feel as if they too are being haunted.

In a persuasive essay, your support paragraphs should answer the question "why?" in reference to your thesis.

Thesis: "Although dogs are far more popular in America, cats make make far superior house pets."


  • They are easy to take care of

  • They are very affectionate.

  • The make excellent companions

In a literary analysis, your support paragraphs should answer the question "how?" in reference to your thesis.

Thesis: "In Harrison Bergeron, Kurt Vonnegut's use of a dystopian setting and symbolism create a compelling tale with a poignant theme."


  • In the beginning of the story he juxtaposes an optimistic declaration, "the year was 2081, and everybody was finally equal", with an overwhelmingly cold and bleak setting.

  • The government, in Harrison Bergeron, enforces equality and is run by one all-powerful leader (the Handicapper General). Anyone with an even rudimentary knowledge of tyrannical governments will recognize this a a satirical commentary on the communist philosophy.