
Sustained Investigation #5

Perspective was the goal of this piece, something that wasn't a frontal view portrait. It is made with watercolor and pen on bristol paper. I found a reference photo of a male figure posing like this and added the scrubs and other details. I wanted the color palette to be muted, as most hospitals have a dull color variety. The problem with this was that all the colors blended as you can see with the wall and his skin tone. When I tried to darken the green it became too bright and since I was using bristol the brush strokes did not blend out as nicely as hoped for. I liked playing with perspective, however, I think he looks funny from this angle. If I were to do this again I think I would zoom in more on the face and stick with the concept but make the image more realistic. The idea behind this piece is how once you hit a certain age you become dependent on someone and for most its a nurse /CNA.