
A form of parallelism in which a verb or adjective applies to more that one noun in the sentence.


He carried the light for men and the responsibility for a nation.

He lost his keys and his temper.

She broke her ankle and his spirit. 

"You are free to execute your laws, and your citizens, as you see fit."

He opened his mind and his wallet every time they went out.

"He stole both her car and her heart."

In this sentence, "stole" is used in different senses: taking a physical object ("her car") and winning affection ("her heart").

"She broke his car and his heart."

Again, "broke" is used to describe physical damage to the car and emotional damage to the heart.

"She opened her door and her mind to the homeless."

Here, "opened" is used to describe physically opening a door and figuratively opening one's mind.

"He lost his keys and his temper."

In this example, "lost" applies to both physical objects ("his keys") and emotional control ("his temper").

"She dashed his hopes and his dreams."

Here, "dashed" conveys both the idea of physically moving quickly and shattering something figuratively ("hopes" and "dreams").