
Sample Reading Questions 

Types of Reading Questions

Sample Reading Questions.pdf

Main Idea/Primary Purpose: These questions ask about the central theme or main point of the passage. They may inquire about the author's purpose in writing the passage or the primary message conveyed.

Supporting Detail: These questions focus on specific details mentioned in the passage. They may ask about particular events, facts, examples, or descriptions provided by the author.

Inference: Inference questions require students to draw conclusions based on information provided implicitly in the passage. Students must use reasoning skills to understand implied meanings or make logical deductions.

Vocabulary in Context: These questions assess a student's ability to determine the meaning of words or phrases based on how they are used within the passage. Students may need to infer the meaning from the context provided.

Function: Function questions ask about the role or purpose of specific sentences, paragraphs, or elements within the passage. Students must understand how different parts contribute to the overall structure and meaning of the text.

Tone and Style: These questions inquire about the author's attitude, tone, or style in writing the passage. Students must identify the author's tone (e.g., formal, informal, objective, subjective) and how it contributes to the overall message.

Passage Structure: Passage structure questions focus on the organization and structure of the passage. Students may be asked about the sequence of events, transitions between ideas, or the overall organization of the passage.

Author Technique: These questions assess a student's understanding of the literary or rhetorical techniques used by the author. Students may need to identify figurative language, persuasive techniques, or other stylistic elements.

Comparative Reading: In this section, students are given paired passages and asked to compare and contrast them. Questions may focus on similarities, differences, or the authors' perspectives on a common theme or topic.

Data Interpretation: Some reading passages include graphs, charts, or other visual data. Questions may ask students to interpret the data presented or analyze how it relates to the information in the passage.