Poetry Collection (Final Draft)

Your Collection of Poetry

This is the “final draft” of your poetry project. However, I prefer you think of it as your collection of poems. During your first draft, you experimented with some traditional forms of poetry. For your final collection, do what you want. If you feel some of those poems represent your best work, include them. If not, leave them out.

This is YOUR collection of poems. Use poetry that you feel best represents your voice.

The only rules...

  • Your collection must include at least 20 poems.

  • Each poem must have a title

  • Put some thought into the aesthetics of your collection (how it will look). Don’t over do it, but treat this like a self-published book of poetry. Neatness counts.

  • Must have a cover page with the title of your collection and your name. Some form of artwork would be great too.

Bring a printed copy to class on the due date and submit your collection to our Google Classroom.