Time Capsules

these sketches are for our time capsule drawings. we were instructed to draw a self portrait, a corner of a room, an object of our choice and holding an object in our hand. i only used a pencil on them except for the self portrait i also used a tortillion to capture some of the facial texture and movement. for the object i drew amy jounral and i picked my little iPod shuffle that holds all my jams for the handing holding one. i had lots of trouble with this one because i couldn't get the hand right and when i finally did get it good enough to move on i couldn't get the earbuds to look how i wanted them to. on the normal object i picked my journal i use to remember homework in. i am not satisfied with that one only because the object was a little too simple for me, if i was to do this again i would pick a more interesting object. for the corner of the room i picked a corner of my living room. i picked that corner because all the other corners i that room have fish tanks in them. the self portrait took me the longest because i kept finding things i wanted to revise. i ended up using a lot of set focus on these sheets as well as texture to capture all the small details.

i used a lot of soft hairy lines to add more movement and demension to the drawings. the project elves as i kept adding more and more to the self portrait, it ended up with more details then expected. the corner of the room, i had to keep changing to make all the lines add up.

there was a lot of texture, soft lighting, space in the background, and their really wasn't much emphasis as the drawings were daily neutral.

this project relates to me because all the drawings are from something in my life that i see or use frequently.i think this all could be stronger. the line work, the shading, the background . . . etc. probably color as well but that wasn't part of the project.