#3 Smiley Sydney

Made with paint sticks on a large piece of thick paper. I not sure of the exact size but her head is much bigger than mine, so it's not a small piece... I'd never used paint stick before but I did enjoy them as you worked fast and with your hands, however its a pain to wash the stuff off your hands after especially the blue one. The painting (?) is of an old lady having her mouth pulled open/apart with little creatures in her un-toothed mouth and writing in the background that says either "I don't want to smile" or "I must smile". My inspiration for this piece is when I see the elderly from afar they always look sad or depressed but once you approach them they smile. Rolling off the idea of elderly depression which is very common considering family doesn't visit them as often and most of their friends and loved ones are dead, I made the piece showing the woman being forced to smile to keep up with appearances even though she's truly sad.