Choppy Sentences

How to Fix Choppy Sentences:

    • Add some "and's," "or's" and "but's."In other words, push some of the sentences together and make compound sentences linked by conjunctions.

    • Use subordinating conjunctions, like "When . . .," "Since . . .," "Although . . .," and "Even if . .

"Revised Choppy Paragraph:

Everyone was terrified as we arrived at the hospital. Our fears were assuaged when the doctor entered the room and told us that everything was going to be fine,but our mother's recovery was going to take long time.

    • Transition from one sentence to another by incorporating, or alluding to, information from the previous sentence.

Instead of:

"The introduction of Boo Radley adds an elements of mystery to the story. It provides the reader with unanswered questions."

Try something like:

"The introduction of Boo Radley adds an elements of mystery to the story. Since the first time we hear of Boo comes in the form of horrifying, and conflicting rumors, readers are left with more questions than answers."

Sample Choppy Paragraph:

"We arrived at the hospital. Everyone was terrified. The doctor entered the room. He told us that everything was going to be fine. Our mother's recovery was going to take long time."

Filling a story or essay with too many short (choppy) sentences is boring. It also makes for an unpleasant reading experience.

Weave your sentences together. Let one thought connect to the next.

Fixing Choppy Sentences