2024 Budget Cuts (What Can I Do)

What is Happening?

Let's start with the positive.  MANY NJ school districts who have been underfunded for YEARS are going to receiving state aid that will allow them to provide better and safer education for their students.

However, due to a flawed formula the state is currently using to distribute funds for public schools, our district, which was already planning on having to deal with a loss of over $300,000, is now having to prepare for a loss of almost $5 million dollars. A budget cut of this magnitude will result in reduced funding for essential resources such as staffing, programs, extracurricular activities, and facilities maintenance. This will also lead to larger class sizes, fewer elective courses, limited access to technology and educational materials, and decreased support services for students. Additionally, budget cuts may force schools to make difficult decisions such as laying off teachers or reducing the availability of vital support staff, which WILL ultimately impact the quality of education and student outcomes. 

What Can I Do?

Write your state and local lefislators. They need to hear YOUR voice!

Here are some sample emails that students have written to our local politicians.  If you'd like to help, let your voice be heard.  Write your own email; express your own concerns.  Email addresses are also included below.

Send your emails to 

constituent.relations@nj.gov, SenScutari@njleg.org, SenGopal@njleg.org, SenTurner@njleg.org, AsmCoughlin@njleg.org, SenSarlo@njleg.org, AswSwain@njleg.org, AswPintorMarin@njleg.org, AsmWimberly@njleg.org, AswLampitt@njleg.org, AsmStanley@njleg.org

Sample Student Emails

Student email EXAMPLE 1

Subject: Student Concerned About Proposed Budget Cut

Dear Governor Murphy and Board,

I hope this e-mail finds you well. I am writing to you urgently concerning the recent severe drop in school funding for the 2025–2026 school year in the Lenape Regional High School District (LRHSD). To properly offset the planned reduction in state aid, I am asking that restorative funds be included in Governor Murphy's final approved budget.

Part of the Lenape Regional High School District, Shawnee is a vital component of the Medford and Medford Lakes community, offering opportunities for students to succeed in addition to academic education and necessary support services. We could, however, lose important resources that are essential to the success of students given the impending anticipated budget cuts.

As a student at Shawnee, I enjoy all of the extracurricular and athletic opportunities Shawnee provides me as a student because they help me grow as a person and enhance my educational experience. Shawnee is a fantastic and diverse school in large part because of these extracurriculars and athletics. Although my time as a high school student is almost over and I will be a senior next year, I am speaking out about Shawnee's future for both myself and the next generations of students. The school is what it is because of everyone at Shawnee—the teachers, the friends, the enthusiasm, and the sense of community and family. I adore Shawnee's tremendous offerings, its culture, and the level of school spirit that it receives. I am happy to be a Shawnee student and a resident of Medford, having only moved here last year. My time at Shawnee helped shape who I am now; my teachers, friends, clubs, sports, and extracurricular activities all helped me become a better person and student.

Governor Murphy, I know how difficult it is for you to find a way to balance the state budget. However, I urge you to look for alternatives that don’t jeopardize the quality of our school’s education. Cutting funding for education should only be considered as a last resort because of the devastating effects it can have. Please listen to the voices of our educators, parents, and community members who are invested in our school's future. Let’s put education first and make sure our schools continue to have the tools they need to provide a quality education for every student. 

Thank You for your consideration on this important issue. I hope you make the right choice for our school and students.


(Student Name)

(Class of 20**)

Email example 2

Subject: Student Concerned About Proposed Budget Cuts


Dear Governor Murphy,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to you today with a sense of urgency and concern regarding the proposed budget cuts that could greatly impact our educational institution and the future of our students.

I urge you to carefully consider the ramifications of extreme budget cuts, particularly in the realm of education.

Our school, Shawnee, part of the Lenape Regional High School District, serves as a cornerstone of our community in Medford and Medford Lakes, providing not only academic instruction but also essential support services and opportunities for our students to thrive. Yet, with the proposed budget cuts looming over us, we face the prospect of losing critical resources that are vital to our students' success.

Allow me to present some compelling facts that underscore the importance of maintaining adequate funding for our school:

Governor Murphy, I understand the immense challenges you face in balancing the state budget, but I implore you to explore alternative solutions that do not compromise the quality of education for our school. Cutting funding to education should be a last resort, as the consequences are far-reaching and detrimental.

I urge you to consider the voices of educators, parents, and community members who are deeply invested in the future of our children. Together, let us prioritize education and ensure that our schools have the resources they need to continue providing a high-quality learning experience for all students.

Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I hope you will make the right decision for the sake of our students and the future of our state.


