Rhetoric from TED

Rhetoric from TED

One way to tap into the power of rhetoric is to study how great speakers apply the three appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos). Let’s take a look at how three TED presenters put rhetorical theory into practice in their presentations.

In a sentence, what is the purpose of Cain’s speech? What do you think she wants this speech to accomplish?

Explain how Susan Cain builds her reputation and authority as a speaker on the subject of introversion:

List and/or explain other ways in which Cain uses ethos throughout her speech:

Jill Bolte Taylor’s “A Stroke of Insight”

In a sentence, what is the purpose of Bolte’s speech? What do you think she wants this speech to accomplish?

Explain how Bolte uses pathos to make her message more powerful:

Amy Cuddy’s “Body language”

In a sentence, what is the purpose of Cuddy’s speech? What do you think she wants this speech to accomplish?

Explain how (using specific examples) Cuddy effectively uses Logos throughout her speech:

Towards the end of her speech, Cuddy employs another appeal. What appeal does she use and how does it help or hurt her message? Explain