Advanced Art Studio 2019-2020




Semester 1 reflection:

Over the semester I have been working on a variety of things to better my work. I played around with the perspective on pieces like “bathing in my depression” and “dependent”. I still need to continue this focus as frontal views are always my go-to. Changing perspectives has proved too also be a struggle for me, as the subject looks wonky to me when the viewers might disagree. As well as the perspective I have tried to incorporate materials related to my sustained investigation. Since I have been focusing on my 2D AP art portfolio Adding relative materials is challenging. In “For Now We Have Each Other” I used wallpaper as the background because elderly homes are normally covered in wallpaper. The use of a newspaper was in another, as it was an article on retirement and the elderly love the newspaper. I have been playing with different techniques that I had previously did not think to do. Such as mixing my media like watercolor with colored pencils. For next semester I have a few small goals; continue with perspectives, trying some more realistic characters, and adding more detail. I would like to continue my realistic drawing skills and branch off of my normal cartoon style. I also would like to make my pieces more complicated which can be done by adding more fine details.