Sustained Investigation #1

Senior Living


This piece is made with sharpie, newspaper, and oil pastels. The image is depicting an elderly woman sitting with her cat. The newspaper in the background is an article on retirement with key phrases such as, embrace retirement and senior living emphasized. The message is about retirement but, more oriented to the bond between the elderly and their pets. Pets are considered children to many elderly because their human kids aren't around anymore. From personal experience, I have watched my grandparents and their relationship with their dog. My grandparents love their dog so much, feed her all organic food, take her to play dates and other dog events. My parents who have kids in their house don't need to create a deep relationship with their pets because they still have their kids present. Becoming dependant on your animal for love can be depressing especially when they have a shorter lifespan than you. I like the message behind this piece the most but do think it could have been executed better. My least favorite part that could use retouching would be the cat. The cat's head is not realistically portioned and the left eye is deformed. It was very difficult to use the oil pastels on watercolor paper because the oil pastels wouldn't fill in all the little indents.