Whatchama draw

A table with arms instead on legs


The prompt was "A table with arms instead of legs", I made it with pen and colored pencils. I was sure how I was going to make the arms look proportional and work but with the help of my eraser, I was able to get them to look decent. I didn't want the hands/arms to be doing nothing, because if my table had arms I would be freaked out. I wanted to go with a creepy vibe, so you felt that they were in one of those haunted houses up on the hill. The kids were supposed to look like they knew what was happening was bad but they were used to it. Like it had been a week since the parents disappeared and the table had been running the show. I didn't want to varnish the colored pencils because I saw the image with a more washed pastel look and I didn't want to make the colors to strong. In hindsight, I would have done watercolor. I struggled the most with the chair and the arms because both were hard to line up to make it look like a natural fit. My favorite part is the little girl and her hair as the table is uncomfortable playing with it.