Introductory Speeches

Your first speech will be much shorter than most and it serves 2 purposes…

1) It lets us get to know each other.

We will be working together for a few months. Listening to each other’s speeches, critiquing each other’s speeches, and playing improv games--all in the attempt to become better public speakers. We can make this a much more fun and productive semester if we take the time to get to know each other.

2) it lets us see discover our strengths and weakness are as a speakers.

The only way to discover your strengths, is to get on stage and let others point them out to you. The only way we can discover what elements of speaking you can improve upon, is to get on stage and let others point them out to you.

You must answer and reflect upon the following questions during your speech.

    • Start with a clever/creative “grabber

    • If people really knew me…

    • 1 thing you hope to do before you die. Elaborate.

    • What do you hope, more than anything, you can achieve in this lifetime?

    • I feel very nervous/vulnerable/afraid (pick one) when ….

    • A conclusion that tells your audience why you’re here (you can interpret the word "here" in any way you wish).

  • Prepare a 2-3 minute speech wherein you introduce yourself to the class.

  • Make sure you are prepared on the day of your speech.

  • As you prepare your speech, follow the criteria given on on this page (left)

Sign Ups & Speech Policy

  • There will be sign up sheets posted in our Google Classroom

  • Failing to deliver your speech on the date that you have signed up for will always result in a 10% deduction from your grade for that speech.

  • For this speech you are allowed ONE index card with only bulleted information. Do not write your entire speech.

Introductory Speech Rubric