Tu Quoque

The Tu Quoque Fallacy (a form of Ad Hominem), also known as the "appeal to hypocrisy," occurs when someone attempts to dismiss or discredit an opponent's argument by pointing out their opponent's own hypocrisy or past behavior, rather than addressing the argument itself. In essence, this fallacy is a diversionary tactic that shifts the focus from the issue at hand to the perceived hypocrisy or inconsistency of the person making the argument. It doesn't address the merits of the argument and is used to evade responsibility or counter-criticism.

Problems presented by Tu Quoque and Examples

It's important to recognize the tu quoque fallacy in debates and discussions because it sidetracks the conversation and avoids addressing the actual arguments and evidence presented. When encountering this fallacy, it's more productive to stick to the topic and address the merits of the argument rather than engaging in personal attacks or deflections.