
A logline is a concise summary of a story, typically used in the film and television industry to quickly convey the essential elements of a script or project. It serves as a brief and compelling description that captures the core idea, premise, and conflict of the story in just one or two sentences. The goal of a logline is to generate interest and provide a quick overview that helps potential readers, producers, or investors understand the essence of the project.

A well-crafted logline typically includes the following elements:

[protagonist] + [inciting incident] + [protagonist’s goal] + [central conflict]


A logline is a concise summary of a story, typically used in the film and television industry to quickly convey the essential elements of a script or project. It serves as a brief and compelling description that captures the core idea, premise, and conflict of the story in just one or two sentences. The goal of a logline is to generate interest and provide a quick overview that helps potential readers, producers, or investors understand the essence of the project.

A well-crafted logline typically includes the following elements:

Here's an example of a logline:

"In a dystopian future, a reluctant hero must lead a group of rebels against a tyrannical government to restore freedom to a society on the brink of collapse."

This logline provides a snapshot of the setting (dystopian future), introduces the protagonist (reluctant hero), outlines the goal (overthrowing a tyrannical government), and hints at the conflict (society on the brink of collapse).


explain the elements of a tv show pitch

A TV show pitch is a presentation designed to sell a television series idea to network executives, producers, or streaming platforms. A successful pitch not only conveys the basic concept of the show but also captures the potential for engaging storytelling, market appeal, and financial viability. While pitches can vary in format, they generally include the following key elements: