Walk Around

For this assignment we were told to simply walk around and take pictures on whatever, there were no real guidelines he just wanted us to get a feel for the cameras. Since I wasn't here the day they did it I just took some photos around the school. My contact sheet came out pretty good for my first ever darkroom print, even though it was a little to gray. For the pictures, i tried to get an interesting view or subjects others might not like, for example, the sports hoses or the icebox. I wasn't to keen on any of my prints, however, I did like the simplicity of the hoses and how there is leading lines present. The image above didn't turn out perfect mostly because the negatives where grayish, to begin with, making the print its self mainly gray. I think if we're to improve or redo this project I would try and work with some filters to add more contrast. Since this was my first print I was sure if the image would get flipped and the words would be backward but lucky that doesn't happen. Unlike the other people in the class I got the print right first time around leaving time to make some other prints and plan for the next project.