Improv Games

Picture This

Directions: Pick a random photo from your phone, show everyone in your group the photo and then tell the story of that picture. 

Questions Only 

Sit in a circle and have a conversation that consists of ONLY questions.  You can take turns asking questions in the same order, but as your group gets more skilled, feel free to randomize the order to keep each other on your toes.

Questions Only-Whose Line is it Anyway

90 Second Alphabet 

Your group must pick a topic and then have a discussion.  Each time someone speaks, that sentence must start with the next letter of the alphabet.

For Example

Person 1: Have you heard about the new Netflix documentary?

Person 2: I haven’t!

Person 3: Just started watching it this weekend. It’s amazing.

Person 4: Kim, do you want to watch it tonight?

90 Second Alphabet-Whose Line is it Anyway

Don’t Break

Speaker: Today you will have to give a serious speech.  Laughing would be incredibly inappropriate during a speech like this, but you’ve been given a horrible audience. You’ve been given a card that gives you a role and a scenario.  Your audience is going to try to get you to laugh.  Stay in character…don’t break. 

Audience: Make the speaker laugh!  Pace yourself.  Be creative and patient…timing is everything. 

Sell This

When it is your turn, one of your group members will hand you a new invention.  You will have to improvise a sales pitch for this product (think of the great infomercial pitch people (Billy Zane, Ron Popiel, etc). 

During this pitch you must:

Story of My Name

Student take turns telling the story behind how they got their name.  If a student doesn't know why their parents picked that name, they have to make up a story.  The audience tries to figure out if they are lying or telling the truth.


2 people improv a scene, but whenever someone shouts change, the person who spoke last has to change the last thing they said.

High, Low, Buffalo

This can be a great icebreaker, warmup, or group activity.

If working in pairs people take turns sharing a high, low, and a buffalo of their day, week, month, or year (Instructor should decide before starting)


Share something great that has happened


Share something you're upset about that happened


Share something random about yourself or something that happened

Find Your Way...

When it's your turn, you will be given a sentence 9or part of a sentence) on a sheet of paper.  Your job is to tell a story (no less than 2 minutes) that ends with that line.

 For example:

"...and that was the last time I ever tried to..."

"...but it's like they always say: you can't ______ without ______"