Hand Composition and Pure Contour

For this project, we had to make a picture of our choice that had two hands as the main focus and pure contour somewhere in the drawing. Many people in the class choose to do the hands in pure contour, but I decided I wanted the girl in the back to be like that instead. I used a sharpie and some pens for all the lines, some acrylic paint for the blue background, ink for whitening the hair some more and for coloring the hands, and it was done on illustration paper. the image is of a girl purging with one hand and the other hand holding her hair back. I choose to make that the subject because I know a lot of people that purge and few friends and family members that purge or have similar eating disorders. Also, I was thinking how purging has become a more common behavior, as now it's sort of a popular trend that girls do because they wanna be skinny or look "pretty". I choose to make the hands green and purple and yellow so it would somewhat represent vomit. If I was to do this again I would have painted the hair like a light purple or some other color. Maybe work some more on the lines and their width to give more depth to my picture. My favorite part of this picture is where the blue background meets the border because there is a crisp paint line that feels cool.