Projects (Gender)

Assignment Options

Gendered Narrative Analysis


Select a piece of literature, film, or any narrative medium and analyze how gender roles, stereotypes, and expectations are portrayed.  Focus on how they reinforce and/or challenge traditional roles.


Identify key characters and their gender representations.

Analyze how gender influences character development, plot dynamics, and thematic elements.

Discuss the societal implications of the gender representations depicted in the chosen narrative.


 A comprehensive presentation of analysis, supported by textual evidence and critical interpretation.

Gender in Media Campaigns


Choose a current media campaign (advertisement, social media movement, etc.) and evaluate how it constructs and reinforces gender norms.


Examine visual and textual elements to identify messages about gender.

Assess the effectiveness of the campaign in challenging or perpetuating gender stereotypes.

Propose alternative strategies for promoting gender inclusivity and equality within the campaign.


A multimedia presentation or report highlighting the findings and recommendations, incorporating visuals from the chosen media campaign.

Gendered Language Exploration


Conduct a linguistic analysis of gendered language usage in a specific context (e.g., workplace, educational setting, online discourse).


Collect samples of language (spoken or written) and categorize them based on gender associations.

Investigate the impact of gendered language on communication, perception, and power dynamics.

Explore strategies for promoting gender-neutral language and inclusive communication practices.


 A research paper or presentation outlining the findings, supported by data analysis and scholarly research.