Leading Lines

Leading lines, For this project we were assigned to take photos of leading lines, natural lines that draw attention to the subject or guide your eyes throughout the photo. This film role or project was the first one I did with my new camera, so sadly all my photos came out really bright/white because the aperture was set wrong. The photo above is one of the only ones that came out clear enough and had interserting composition. The image is of the ruler draw in the art room where the leading lines are present guiding your eyes into the dark back of the draw. Even though the picture is really bright I like how this one came out because the light adds to the focus points with the bright blurry front and dark clear back. If I were to print this photo again I might try adding a flitter to add to the contrast. I do however like is some ways how the contrast makes the rulers look wooden and old instead of there normal new metal look they actually have.