(Student Name)

(Class of 20**)

Student Example Email 3

Subject: Student Concerned About Proposed Budget Cuts

To the people whom this concerns

            I have pride in saying I'm a student at Shawnee High School. I appreciate all you're doing for us now and moving forward in the future. I would like to address the budget cuts coming upon our school. We, the students of Shawnee, have a vibrant and fun experience here. The clubs, community, sports, and teachers have a huge role in us coming in with a smile every day. 

      Clubs play a huge role because it brings people together as a community and a way to meet new people. A club can be someone's safe place inside of Shawnee for people to hear their voice and to feel important in what they do. As a member of the Black Student Union and Multi-cultural Club, I find this very true. The people in the club also vouch for me. It is a place where we all come together as one and express our culture. This is extremely important because there aren't that many African Americans at Shawnee. I would hate to see this club be taken down because of cuts in the budget that supply us with what we need. I see people in other clubs have fun as well. A variety of different people come together with the same interests. These other clubs also make a positive impact on different people outside of Shawnee. 

      Sports plays a huge role at Shawnee. Especially freshman sports. Lifelong friends are made through the bond of sports. I believe that freshman sports are very important. Even though it may be frowned upon by certain people, It is a milestone for kids coming into high school. As a football player with Division One offers, Freshman sports are very important to me. Kids may not have been taught anything and I was able to provide that last year and plan for my senior year coming up. Freshman sports are also where kids find what position they can and can't play. I'm proud to say I've helped a lot in helping freshman football players with expanding their knowledge of the sport and their specific positions. Offensive line is a very technique-based position and is what I specialize in. The role of helping freshmen is important for the next generation of kids that will represent our school. 

      Teachers have the most important role at Shawnee. They're helping to prepare students to move on to college and their jobs of choice. As a student here, I have a strong connection with teachers, and it makes me look forward to their classes. I've heard this from other students as well. The energy the teachers bring, and their bright personality makes learning fun for the variety of Students here. Some students need more help than others, which calls for a need for more than one teacher in the classroom. Budget cuts would cause those students not to get the help they need to succeed in high school and their lives afterward. 



(Student Name)

(Class of 20**)

Student thank you email Example 1

Thank you to: AswKatz@njleg.org; Sentiver@njleg.org; AsmTorrissi@njleg.org

Subject: Thank you for your efforts

To Whom It May Concern,

    I am reaching out to extend my heartfelt gratitude for your tireless advocacy and dedication in advocating for less severe budget cuts. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, and I am truly thankful for your commitment to protecting vital services and programs that benefit our community. In these challenging times, your leadership and determination have made a significant difference in mitigating the impact of budgetary constraints on essential services. Your unwavering support reflects your understanding of the needs of our citizens and your commitment to ensuring their well-being. Thank you for your hard work and perseverance in prioritizing the welfare of our constituents. Your dedication serves as an inspiration to us all.

      I am concerned for the community of the school as it will suffer from the budget cuts. I loved my freshman year of High School and I want my siblings to enjoy it just as much as I did. I fear with the budget cuts they will not. However, with your support, I know we can make a difference.


(Student Name)

(Class of 20**)

Thank you email: Example 2 

Subject: Thank you for your efforts

To Whom It May Concern, 

I hope this message finds you in good spirits. As a student at Shawnee High School, I am reaching out to convey my profound gratitude for your steadfast support in our collective battle against the proposed budget cuts. Your unwavering dedication has not only touched my heart but has also instilled a renewed sense of hope and determination within our school community.

The looming threat of budget cuts has weighed heavily on the minds of myself and my classmates. The potential repercussions on our education, extracurricular activities, and overall school experience have been a source of significant concern. However, your advocacy on our behalf has served as a beacon of light in these uncertain times, reminding us that our voices matter and that positive change is possible.

Your commitment to championing our cause speaks volumes about your genuine care and concern for the well-being of students like myself. Your efforts have not only protected the integrity of our education but have also reaffirmed our belief in the power of collective action and community support. I urge you to continue to advocate for myself and my classmates.

I cannot adequately express the depth of my gratitude for your tireless advocacy on behalf of Shawnee High School. Your unwavering support has given us renewed strength and confidence as we continue to fight for our school's future.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for standing by us and for showing us that together, we can overcome any challenge that comes our way.

With heartfelt appreciation,

(Student Name)

(Class of 20**)

We urge our citizens to contact New Jersey Government Officials to urge them to swiftly address the current budget crisis by fully reinstating our state aid. It's imperative this is done as soon as possible, in time for us to finalize our budget in April.  There will be cuts even if some or all of the state aid is returned to us, but those cuts will be less severe if districts like LRHSD receive restoration.

Visit www.lrhsd.org/BeHeard where we have gathered useful resources for you.

State and local legislators contact information:
- Email Addresses
- Social Media Accounts
- Phone Numbers