Candy Still Life

I used charcoal, black India ink, and an easier to create this piece. we started with three pieces of candy, then we placed them out on a piece of paper to help for when we enlarge the picture. I picked a Hershey kiss, a KitKat, and a Lindor chocolate. I opened the KitKat and broke a piece off. (found behind the KitKat wrapper.) I opened and splayed out the tin rapper on the kiss, and placed the chocolate ball so it was just barely overlapping the KitKat. I really liked doing this project because my favorite media is charcoal as well as India ink. I was so excited when I found out we were doing both. I had some troubles with the proportion part. I couldn't figure out how to make it all line up and overlap correctly. i ]f I could to change something in this piece I would start over and spend some mortise on finding the promotion and placing it all properly. I opened and placed the candy like this to re[resnt someone opening their candy, trying to decide which one will be consumed first.