Circles of Reasoning

If you're having trouble understanding line of reasoning, try this.

Think of your claim as a rock that you are throwing into water. This can be your thesis or a supporting claim.

The ensuing ripples are your "circles of reasoning".

The first ring is who or what is immediately affected.

The next ripple is the next person, place or thing that is affected.

Continue expanding until you fin the largest group that will be affected.

For example

Rock (Thesis)

The removal of controversial books from public school curriculums is detrimental to students and our nation as a whole.

Ring One (students)

Removing controversial books deprives students of opportunities to engage with diverse ideas. This will have a detrimental effect on students' ability to think critically.  Controversial books often address uncomfortable truths about history and society. Restricting access to difficult topics will have a negative effect on our students' ability to empathize and to develop a comprehensive understanding of complex issues.

Ring Two (school)

Lack of empathy and ignorance regarding the historical struggles of diverse groups can be perilous for a school community as it fosters an environment that fails to recognize and respect the experiences of others. Without empathy, students may struggle to connect with their peers, leading to a lack of understanding and tolerance. Moreover, a lack of historical knowledge can perpetuate stereotypes and contribute to the marginalization of certain groups. This ignorance may result in discriminatory behaviors, bullying, or the perpetuation of biased beliefs, hindering the overall inclusivity and well-being of the school community. A comprehensive understanding of historical struggles is essential for fostering empathy, promoting diversity, and creating an inclusive learning environment.

Ring Three (society)

A society inhabited by and run by citizens with an inability to understand complex issues is a society that is doomed to fail.  Removing certain books sets a precedent that stifles the free exchange of ideas, a cornerstone of democracy. A society that restricts exposure to differing views risks becoming divisive and closed-minded.

When a society restricts exposure to differing views, it creates an environment where individuals may become entrenched in their own beliefs without understanding or appreciating alternative perspectives.  Exposure to diverse views fosters tolerance and understanding. Restricting this exposure can result in a society where people are less accepting of differences, whether they be related to culture, religion, ideology, or other aspects. This lack of tolerance may contribute to discrimination, prejudice, and social divisions. Ultimately all of these elements a recipe for disaster and the downfall of out country.