Stars & Stripes

Our prompt was we could only use red, white, blue, lines and stars. To begin with, I knew I would have trouble coming up with an idea. Everything I could think of had already been done and I'm not a person who likes to draw abstract lines. Once I started I had the idea of the 5 main stars in the middle with the 2 blue and red stripes. After I had drawn that I decided there was still to much white space, I added those triangle lines, again and again, trying to make it as symmetrical as possible. I really like how the white star in the middle draws you to the center and then back out. If I was to do this again I would most definitely measure all the lines out because they were eyeballed in this picture. The idea I had in my head as I was going along was this circus theme you'd see on circus tents or the lion tamers coat. I'm happy with the outcome of this picture not so much the content, but that's just because it's not a preferred style of art for me.