beautiful oops

This picture focused on a rabbit sitting on top of a small hill of flowers with bugs flying around him. I used india ink of indigo and black. I applied them with a quill and some brushes. I chose to make this picture because when we started with the ink splatter, (the rabbit’s eye and stomach patch) i saw the stomach patch that animals sometimes have, plus the dot up high reminding me of an eye. With the positioning of these splatters, i knew the animal must be sitting upright. As i started with the ink, drawing the vibrant black lines, i smudged a line. Giving it a new texture that reminded me of

the older versions, of the Winnie the Pooh. with the original splatter as well as this

new inspiration i made a winnie the pooh inspired rabbit with similar texture like the old prints in the books.

I had the rule of thirds in there, some movement with the insects, the rabbit was pretty emphasized with the black lines and lots of texture in the sky and ground. In the beginning when i first started i planned to make a creature like Totoro, but that soon evolved into the rabbit.

This picture is suppose to represent my childhood as the rabbit stares at the bugs with a blank confused look. Winnie the pooh was a big part of my childhood, i loved it , so the form of this picture reminds me of that part of my life. On the other hand the rabbit also reminds me of my present self looking back at all these stupidly wonderful things i use to do that forgot even existed.


For the image below i tried my best to highlight the original lines in purple, red and blue, but it's still hard to see.