
Also known as the "appeal to patriotism," Jingoism is a type of fallacious argument that relies on emotional manipulation related to one's love and loyalty to their country or nation to support a particular claim or viewpoint. This fallacy attempts to persuade people to accept an argument solely based on their emotional attachment to their country rather than on the merits of the argument itself. It can be used to stifle dissent or critical thinking by implying that questioning a particular stance or policy is unpatriotic or disloyal. In essence, the fallacy diverts attention from the actual issues or arguments at hand and instead tries to win support through an emotional appeal to national pride. It's important to recognize this fallacy in order to engage in rational and critical discussions about important matters without being swayed solely by emotional manipulation. 

Example: While it's essential to consider various perspectives on foreign policy, we must never forget the importance of unwavering support for our nation. Our country has always stood for freedom, democracy, and justice, and any deviation from a hardline stance in our foreign relations could be seen as unpatriotic. We cannot afford to let the values and principles that define us be compromised by those who question our loyalty. True patriots understand that we must prioritize our national interests above all else, and any dissent or hesitation in pursuing an assertive foreign policy is a betrayal of our core values and an affront to our great nation.