#5 Trachea Tracey

Trachea Tracey is made up of a buoy, embroidery thread and lots of super glue. This sculpture is of an older woman wearing a sweater, missing parts of her throat so her trachea, neck muscles, and voice box are showing. I purposely made it so she was frowning as most of the older people I make are sad. I find that when you make big tilted eyes like she has you get the sad innocent affect you might not get with normal eyes. I tried to use different colors for her to add more texture and contrast but because of the lack of colors, I wasn't able to perfectly match my ideal color wheel.

I struggled a lot with this piece on multiple levels. The first problem was finding foam since I had none at home and school didn't either I was desperate for something soi could start working. I ended up using a buoy, which turned out to be harder/denser than originally thought. This messed with my plans of sticking the thread into the foam soi just glued them down. Another major issue was timing, as we didn't have as much time with this project than we did with previous projects. Since the gluing took longer than excepted and with the stress of school ending I had little time to work on the piece. the last issue was the shape, I hate the shape the buoy is, I don't like how it looks and it doesn't make sense with the subject. I left it white and in the same shape for now because I'm not sure what I could do it.