Art History

i made this sculpture for our midterm. we were told to create a piece of work inspired by one of the artists we had learned about. i knew that i wanted to do a sculpture so I could improve that part of my skills. most people in my class choose to do either a drawing or painting. when i first started i had trouble with the arm, it kept falling off. this was a problem because for me to attach it i would have to smoosh them together in a was that would mix and smear the colors together. also the head kept leaning back, so the sculpture kinda wanted to go for that possessed look, it ended up getting a back brace inside itself. once it was cooked i brought it back to school for the midterm deadline. since i had more time that i had intended and i added all the sharpie lines and paint to help highlight it's curves and facial features. i did this piece inspired by Henri Matisse. i tried to use his bright colors and line work in my piece.