Time Capsules

The goal of this assignment was to create four drawings that we could look back onto at the end of the year to see our improvement. They had to consist of a cropped self-portrait, hallway, your hand in an interesting gesture, and an object you depend on regularly.

It was all drawn with pencil except the little corners I added to help divide the pictures. For drawing #1 I tried to make a funny face so it wasn't as boring to draw, and I cropped the drawing like that so I could get a little of everything on my face. Drawing #2, my hand, I choose to pose my hand with my double jointed thumb pointing out and then bent sharply in at the top. I did this because it was hard to hold so I figured it would be hard to draw. Also, I was extremely surprised at how well it came out. Image #3, an object I can't live without, my teacup. Now it's not because I love tea (I do though), it's because of the memory of getting the teacup. When I was five or six my Grandma, Mema, and Brother went to the tea place down by my middle school. After a great lunch, my grandma bought me the fancy cup and I've had it since. It's one of my best memories from my childhood. Image #4, a hallway, I choose to do the hallway outside of the art room because I like how it is set up and because I could eavesdrop on my freshmen friends in the class next door.