Impromptu Speeches
Throughout the year, you will be presenting a number of "impromptu speeches."
On these days you will be given 3 topics. You will pick one, prepare for 3 minutes, then deliver a speech.
Preparing for an Impromptu Speech
Once you select your topic, you'll only have 3-4 minutes to prepare your speech.
1) Hijack the topic: the topics are very broad, so find your angle and your purpose.
2) Figure out your audience-centered introduction. Be creative.
3) jot down at least 3-4 major topics/anecdotes you can use to support your purpose. Choose topics that will allow you to elaborate at length.
4) figure out your conclusion. A lot of people skip this step and, as a result, end up with an awkward ending to their speech.
How Will Impromptu Speeches Be Graded?
Impromptu Speech Rubric
Speaker: _______________________
Topic: _______________________
Fill out the information above and hand this in on the day of your speech.
Organization: introduction, speaking points, focused purpose, conclusion
/5 points
Pace: easy to follow, maintained audience's interest, not too fast, not too slow
/5 points
Poise: confidence, posture, eye contact, avoid doing anything that will become a distraction
/5 points
Vocal Quality: tone, inflection, projection, articulation
/5 points
Grade: /20