Find Your Voice

To find your voice project we had to find an opinion that was relevant to society or political that we felt strongly about. choose gun control or gun rights. the idea of the piece that the government or people are trying to tighten rules on guns. They is an argument going around that the government should take away our AR's or other assault rifles. I did this out of silkscreen and in the extended version I added pen and colored pencils. the print is supposed to represent two hands that are stretching the AR which comes out as The Don't Tread on Me snake on the other sides of the hands. I choose to do this prompt because my family loves shooting and I am very passionate about being able to own my own guns someday. I had a lot of troubles with this project, as I tried silk screen for the first time. I like the material but it takes awhile to set up which is no fun and it is a very cautious process. the first one I tried to execute I had words in my lines so when I put the screen filler over the dried drawing fluid and washed the fluid out, the words and image didn't come out clear. after the first try, i came up with a new idea that didn't involve words. I skipped the drawing fluid part and just paint on the screen filler, making my picture come out in reversed colors. I started printing and it was working great, my print was perfect. I was just about done cleaning after I made a few prints when my school had to evacuate. because of the evacuation, I had to leave my ink covered silkscreen in the sink, causing it to dry and get ruined. luckily I got a few prints in, but this was a very complicated project that had a lot of challenges to overcome.