Macro leaves

The point of this assignment was to learn more about macro which is to basically enlarge an image. So we started out by going outside to collect one or two objects from nature. I choose a dead rotting acorn and some lichen ( a type of tree moss). I choose theses because I was looking for something with a lot of lines and details so my image wouldn't be boring. And it wasn't drawing it, as it was hard to follow the lines and not lose your place, you had to stay very concentrated. Because I stayed really concentrated I whipped right through the piece finishing it at the end of the first class. I had two more classes that I had nothing to do in so I started a series as suggested by my teacher. The first picture to the right is the one of the acorns and the lichen, and the other two I drew free handed with no real references. the middle and far left one is supposed to look like a girl if you look closely. the middle picture is her torso and head which leads of to the far right photo as her hair. The left photo is of her legs and feet which go and connect to her body in the middle picture. when I first started drawing the other two pictures I was going to make it realistic like but then I decided that wouldn't work so I made her whole layout just like the texture the lichen had. I used a pen and watercolors when making them. I tried to stick to natural colors but my green got a little bright going through.